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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Nope. The murder rate would go down. Hunters getting angry that they have to carry more mags is a small price to pay. LOL I love how the people PRETENDING to be outraged, are people who will never hunt. LOLOL
  2. There what is?????? Actually type out your argument. I'll wait. I hit the nail on the head there. LOL
  3. You are here......................NOT arguing. Notice how you keep on asking questions........because you don't know what to argue, you are simply hoping to find something that you can argue over. Why do I already know the exact tax amount of something? Is that really the best you got? The tax is meant to pursuade the majority of people who own alot of guns to consider selling their guns because its costing too much to keep so many. So its a regulatory tax. It would be whatever dollar amount that would give the regulatory tax some teeth.
  4. lol be a better hunter. You're not exactly saying something that is going to outrage millennial and post-millennials.
  5. So he runs away, not once......... But twice. Thank you.
  6. Don't know..........but it would cost money. So, you're basically admitting that you don't have anything left to argue. Thank you.
  7. Where did @Cookester15 say that he NEEDS more than 3 guns to hunt, in his post??????????? Show me. I'll wait.
  8. Noooooooooo, Didn't I already type a post in which I said people with alot of guns can get grandfathered in, they will just get taxed for each gun over the limit???? Yuuuuuuuuuup. Yup, it appears I did cover that already. Guess you seem to have a.) a reading comprehension problem, or b.) a short-term memory.
  9. Exactly. Thank you. Oh ghostey, ghostey boy. the pipes! the pipes are calling for youuuuuu.
  10. And much, much, MUCH more extensive gun control. Thank you for helping me with that. That's actually far more stringent gun control regulation than I have proposed in this thread. THANK YOU!
  11. No, hunters don't need more than 3 guns. Show your proof on that. I'll wait.
  12. If they were both legitimate robberies with no suspicions on your behalf, then your license would not be placed on any suspension, and you would still be eligible to buy a gun? Why are you asking me this, when you could have reasonably deduced it from everything I had typed up to this point? I specifically said ATF would interview you to investigate it, and if they found credible suspicion that you are selling or giving away the gun illegally, ONLY THEN would they put a hold on your eligibility to get another gun. Notice how NONE of your questions aren't rem
  13. No, we just called out you attempting to make a n obvious racist remark. And we still kept on trying to talk about gun control. In fact, the ONLY person here who is actively avoiding talking about gun control, in any detail.....................is you.
  14. I was playing RDR2 last night, and came across an NPC scripted event of a Klan burning. And one of the people who died, I found a letter on his body, and it talked about Eugenics. And that person was saying the SAME EXACT SHIT as Dynocrap was saying. SAME ANALOGIES and everything. I even recorded it.
  15. Which is a term used by right-wingers to only describe hispanics. This isn't a short-slang that you invented.........it was already associated with hispanics from the Fox news right-wing crowd. I want cooke to see you take glee from this..........because it actually proves my point that you "think" you're getting away with it.
  16. Not only is he trying to mimic me.....but you can tell that he's actually getting madder. Even he knows it, so that's why he put that smiley there at the end to try and play it cool. lol
  17. And now you are trying to mimic me. Guess you're done arguing. Even faster this time around.
  18. You specifically said a right-wing term that is meant to describe immigrant hispanics. You don't have to wait, I already explained it to Cooke in those posts you already read. Nice try, trying to change the subject. Didn't work.
  19. That's a game, for one E3 show. This is Microsoft flushing the lemmings down the toilet and telling them "we don't really want to serve you anymore". Third-party.
  20. So...............Dynocrap has mysteriously disappeared? (again) Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. They're going to have an Xbox Conference.........and spend it announcing Xbox games coming over to other platforms????????????? They can't possibly insult the lemmings THAT BAD, right? Like, it would be worse than anything we've done to the lemmings on this forum. That's how bad that would look.
  21. No, you were melting down, and so you wanted to bring up illegal immigrant, and specifically hispanics. "how they gonna meet"????? The same way they meet now. Do you think ATF agents are just driving around in patrol cars during the day. LOLOL Just driving all over the country, stop at a corner and pull out their binoculars to look for guns? LOL I love how the only way to can argue with me............is by pretending to play dumb.
  22. Where did I say that I did "not have an issue" with immigration? Point it out. I'll wait.
  23. So the single player campaign is like an old school JRPG, except when you enter a battle, its a Smash Bros match? Well, that's probably better than the Subspace Emissary from Brawl.
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