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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. You've been talking about Nike hijabs that people in the Middle East were going to buy? Which is to say..............................ZERO of them were going to buy? Just caught you BULLSHITTIN'
  2. The best part is when they have nothing, and they know it.........so they start putting on an act for me. Like, as if I needed more evidence that you don't know what to do at this point. LOL
  3. Except you are proving that those in first-world countries are having more progressive positions compared to the ones who are in heavily controlled muslim countries. 74% of Mormon evangelicals believed that Homosexuality was morally wrong roughly 10 years ago. So should we put Mormons on the level of Muslims in terms of their savagery? I love you peddling the Sharia Law scare. That's like asking Christians is United States law should be based on Christian laws for morality. What's the percentage going to be on that? Well over 60%? Probably over 70%. LOL
  4. Numbers of times you've avoiding giving me a percentage of vaginal mutilations and stonings: 1 Time to start up the counter, I can see.
  5. I love how he has nothing left. Of course, he didn't have much to begin with.
  6. Except you are basing your generalizations from small sects of extreme Muslims in the most backwoods parts in the world. Tell me........give me a PERCENTAGE..............how many Muslims are doing Vaginal Mutilation and Stonings. I'll wait for your answer. No matter how many times you try to avoid it, I am correct when I make the analogy of finding the MOST extreme, niche, Christians to generalize Christianity as a whole.
  7. except the people who are supporting ban in marriage are ACTUALLY imposing those laws in America. And that's not happening in the UK. And that's the thing.............you win one apple, they will want a second apple, and then more and more and more. The mentality is prevalent across both religions. You are merely pointing out that they are at different levels on the ladder, but it doesn't stop the fact that they both have the same goals if you allow them.
  8. I love how vini just ran away from trying to have any meaningful discussion. And, reveals what he is after the FACADE falls off: You can tell that he only pretends to do this to "get at the libs"
  9. I see that if you put Westboro Baptist Church in a country that is as undeveloped and unregulated as Saudi Arabia, they would probably start killing people as well. Maybe I should have used the IRA who killed people in Ireland during the 80's, and we recently caught with explosives being stockpiled as recently as a few months ago. People who are willing to kill because of their warped view of religion. Put organized Christianity in the middle of the desert, and give them power over the region and give them weapons. Do you know what they become? The Crusades.
  10. As of 2009, we had polls in America...........in California in which people thought that homosexuals should not be allowed to get married. Opinion changes and people become more progressive. Muslims in the western world are INFLUENCED by the western world. Like I said before.............why aren't these Muslims killing people every day? Are they LAZY muslims who are putting it off until later?
  11. If it did...........you would've posted them by now.
  12. Far more common in backwoods Islam countries................where sects like the Wahhabi's live. This is why you are wrong to make generalizations. Because that would be like me judging Christianity based on what the Westboro Baptist Church does.
  13. hmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe "turtle" will answer me on that particular question. Or, since I'm now expecting a response from "turtle" maybe the person who controls "turtle" will purposely try to do the opposite and NOT respond to it. Wow, you know its really amazing. When I check "Turtle's " activity page and see the last posts he's made, the vast, vast, VAST majority of turtle's replies are made to YOU Cooke. Why is that?
  14. Actually they condone women going to jail because they want to abort a baby. That isn't just the religion, that is the religion actually trying to influence AMERICAN LAW, right NOW, in the year 2018. You keep on bringing up things like stonings..............I guess I can bring up outlier incidents in which Christians are committing violence. Maybe things like explosions at abortion clinics.
  15. It means you went away on your Cooke account, and you accidentally responded to me under the alt. Why would this Turtle person come in and pick up the SAME exact argument as you are...........and he's not picking it up from the beginning, he's picking it up mid-way. Very odd. Once I ask "is Turtle Cooke's alt-account?" Your "Cooke" account, which was inactive for at least an hour............suddenly comes back and posts in this thread immediately. You can see their status when hovering your mouse icon over people's names. I made a point to check
  16. And now he's getting defensive, which is out of the norm. thou doth protest too much.
  17. Wow................a rapid series of comments back and forth between two people. All of this happening immediately after I pointed this out.
  18. LOL I checked your status, you "last visited 1 hour ago" "Turtle" was currently viewing this thread. All of a sudden, your account shows up in this thread within 2 minutes. LOL
  19. Did Cooke accidentally reveal an alt account of his? lol
  20. Being forced to "submit to their husband" is not a minority view for Christians. being told they have no control over their body in a pregnacy also isn't a minority view. Those are also mind fucks for imposing those values on 8 year old children when told they are going to hell if they don't do this. What is so hard for you to understand about this? Dude, NOBODY is buying the outrage over hijabs. You are not outraged, its not remotely believable for a second.
  21. Republicans are going to do this, no matter what and no matter how bad everything comes to a crash here within the next 48 hours. They know they're going to take a serious political hit. They have resortted to accepting that they are going to lose the House, and they know that they have hurt their chances at retaining a Senate Majority within the past 3 weeks (we've literally seen pollsters start declaring more and more states as "Toss-Ups" that were once confortably Republican-leaning). This means that adding Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh is more important to their
  22. little too late for you to PRETEND that your views are being applied evenly. They clearly aren't. Don't see you making a single post whenever there is something that happens in America that diminishes the rights of women. Don't see you doing that, at all.
  23. It still doesn't stop the fact that you are greatly exaggerating all Muslims. Just like you know that it would be ludicrous that generalize Christianity based on a handful of crazy sects. And in fact, we have United States Senators and Representatives who basically say that women don't have rights over their bodies should they get pregnant. I'd consider that pretty archaic. You have a double-standard..........its OBVIOUS. The question becomes what is motivating you to feign fake outrage over you PRETENDING to be concerned about Muslim women versus not caring
  24. No, large sects of the Christian religion have fundamental teachings that women become property of their husbands. Mind you that major sects of Christianity believe that the book of Revelations requires that the nation of Israel to be destroyed in order to fulfill divine prophecy. That it will trigger a "golden age" an entire millenium where Christ comes back and oversees the world. That's where the phrase "the Second Coming" is based on. Think about this for a second............Christian Americans SUPPORT WAR with Iran and Muslim countries because they WANT
  25. Then how come there aren't a hell of alot more muslims attacks happening on American soil? Dude where are getting this? You are describing WAHHABISM. That is a small, extremist faction within the Muslim faith. Please do yourself a favor and research Wahhabism and how it came to be. My David Koresh analogy is actually perfect for the dumb shit you just typed.
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