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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Even I've been telling him to calm down and take a chill pill. But he's not listening.
  2. No, when asked for his CONCLUSION, at the end of the video, he said PS4pro version is "just behind" That's the final word. It is what it is. Its at the end of the video. That's the fact.
  3. Doesn't seem like you are actually quoting the guy from Digital Foundry. I am. He's asked to recap at the very end of the video. He CHOOSES to say that the PS4pro is "just behind" If you don't like it, take it up with them. But that is their final statement on that matter. Deal with it.
  4. Nope. They literally conclude "just behind" in their recap of their comparison video. I'm literally quoting DF. Don't like it, take it up with them.
  5. The Official RDR2 Companion app is on the iOS store right now. The Google Store version should pop up here soon.
  6. Yup slightly, DF said so themselves. PS4pro version is "just behind" at the final wrap up of their comparison video. Wow. You need to take a chill pill, my man. lol
  7. That's perfectly fine, its only slightly better. Whereas exclusive content is exclusively better. And exclusive games will be permenantly better. And I got the console 14 months earlier. And it cost $100 less. lol
  8. And yet those are still true, and there's nothing you can do about that. take a chill pill, my man. lol
  9. And exclusive content for Red Dead Online and more exclusive items besides those already mentioned. Y'know, if it wasn't worth much......you wouldn't be getting that hanged up over it. LOL
  10. No, Dynocrap said that all people talked about was the sales, and then I brought up the exclusives and how the game on PS4 comes with exclusive stuff. You don't anything about the exclusive content. But if you do get around to experiencing the exclusive content, then you can comment on it when you know what you are talking about. Until then......the PS4 does have more exclusive content.
  11. Pretty sure exclusive content and exclusive online are quite true.
  12. The part where its not said by the developer, but only speculated by Digital Foundry..........and they have been proven completely wrong in this same exact scenario before with another open-world game (Far Cry 5). Same exact way. Digital Foundry was adamant that it was Full 4K locked, at all times in FC5. No Dynamic Sampling at all, they said. And they were wrong. And the reason why was because they take random samples to pixel count, and are not pixel counting at all times.
  13. lol he's getting even more madder, and I'm not even doing anything. I like how he really wants to avoid me, at all costs. Melting down, and all I have to do is just post simple observations. Why wouldn't I continue? LOL
  14. LOL, exclusive content and exclusive online period is nothing, apparently. You can tell they got mad by how much they freak out over these simple facts.
  15. Nah, PS4 has exclusives, as well. And its got exclusive content for the biggest game release of the generation, and exclusivity period for the online of the biggest game release of the generation.
  16. Depends on when Digital Foundry paused the game to do a pixel count. They said that they played Far Cry 5 extensively and would do pixel count samples in many different scenarios, and they said that the game remained a hard 4K resolution. Until later on, it was discovered that it does dynamically scale in certain instances. The developer isn't divulging any of their development details to DF, so its all based on what they gather in their testing.
  17. Poor guy really doesn't know to act like a winner. I'm even sitting here saying that he's won..............and he actually gets madder?????
  18. Even in the most generous scenarios, lemmings have told us that the X1X renders 80% more resolution in game comparisons. Which games were that? Assassin's Creed Odyssey? This is why the Digital Foundry claim of RDR2 being full 4K at all times is really dubious, because that would imply that its rendering 100% more, double the pixels, of the PS4pro version? That doesn't really make sense. What it means is that the game has the ability to dynamically scale, and when it does, it automatically cuts it from 3840 horizontal pixels to half, 1920 pixels. And Digital
  19. oh wow, he didn't even read the whole sentence to see that I was talking about him winning. It is true, women who were victims of sexual assault don't stare at men in the face when conversing.
  20. I bet lemmings will. I remember posts from late December last year in which lemmings made threads talking about how much they enjoyed looking at their Xbox One X from multiple angles. Which is odd, because they can only really do that if the thing is not plugged in.
  21. I mean, its the MOST OBVIOUS thing alt-leftists would do. Maybe, just maybe Alt-Leftists all decided to wear white shirts, and magically turn their skin pale white, and give themselves crew-cuts, and THEY were the ones who marched out in Charlottesville with Tiki torches. Just to try and make the conservatives look bad. I knew that looked like a black woman from the inner city. Nice try, libs! Not falling for it.
  22. What if it does dynamically shoot up to full 4k in certain situations? Like, say, looking at the sky? It does have a 2160 horizontal resolution.
  23. He really can't do it. LOL I'm sitting here literally typing "something good happened to the Xbox. Its a good thing. Good!!" And he doesn't know what to do with himself. Like a woman who's been raped before. Can't even go in for a handshake.
  24. They sent DeNiro a SECOND bomb mailing to a restaurant that he owns. So..........just to update, these Alt-Leftists are doing a false flag operation, and they want to do this false flag operation so THOROUGHLY that they sent multiple bombs to Robert DeNiro. You'd imagine, that if you were running a false flag operation, than only one fake-bomb would be necessary.
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