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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. i love how he's trying to inch closer to trying to make his racist remarks that he got in trouble before. best sign that he doesn't know how else to get to me. LOL
  2. oh no, he responded back and did the opposite of what I said he was going to do...........i'm at a complete surprise! i love how he's now responding more to explain him not responding. LOL he truly doesn't get it. i love it when jonb pretends that he's now planning clever threads. He truly doesn't know how to respond. Why i bet i am too dumb to predict what he will try next.
  3. LOL, two main members of BUTTHURTS ANAONYMOUS are helping each other out. I love how i have dynocrap under complete control. I literally SAY he's going away..............and he goes away.
  4. you mean newer games? LOL and actual exclusives? Double LOL didn't think that one through..................lol i love how this poor bastard had been reading my posts this entire time. busted. i already know what he's going to do next (or at least, say he WILL do, but actually won't).
  5. lemmings are literally hiding behind x360 and xbox1 up-res'd ports. LOL
  6. I think, from what I've seen in the trailers. it is the closest game to Zelda BOTW in designing verticality in open world landscapes (and if you remember the first RDR, they had specific missions that were linear in design because they took place in valley areas). I think this game has the most amount of unique textures for every area in the map, and that is probably why the download size is humongous. I hope they have enough gameplay system in place for us to have a need to travel all over that map. I hope they don't make the same mistake as GTA5 and have entire chunks
  7. lmao Xbox One growth is almost double than PS4 in paraguay lmfao Sony sheep PS4 is last-gen -jonb
  8. That's what the disc drive is there for, to begin with. Rockstar could've gone the cheap route and only provided one 50GB blu-ray, and required the rest to be downloaded, and on launch day, that is almost gauranteed to be choked in traffic. Rockstar paid to have the extra disc so that we could install the game faster.
  9. Its happening exactly the way I said it would. Xbox GamePass is completely gutting the game's retail sales, and this is going to lead to Microsoft chopping up development of their games into "games as a service" models with smaller chunks of content. If the Xbox OneS/Xbox One X sell LESS this holiday than they did last holiday...............Phil Spencer is getting fired.
  10. Just pay $10/month. Paying for Netflix, and not watching Netflix all that much, is what kind of opened the path to coming to the realization that I should stop using time searching and downloading music and just get a subscription.
  11. LOL, its hilarious how textbook the targets are: women, John Oliver, more women. Even funnier how this is ramping up again at a particular time of the year, and the same guys are getting duped again. lol
  12. He's getting madder, again. lol And he's never said that I was a pull string doll before..........I'd remember a putdown that lame. LOLOLOLOLOL
  13. Now it could be because Playstation owners buy retail disc copies of major games. I'm sure, with all of those PSN sales, and PS+ free games, they still download plenty of digital content, the major games that people want on PS4 will usually have retail disc versions.
  14. Which game was it where the NPCs literally stop talking, and the subtitles just go "..."? Was it Deus Ex HR? LOL He's run out of things to say. Wait for the DLC update. LOLOLOL
  15. If he thinks I made a common remark..................and he mimicked me, then.... LOL self-owned. He really doesn't think too far ahead.
  16. Little too late to be trying to mimic me. NPC phrase #3........it took long enough to get there. lol
  17. Oh no, jonb did the opposite of what I told him to do. How clever of him. LOL Back to Phrase #1.
  18. Wow, only 2 phrases? Is he an NPC from 2004 or something? LOL He's actually getting madder. Y'know what will get him through this...........getting even more madder. lol
  19. more NPC talk I think he only has 4 phrases, reminds me of my Witcher playthrough that I'm finishing up. LOLOL
  20. lol he's getting even more pissed. The LOLparade continues.
  21. And the LOLparade has begun. Calling other people NPCs? LOL Maybe he doesn't know what NPCs do since he hasn't played a game that's had any recently. Cars don't have dialogue in Forza games. LOL
  22. lol looks like he went from 0-to-butthurt instantly. Here comes his LOLparade:
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