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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Not based on my posts. Little too late to try and mimic me. LOL Take a chill pill, my man.
  2. I'm not the one who melted down............and then brought up something from several months ago, crying. LOL Didn't think that one through, did you.
  3. Actually you've now said it, and as many times as I have. Guess it wasn't that big of a deal, if you can bring it up.
  4. He's not calling them an illegal immigrant. He specifically just said the word "illegal" which is a shortened term that is specifically said by white right-wingers, and they specifically use it when describing hispanics. They wouldn't say that about someone who migrated from an African country. You either genuinely don't know this, or you're pretending you don't. You sure do seem to put more effort in not believing it.
  5. No. In America............and I do need to emphasize this.....in America people say the word "Illegal" to mean illegal immigrant. And they almost exclusively use it to mean hispanics. This isn't up for debate. If you were American, you would know this perfectly well. I bet you already do know this, but are pretending to play naive here.
  6. Except you do know that he means hispanic immigrant, and he brought it up because he was responding to me. And you know that he has done this before. So.........its a matter if you want to acknowledge what is obvious.......or hide behind technicalities and semantics. Hey if you want to hide behind it on a technicality......just say so.
  7. He ran away, completely. LOLOLOLOLOL I love that I made him meltdown............and he knows it.
  8. If the laws result in less people dying.............then the laws work. If the laws cause those "good law-abiding citizens" to suddenly start selling their guns to criminals, and lying to federal authorities..........then I guess they weren't "good law abiding citizens" to begin with. Once they burn themselves and their gun registry, they're done. One less person that can buy guns.
  9. Well, they can't do their job because they aren't given laws to enforce. Law enforcement cannot enforce laws..........if there aren't laws for them to enforce. I'm wondering how much more I'm going to have to dumb this down for you. LOL
  10. Then I guess the law sure did scare that illegal gun buyer into avoiding to use his illegally-purchased gun. Thank you for admitting that the gun would not be used.............and someone did not get shot with that gun.
  11. The agency that ALREADY handles the illegal gun market...............would, indeed, be handling the illegal gun market. Yes.
  12. Looks like you are making racist statements again. Good thing you aren't getting angry. LOL @Cookester15@Remij_@Teh_Laundromat
  13. Hmmmmmmmmmm.........I think I remember making fun of you for trying this debate tactic
  14. Investigate you ask questions. If you end lying to them during a federal interview, that's perjury. You don't cooperate, they can recommend to suspend your gun license. I love how your "good citizen" is turning into an extreme right-wing radical. LOL
  15. LOL he got so mad that he's now running to call people political names. I love that I'm going to get him even madder, because he knows he already lost this.
  16. Yup, they already do handle that. How many black market gun rings do you expect there to be? I love how you guys really don't know anything. LOL
  17. And how many people do you expect to potentially try and commit this type of federal crime? Especially considering that they were "good" citizens to begin with that had clean records to begin with in order to obtain their guns in the first place? LOL I'd say that a person could own two hand-guns, and one two-handed firearm. And, if you want we can add MORE LAWS. We can grandfather existing gunowners that have alot of guns..............we'll just tax the hell out of them for each one over the limit, each time they have to renew their gun license.
  18. I like how he pretended that I didn't already talk about the FBI. Which is funny because it was mentioned in the same line in which I mentioned 5,000 ATF agents. LOL they're scrambling. You can tell they're getting madder.
  19. Because it prices guns out of the range of those low-level thugs who would commit crimes. You WANT that to happen. And with the ATF/FBI following black market rings and busting them, they become even more rare and higher priced.
  20. Because.............you'd have a record of doing that. Like a gun registry. Did.........................you really think you were asking a clever question? "Oh we see that you've lost two guns before, and they were confiscated in two different crimes, we'll be referring this to the ATF to have agents come visit you, and you license will suspended for 5 years."
  21. No, I said that they are used to crack down on the black market for guns. A black market that will grow if heavy gun control laws are passed restricting gun sales, private gun sales, and increasing the price of ammo. I love how you keep trying to move the subject, and it never works. LOL
  22. If they lose one. They report it stolen. That would mean that they are allowed to buy another one. Why would hunting not exist????????? Explain that to me, since we are already talking about good citizens still having the right to buy guns?
  23. he's now abandoning his argument. That was quick.
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