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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I like how they actually have to invent terms that do not exist in order to promote their false equivalency. "Alt-left" LOL And I love how their argument is "its your fault for all of those racists, horrible, and violent people are acting the way they are." Do you think a real man would say something like that?
  2. "Migrant caravan is being sponsored by Democrats!!!!" "Democrat conspiracy to have these women make up lies about Kavanaugh!!!" "Hillary Clinton had Seth Rich killed because he was going to leak her emails!!!" "George Soros is funding ANTIFA and creating riots!!!" "Oh, what's that? Whole bunch of pipe bombs mailed to major news outlets and Democratic political figures that Trump constantly mentions as being the enemy? Oh that's probably a false-flag operation.........we shouldn't be making wild accusations and brewing
  3. Dude, you're running on a pre-2016 election mentality. "Oh, its just shit talk, nobody takes it seriously." [Majority of America sits on the sideline and does nothing] He galvanized people to come out, and that election victory galvanized them more and more. What is happening now in late 2018 is the result of right-wingers getting more and more brave and aggressive.
  4. Wait a minute, Dynocrap STILL hasn't shown his face in this thread? So, its like the third NPD thread in which he has avoided it because the Xbox failed that bad????
  5. Believe it or not, Aza, but the average American doesn't like the idea of people dropping of bombs all over America. So.............if a political party made a point of saying that they want to make a real effort to crackdown on the people behind this, then its a pretty fair political message. We've devoted more attention to far less things.
  6. Its time for the Democrats to rip a page straight out of the Republican playbook. Its time for them to talk about terrorism and security. And its time to call out extreme domestic terrorism and say that they are the ones that are going to hunt it down, and that terrorist have grown in America because of Republicans. Perfect issue to bring up while early voting is going on.
  7. Who was STUPID ENOUGH to actually think that more people were buying the $500 version of the Xbox than the $250 version? And why would that happen, out of nowhere..............10 months after the Xbox One X came out? If that were to happen, it would almost certainly happen during the X's launch month. I mean, someone can't POSSIBLY be stupid enough to believe that fact at face value.........much less go around and try to POST it to tell others. Right?
  8. I thought Dynocrap said that Spiderman's launch was going to be an abysmal sales failure for such a popular comic-book property. ...............................no where's Dynocrap?????????????????? And, a multiplat Tomb Raider that wasn't that big of a hit was a BIGGER SELLER than Forza Horizon 4? Things are not looking good for Microsoft first-party.
  9. Wow, Xbox One S sales must have absolutely TANKED
  10. Wolfenstein II for the Switch might have gotten a change in resolution. But it seems like somebody on these forums will NEVER get a resolution............................from their massive butt-warp
  11. Guess he's one weird puppet-master who directs his puppets to ass-rape him.
  12. its so hilarious watching him get madder and madder because he got butt-dribbled.More like double-dribbled. lol
  13. double-posting again, he's so mad. and we're all here watching the zoo-animal make noises. lol its like a nature event, watching him get butt-griddled
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