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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Did I repeat something political????? Am I repeating something that is more relating along the topic of jonb-bumbling? Let's see what the music seems more related to:
  2. Wait a minute, did I get jonb so mad that he turned his own thread into a political thread? Oh man, here we go again....
  3. Started up my PS4, because I wanted to download some VR games, because my friend is having a housewarming party and wanted me to bring my PS4pro + VR. Saw that I had a message! So I go and view the message, and its some nobody that had created a usergroup and invited me to it, and all it said was him saying "hello". Message was sent yesterday. I choose "Leave Group" from the options menu, it removed his entire message. And my PS4pro works just fine. Looks like the lemmings are coming up blank, yet again.
  4. I really didn't know, or I had forgotten, that traversing land was going to be a significant part of the game, I thought it was mostly space flying stuff. I think I do remember saying that this game is doing the same stuff as No Man's Sky around E3. It seems to be a competent game . It ALMOST feels like StarFox, and the land stuff almost makes it looks like StarFox Assault. Too bad they made Falco into some generic harmless douche. Because in the very first StarFox, he was portrayed the same way Val Kilmer was portrayed in Top Gun, Iceman, in which he doesn'
  5. I like how we laughed...........and then they came back and tried to pretend that "libs were triggered" And they keep on trying to do it again and again, because they know its not working.
  6. NPC's huh? Say the same 3 lines, over and over again, you say?
  7. Speaking of which, I bought a ticket to go see Garbage play at my city's House of Blues last night, it was something I saw over the weekend and thought I should see Garbage if I like a few of their songs. And turns out, alot of gay and lesbians seem to be garbage fans, I'd say 50% or probably greater than 50% of all the couples there were gay and lesbian. And then they ended the concert with a song meant for the LGBTQA(I forgot the final couple of letters) community, and the whole place goes wild.
  8. if MS releases a console for the next gen, it will definitely be their last, in terms of how traditional consoles are designed. And they will stop, because it will sell even less than the XBO gen, and MS will say that its a financial decision. Even though their decisions to allow Xbox cross-platform with PC, and their streaming service CONTIBUTED to less Xbox hardware being sold. They are well aware that they are putting the next Xbox hardware in a position to sell to a sub-20 million userbase.
  9. Press and hold CTRL + ALT and then the down arrow on your keyboard to a soft reset of the keyboard.
  10. Microsoft can't even beat Sony, who was in a financial tight-spot after the PS3, how can they possibly beat Google? They can probably throw more money at this business venture than Microsoft. Google must already have some sort of agreement with Ubisoft. It wouldn't surprise me if Google is telling the major third parties right now "we'll set up the server farms, we'll provide the service, just put your games on our service and we will take x percent." Hell, I bet Google would establish a $20-$29 gaming streaming service, and they will pay EA/Ubi/Activision a lump sum p
  11. Actually I do remember him in a scene I saw when I was perusing youtube for notable Walking Dead death scenes (I don't watch the show). But it totally skipped my mind here.
  12. What about that guy from The Wire, who was in prison with Avon and wanted out so that he can start his own boxing gym in the hood?
  13. I trust Google even more than Microsoft in this space because Google will just create servers with real PC hardware. Microsoft's promo video literally says that they are taking Xbox One mainboards and putting them in a server blade, and if you look at the video, they showed images of Xbox One S consoles, and not the X. If Google says "we'll just be using AMD/Intel CPUs and nVidia/AMD relatively high-end GPUs in our servers" then I know which service is going to attract more gamers.
  14. Good, I hope Sony stops paying David Cage and his awful directing, writing. Redirect that money towards better projects. Let Microsoft pick up pathetic developers.
  15. Yeah, I think that is what prompted this quick video. I mean why would they announce this and say that they will do a beta sometime in 2019? Doesn't seem very logical, especially one week after Forza released. Google announced their streaming service, and then immediately started showing it off by having a limited trial of Assassin's Creed Odyssey. And nVidia has recently been talking about their streaming service.
  16. Yes you did. You specifically said that its hard for me to type two lines. Man, you can't even get that right. lol
  17. lol. he went from me typing "jerrygraphs" to now claiming that I type too little. Wow. I never thought I'd see that. Guess he didn't plan on me having a memory. LOL
  18. he's really trying his best to sound ominous and in control. lol I like that he's putting the effort, where he wasn't before.
  19. little too late to pretend that you know what you are doing. LOL
  20. This is actually a good thing. The company already looked like it was in taters. It doesn't really do much harm to have them work for MS considering what they're current status is.
  21. Good idea. Backing off and trying to play it cool is the right thing to do.
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