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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Its almost as if jonb likes getting butt-blasted.
  2. Aza should be banned if Sony does not announce a 2019 date for the PS5 by the end of their E3 press conference in June. And the length of his ban needs to be from June 2019 until the actual date the PS5 releases. He already knows he's wrong, he just doesn't want to shut up and thinks he's defiantly trolling the forum. And for that, he needs to learn a lesson the hard way, so that next time, maybe he should just stop talking about the issue instead of actively going out of his way to pester the entire forum over this one particular subject.
  3. The thing is that Gwent actually got very good, and now at the end its not really very fun because my Gwent deck is basically too good for any NPC in the game. And on top of that, I have have a foolproof strategy. So, its computer A.I. simply doesn't put up much of a challenge for me. But I definitely liked Gwent, I do think the stand-alone game requires more rules and variation in order for me to be enticed into playing it. And, my playtime counter in Witcher 3 is wrong, because I would sometimes minimize the game and it would be running in the background, sometimes f
  4. So Aza thinks that a huge international corporation is just barely hiring (they are barely posting the job listing) an entire department for marketing. And they are supposed to start this marketing effort and have it up and running for a major multi-billion dollar product in..........about 5 months from now?
  5. "We have Forza!! and.....uh, Forza!!"
  6. jehurey

    RIP Sears

    I had $50 in Sears Points that I had gotten from an order last month. So I had to spend them on something, immediately. The only thing that they have freely available to pick up at their location are things related to their Auto department.
  7. Pretty much in the final, final stretch of Witcher 3's main game. I think I already ensured I will be getting a certain ending (that I was hoping to get) and I am in Novigrad doing 3 other missions for people. No other side missions ever popped up when I returned from Skellige. The only concern I have is that the Gwent hint book is saying that I have 3 exclusive cards left in the area of Velen, and they are from unique NPCs, and I don't know who it could possibly be.
  8. What was their advertised length for RDR1 and GTA5? I played RDR1 quite thoroughly, I didn't everything except the most ridiculous Hunting and Flower collecting missions, which requires obtaining like 50 skins of each animal, and X amounts of a flower. And that probably took me about 55-60 hours. And then in 2013 I played GTA5 and did all of the missions (that I'm aware of). I did not comb the landmass that thoroughly. I didn't go around trying to find hidden packages and trying to find all the stunt jump locations. I watched all of the TV content. I think that took me
  9. Did you go back in time to when you were 13, and make that quote up? Or was that a line from the movie. lol Then go dry meat the old way, and then give your back teeth a workout by trying to bit into said meat. Maybe you'll start evolving in reverse and grow back your wisdom teeth.
  10. Wait a minute, I thought that it was obvious that Fight Club was definitely making a statement about masculinity being toxic. It clearly shows it showing both extremes. Men are not masculine enough, and then they over-correct themselves and become a bunch of mindless, thoughtless, savages who can't think for themselves, probably because they never want to let their masculinity down, and they are trying to appease a god-like masculine figure..........who isn't even real (Tyler Durden). I thought all of this was quite apparent. Glengarry Glen Ross is also abou
  11. I love that he just committed to promising to respond back to me because he's so butthurt. He just.............volunteered that. Observe:
  12. A little too late to be trying to imitate me. lol He really is melting down in his own thread.......here comes his next post where he backs off and tries to play it cool. lol
  13. You changed your stance from talking about everybody being at risk to "its not widespread" LOLOLOL Nice job trying to project something I already noticed. Thanks for being a concerned PS4 watcher. LOL
  14. Oh ok. I heard some guy's Xbox One X took a shit............maybe I should make time to be concerned about it. lol I love how you're melting down IN your own thread.
  15. The fact is that this appears to be a niche issue that isn't happening on any real scale. Which mean you really are spending alot of your time and effort being concerned for a small group of PS4 owners. LOL I love that you are going to keep on giving me the chance to make fun of you on this, over and over.
  16. I'm retarded for seeing somebody attempt to send me a message on my PS4, I look at the message on my PS4, I can easily delete the message on my PS4, and nothing bad happened. And I came here an explained that. Whereas you have no first-hand proof. Bottomline....we all know what you're trying to do. And its not really working, isn't it? Its nice that you were worried about my PS4.
  17. Did I repeat something political????? Am I repeating something that is more relating along the topic of jonb-bumbling? Let's see what the music seems more related to:
  18. Wait a minute, did I get jonb so mad that he turned his own thread into a political thread? Oh man, here we go again....
  19. Started up my PS4, because I wanted to download some VR games, because my friend is having a housewarming party and wanted me to bring my PS4pro + VR. Saw that I had a message! So I go and view the message, and its some nobody that had created a usergroup and invited me to it, and all it said was him saying "hello". Message was sent yesterday. I choose "Leave Group" from the options menu, it removed his entire message. And my PS4pro works just fine. Looks like the lemmings are coming up blank, yet again.
  20. I really didn't know, or I had forgotten, that traversing land was going to be a significant part of the game, I thought it was mostly space flying stuff. I think I do remember saying that this game is doing the same stuff as No Man's Sky around E3. It seems to be a competent game . It ALMOST feels like StarFox, and the land stuff almost makes it looks like StarFox Assault. Too bad they made Falco into some generic harmless douche. Because in the very first StarFox, he was portrayed the same way Val Kilmer was portrayed in Top Gun, Iceman, in which he doesn'
  21. I like how we laughed...........and then they came back and tried to pretend that "libs were triggered" And they keep on trying to do it again and again, because they know its not working.
  22. NPC's huh? Say the same 3 lines, over and over again, you say?
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