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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. The game that ISN'T coming out until Spring 2019..................was "done last year" according to you??????? Correction: according to you, without a shred of evidence????????
  2. Where does it state that it definitely does, after David Jones was quoted as saying that him and his studio (Cloudgine) was officially out of development of Crackdown 3. Its amazing that you lecture other people about speculating.............even though you are doing just that. This is the part where you pretend to play stupid and not provide any details to prove your claim.
  3. Wow..............a STORE PAGE!!!! And not obvious confirmed facts that Microsoft has, indeed, left Cloudgine because it was purchased by Epic Games. Nevermind that...............let's refer to the STORE PAGE!!!
  4. EA really went to shit when they placed all of their business decisions based on the things going on at DICE.
  5. They are so butthurt I almost feel sorry for them. They are desperately trying to get people to NOT TALK about the other consoles running away with the sales, that they are melting down.
  6. Like why can't they just make different types of games that involve Snake? Like having a side mission in some other location, that has nothing to do with the main storyline. Kind of like how Wolverine spent some time in Japan. I was thinking that maybe Snake could've done something that landed him in jail, and just straight up make it like Chronicles of Riddick. Like, does anybody care if they play a game that doesn't focus on stealth gameplay?
  7. Exactly. Microsoft has it being developed by the side team of a studio that is known for racing games. .............in which nobody likes driving the car in Crackdown games, because that's not the main point of the gameplay. This is an automatic fail, all-around.
  8. Doesn't seem complicated. It just seems that Microsoft is abandoning the core things they were trying to sell Crackdown 3 to begin with: 1.) Cloud engine physics 2.) David Jones, the person that is behind Crackdown 1, who wasn't there for the shitty Crackdown 2, was coming back for Crackdown 3. Looks like MS has failed on both of those counts. This game is nothing. It truly is a nothing game being developed by nobodies.
  9. Do I remember some news about developers leaving this project? Specifically David Jones, the guy that was behind Crackdown 1 and the original GTA series?
  10. and here you are still following me........whoops guess there goes your self-imposed jerry-blackout. I love that I have you this butthurt.................and I love that you are desperately trying to pretend that you are in control and not (obviously) butthurt. Here's comes the other one:
  11. I am duuu-uuuu-uuuuun with the Witcher 3 main story. Got the best ending (IMO) and it threw me for a curve and made me think that I got the worst ending. And then I tried messing around with the towns in the Velen area to try and find the last two Gwent cards needed to complete the last side quest I had open. There are merchants that are only available in those towns during daytime hours, so I finally found the last merchant that I haven't met before, and I got the final card. Everything is completed, the only things that remain are the first questions that start the H
  12. Laugh at Xbox failing for 5 years. [Lemmings]: People obsessed with XboxThat's counts for something, right? All the while they're desperately trying to get people to talk about sheep. LOL Contradicting their last remaining argument.
  13. poor guy is so butthurt. he's really trying, at this point. Even attempting to THINK AHEAD. You know he's pissed if I'm making his brain work. LOLOL
  14. this guy is melting down from his own 6-word sentence...............that he typed himself.
  15. What a wonderful comment. Our piracy is helping spread creativity and knowledge throughout the world. We should pirate more. And if they appreciate those videos of Shakespeare plays, they will definitely get their minds blown when they start watching Rodney Moore videos like Cumm Sistas 4.
  16. then there must be tons of attacks each and every day. ISIS usually isn't the patient type. but i'm not kidding, spies from russia is quite common for quite some time now. its basically their national pasttime in the 1960's, russian spies were so common, then actually mapped out the entire infrstructure system and roadways for major cities...........from spies that literally were on the ground in those cities. this is Dallas/Fort Worth and the counties north of those two cities. they had information that could only be obtained from having pe
  17. Are you sure they didn't have to return because other country's counter-intelligence agencies rooted them out as spies? LOL
  18. LOL, welp that backfired.........I wonder why they have so much free time lately, guess they all got tired of Forza [insert whatever]
  19. they're actually butthurt entering a second day. lol
  20. oh.......its finally going to begin NOW???? In the last week of October? 2018? 5 years into this gen??????? don't think you realized what you just typed there.
  21. Google Music. It also allows you to get Youtube Red, so it eliminates almost all ads from youtube, and gives the youtube app on your smartphone more functionality and freedom.
  22. LOL he's getting pissed. Now he's calling me a fake cow..........there's the second one. I think he's got one more tangent left in him. LOL
  23. That's one tangent, I predicted 1-2 more from you. LOL He literally cannot respond back, after I posted my comment from the first page. He's pretending the comment doesn't exist. LOL
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