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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Shit I need to do that before they patch it. I even stumbled across that burnt town near the camp.
  2. @DynamiteCop! just got ass-blasted. Another Dynocrap prediction, that he made earlier regarding sales through September:
  3. Their butthurt is coming out. Let it out. Let it all out!!!
  4. I love how he thinks that he can say this last year was "just 10 months" like as if the console launch didn't have months and months of pre-orders and massive hype. Switch is replicating those sales WITHOUT those benefits during the 2nd year............and Dynocrap expects us to think its performing bad. LOL
  5. Switch had the biggest first year of sales for any gaming console, ever, in the entire history of the industry. Switching matching those sales again = Sign of DOOM, according to Dynocrap. LOL
  6. LOL, The Switch may very well be catching up to PS4 hardware sales in Japan by the middle of next year. Capcom will want a Monster Hunter with high sales in Japan. They will make Switch integral to the development of the real Monster Hunter 5.
  7. Yeah, that's what I was thinking about. During the last three months of 2017, the Switch hit some NOS button that almost nobody knew just how crazy it would sell towards the end of the year. And it had very strong sales spilling into January/February. There's a fucking Pokemon game coming out soon. And then its Smash Bros. And no matter what people think about New Super Mario Bros. games, and especially this one being a port, NSMB games move units.
  8. Its the UPPER end of his guesstimate. And then the question becomes...............where the hell would he explain the other 10 million Xbox Ones sold throughout the rest of the world? He's going to try and say its hidden somewhere throughout the EU and Latin America. I don't think MS has sold much more than 35-36 million.
  9. Screenshot this. Will post this when the PC version comes out and lemmings post about this. cheese! [click]
  10. Wasn't there some analyst reports in which they could tell by tracking components shipments, that the Xbox One production has stalled to about 39 million units in sales. So, from a year ago, when it was around 36 million, it hasn't even gotten to 40 million yet.
  11. LOL its going to be a long 2 years................as the PS4 continues getting exclusives? Its been a long 10 months for Xbox One X owners, and its going to be another long 10 months until a new Forza. Oh wait............lemmings aren't even getting a new Forza next year, they're literally enhancing the Forza game from 2017. LOL And you think PS4 owners are in for a rough end-of-the-gen?
  12. They can regulate it will laws. They can limit it, piece by piece. And for that, they just need a simple majority in the House, and 51 seats in the Senate, and a Democratic President who wants to win their re-election. Abortion is legal in America, and look how much Republicans have whittled it down.
  13. Don't really care if people complain. That's a small price to pay for dead people.......I think the family of dead people complain a little harder. lol And ultimately, right-wingers BETTER compromise........while compromise is on the table. People need to understand, none of us ever grew up with school shootings. The post-millennial generation is the first generation of kids who grew up being taught what to do with school shootings. The 1st graders from Newtown, who survived back in 2012., they are 5 years away from being allowed to vote. Those k
  14. LOL the lemmings are trying to make new threads because their old ones are dying..........alot like the xbox platform.
  15. yes you can. impose a tax levy on people owning more than X amount of guns, and it completely stops them from owning any more guns unless they trade-in a gun. that can pass over to ammo purchases. buy-back programs. automatic gun programs if you are ever charged with a violent crime (like domestic violence). and more importantly, you can probably outlaw certain guns being manufactured, so that it creates a high aftermarket, and therefore a lucrative blackmarket that the ATF can then crackdown on. And then slowly move the restrictions onto other weapons. The
  16. 3rd party.......alllllllllllllllllll aboooooooard
  17. what are you talking about? all guns can easily be controlled. guns are made by limited amount of manufacturers, and could be controlled from that point. that's why i specifically said that Switzerland has a higher rate of adults with guns.. The US number is inflated by gun owners who own many guns.. Last time I checked, gun owners only have two hands.
  18. ...........and? Was there supposed to be a second half to your post?
  19. Switzerland has the third largest amount of guns behind the US and Yemen.........think about that for a second. Think about how small Switzerland is. But more importantly, it probably has a higher rate of gun owners. The US number is inflated, because a single gun owner can have multiple guns. But switzerland has a higher percentage of gun owners, overall. And that is due to their "armed neutrality" laws. Adults who are "fit" are required to be issued a rifle, and are required to attend training every year. Basically their form of mandatory military service.
  20. Yes you have. Especially with the OK sign in previous threads. Look at your post, with even more detail.........look how you take the comparisons and start veering off. You're now talking about a hammer and sickle sign? Tell me where you got that from the liberals? And what are you doing now........you're now trying the "I'm actually SUPER for equal rights. I'm the most EQUAL-RIGHTS GUY you'll ever meet" routine. You are MORE COMPELLED..........on what you currently hate. You don't have principles, you have anti-principles. And that's a sure sign
  21. You can do that without resorting to petty rhetoric. Let's be quite clear: you are clearly insinuating that this racist right-wing stuff isn't true. Have you provided any evidence to support your claim? No. Instead you seem to spend more time and effort trying to laugh it off, then you have trying to promote a sensible argument. That's a sign that you are engaging in tribalism.
  22. No. Seeing you come in here and try to get me on "zingers".......immediately calling back previous explainations of alt-right signals (the hand sign), and seeing your rhetoric become sharper and sharper, like as if you are getting madder..........THATS what makes you look like you are immersed in tribalism. You really want to "get" the "other side." Its palpable.
  23. Have those black people explained whether or not those Republicans have policies or promote things that do affect black people? If they can't give you a straight answer, then they are purposely choosing to ignore those issues. That is what discredits them. Same would apply to you. The problem with your statement is.............liberals aren't STOPPING you from being that type of person.......but they WILL HIGHLIGHT the ridiculousness of it. Dude...........you are COMPLETELY immersed in tribalism, especially with that last statement of yours.
  24. you can literally hear the whoosh. I love how you are picking up your talking points from the alt-right, wholesale. Its amazing, because people call me plenty of things, many times over........and I never become those things. Guess I'm not that weak.
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