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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. its so hilarious watching him get madder and madder because he got butt-dribbled.More like double-dribbled. lol
  2. double-posting again, he's so mad. and we're all here watching the zoo-animal make noises. lol its like a nature event, watching him get butt-griddled
  3. he's getting more butt-razzled by the minute.
  4. You could probably get a 5XL underwear and use that as a car cover for a Fiat Mini Cooper or SmartCar.
  5. The guy has already written a 600-page fan-fic biography of me throughout the forums these past few years. Basement probably looks like this: he's getting madder that he's double-posting now. Watch out!
  6. he just ran away. and now....he's obsessed with talking about me.
  7. Strawmen, or I guess Straw-women, isn't going to work with me. Nice trying attempting it with you "telling men to shut up because of their genitals" It really does mean that you are not viewing this issue with any maturity whatsoever. If that is your thinking, you simply aren't credible on this subject.
  8. Do you honestly think that is going to help you avoid the analogy given in that post? That you just attempted to use a token woman to affirm your views? I like how, in your mind, your best strategy is to try and "out-SJW" me. It really ruins your credibility (and maturity) on these subjects.
  9. Xbox One version is 810p. LOL Guess we don't need to bring up the fact that you have no games to play......only the fact that you bought a last-gen console for $500, and had to buy another one to get better resolutions.
  10. He'll shoot over 40% of his 3-pointers. He opted for a surgery late last season where I think they cleanly broke his ankle, and allows him to regain his movement. His last two seasons, he's been averaging 14.2 and 12.0 points a game, at age 38 and 39. That's nothing short of incredible.
  11. lol, its like when all those old white people on facebook rapidly spread a video of a black guy (usually recording a video while he's sitting in a car) who is "telling the REAL truth" and confirms white conservatives' point of view. White people throw their hands up and say "Case Closed!! This one black guy proves it!!!" Same thing is happening here.
  12. I think, to get in the spirit of Halloween, and to try and catch up with my PS4 backlog, I will play Until Dawn. Its about 10-12 hours long, I will try to knock it out over these next 3 evenings. And then I expect my copy of RDR2 to arrive on Friday.
  13. Are teams having 140-point games going to become common, now? What the fuck happened? I can only wonder what is going on inside Greg Poppovich's head as he fields a team of scorers and watches the scoreboard go over 120 for both teams. If the league is transitioning into a hyper-fast scoring style, then I hope Dennis Smith Jr and Luka Doncic can thrive in that and try to make it to the playoffs. Hopefully when Dirk comes back, he will just transition into a pure 3-point shooter.
  14. I was thinking about getting Donut County, or something in that vein.
  15. In that respect, Dynocrap would've had his kneecaps shattered MONTHS ago. LOL
  16. He's allowing himself to get raped for 4 straight months. It'll be great debunking his posts, while he is too scared to respond. Consent.
  17. He just proved me correct that he doesn't actually put me on ignore. Its hilarious how I've been raping his ass with comments these past few months, and he DID see them and was too scared to respond back. A willing rape victim........which I guess doesn't make it rape, if there is consent. LOL So.............David Jones, the primary responsible for why Crackdown 1 was any good to begin with.........is NOT REALLY developing Crackdown 3. Thanks for admitting that.
  18. I love it: [jerry]: David Jones is not developing Crackdown 3, nor his studio [Dynocrap babbles for a straight hour] [jerry]: So..............David Jones is still not developing Crackdown 3, nor his studio, RIGHT????? [Dynocrap runs off stewing mad] He even knows he lost this, hence him (claiming) that he's putting me on ignore (he's not........which makes it funnier).
  19. No.........you didn't prove anything. And David Jones IS INDEED NOT DEVELOPING Crackdown 3. And his studio is OUT of development of Crackdown 3. You haven't DEBUNKED either of those two things.................right? Right.
  20. So............its not finished. You're just making excuses, and speculating about what caused it. The same month they announce Cloudgine and David Jones leaving, is when they also announce a delay. Gee, I guess the two things aren't related, eh??? I love how you still avoided this: You thought you could steer the conversation to February not being considered "Spring". LOL Did you really think that would work????
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