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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. With all the name calling, they NEED to do this. Because they don't know what else to do with themselves. You can sense that they are getting madder and madder with each passing day.
  2. Its the fact that they NEED to type what they just typed, to make themselves feel better. Darn shame.
  3. Either a Steam Sale or Humble Bundle for like $1-2. Or I think I might've gotten retail disc copies of Gears 2 and Gears 3 for like $3 each.
  4. You can tell people are livid mad when they genuinely resort to making really personal attacks..........just to make themselves feel better. Its the fact that they, internally, NEED to say it. Darn shame, too.
  5. I am just about completely done with Skellige in Witch 3. I probably have one more side quest left, and I'm picking up two more Witcher equipment upgrades (even though I don't plan on using them). And then the only thing that would be left are the treasures in the water that are on the right side of the map, but I won't get those. I discovered a cave in Skellige that clearly implies that I will be back here for a main mission, so I left that alone. Shit, that basically means I'm about 2/3's of the way through the game, and I have roughly 2 weeks to wrap up the main ga
  6. Depends if its lower back pain or upper back pain. But I like stretching. There's this youtube channel that has two very dorky chiropractors who help demonstrate alot of exercises.
  7. I love that Dynocrap is make is crystal clear that he is predicting that Xbox games will not show up on the Switch. That is another Dynocrap prediction that is destined to blow up in his face. When that news breaks, he will desperately try to say that his prediction was that it had to be BOTH Nintendo and Sony consoles. And like all of his excuses, they won't work.
  8. Here's the thing, they said that they took the Xbox hardware and put it in a serve blade farm. So.............if that's the hardware they are developing their 54 data centers with...........then that's the hardware moving forward, and they're not going to update that anytime soon. it would explain them announcing this and trying to get this up and running quickly. They may need to introduce a separate tier for next-gen games in 2021, because they need to build servers with newer hardware. OR they're going to keep their first-party games at this hardware spe
  9. Only two factions remain(guess, PC remains as the third faction)
  10. Microsoft has officially gone 3rd Party Look forward to paying $10 for Game Pass about two months out of the year on my Switch. Hell, I doubt that I'd pay for more than one month.
  11. imagine 20 million people who immediately become refugees, and they don't know whether they are getting their food in the next 2-3 weeks. They would try to rush the Chinese border, or do worse. It would, easily become the worst public health crisis in the world if NK infrastructure falls overnight. And secondly, who would pay for supplying all that aid which would require immense resources to even pull it off? (which we probably can't physically pull it off that quickly)
  12. I read a twitter post that had a transcript of the things Conor was saying. It was some outright Islamaphobic stuff. And the UFC shouldn't have tolerated McGregor at all, but they've been letting him act like this for years. Khabib fucks himself up because he's committed outright assault. But nobody deserves money here. Khabib, McGregor, and especially the UFC. I really don't hope people don't reward these three parties by buying their inevitable rematch that they will want to hype up.
  13. So you are actively trying to end this "convo"? See, now you're learning. For the first time you've manned-up to say "I want out." Good for you.
  14. They know that the majority of Forza players in 2019 are going to be Xbox Game Pass subscribers. Why introduce a whole bunch of more cars, more new models, and more new tracks for a game in which the $60-$80 purchasers are not going to be all that big? Just sell them a product expansion, or an "overhaul" Keep the new cars and the new tracks for the next version. And it wouldn't surprise me if future versions aren't completely new games, and they truly adopt a Madden franchise style of just calling it Forza Motorsport 2019/2021/2023. I specificall
  15. Did you just say that you spend more time customizing your home screen than you do actually using apps? Or are you trying to run away from the argument, because you know you lost it so bad. LOL I'm fine with either scenario.
  16. And this is where I hope Red Dead 2 avoids making this mistake. I played RDR1 fairly late, back in 2015. And I like how you can clearly finish almost everything in the game in about 40-50 hours. And that's me combing the shit out of the entire map. I hope they don't make RDR2 become filled with ridiculous hunting and flower-collecting requirements. It probably shouldn't take more than 60-70 hours to 100% the game.
  17. People are saying that if you don't buy the XP upgrade for $10, then it takes about 15 hours to get that on your own. I've played AssCreed games that took like 4 hours to get going. AC3 probably took closer to 8-10 hours for it to really get going. I dunno, I sense that these games are simply getting too big.
  18. Nope. what do you do on the home screen.............and for how long? I love how you are realizing that you screwed up here, so now you are trying to shift to general jokes about Android....yeah, that's not going to work. I love that I have you in this argument, now. LOL
  19. wait a minute, you're literally complaining about the furniture??????????????? they actually do LESS reviews now than when they started. They did 21 game reviews in 2017. And barely have 6 game reviews through nine months of 2018. That's how far away they have removed themselves from being a traditional gaming website.
  20. Except he HAS TO USE TWO HANDS when he's on an app. Now..........do you spend the majority of your time on your phone staring at the home screen...........or within an app???? I love that he is entering an argument that he already knows he's going to lose.
  21. did you enter into some contest to see who can act like the most obvious stereotype ever or something. lol
  22. lol. i love how his butthurt is spilling into another thread. And I love how cooke still admitted to using two hands. So, I didn't get owned, I was correct with what I said. LOL ghost can't even succeed here.
  23. Gun are not inherently evil objects. I agree with that sentiment. Guns are a tool. And tools, the class of tool, its design, and permission to use it DOES need to be regulated. The tool, as its designed, is simply too unbalanced for this day and age. We need to be invented new security weapons and making those freely available. Guns need additional licensing and handling regulations. Kind of like how any adult can go and get himself a license to drive a regular Class C automobile. But you can't get behind the wheel of a large 18-wheeler.
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