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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. How embarassing. Microsoft essentially admitting that they had the Lemcels in a 10 month long beta. And then they downgraded the graphics when it was finalized.
  2. All the preview versions have been on PS4. All the marketing and promotional videos have been on PS4. Things aren't boding well for the Lemcels. Rockstar is the type of developer that will not give a shit about fan backlash.
  3. For those who have HBOgo, a small show that nobody notices is like their version of Adult Swim, its called Animals, and its on its second season. And its like Dr Katz, and has talking animals like something out of Aqua Teen. Its got a weird backstory going on about Humans going extinct in New York, and the animals will eventually take over in the second season. Its got alot of guest voice actors.
  4. I bet you're going to say that your first amendment rights to post your opinions on a privately owned website are being violated. Eh? I mean, I might as well assist you into achieving full-stereotype status. lol
  5. LOL, we should rename this the "Bitter White Incels" thread. Or should it be shortened to "Bitter Incels" thread because of the redundancy? Or, actually, if we want to remove all redundancy, we should just call it the "Incels" thread.
  6. The marketing deal with Sony is now coming to fruition. And Sony is actually eating some of the cost of the game to give you the bundle. If they offered the basic PS4 bundle with the game at $300, people would snatch it up too quickly. They almost want to limit it by keeping it strictly with the PS4pro. Of course, I am good to go because I already paid my pre-order damn near 22 months ago, and its only costing me $38.
  7. Yeah. They really do seem that excuse ANY behavior because their justification is to "own the libs." Vini has gone on record as saying that he CONDONES Trump ascendence to power, and wishes he GAINS MORE POWER............because, in his mind, that will destroy the Democratic Party. And (once again, in his mind) whatever bad that Trump may do is outweighed by the "benefits" of the Democratic Party not existing. He said this while Trump is currently separating immigrant children from their parents and has them in cages, and we DISCOVERED (because the Trump white house nev
  8. There was a Tucker Carlson segment late last week. In which he said "the Democrats will do ANYTHING to MAINTAIN CONTROL!!!" Maintain control? They don't control any branch of the federal government. But these right-wingers have a constant persecution complex, and they are always gullible to the "world is coming to get us" mentality, which is really just their conscience trying to reconcile the shit they are doing. There's a reason why these Right-Wingers-who-are-too-embarassed-to-call-themselves-right-wingers are on this forum spending their time talking abo
  9. Its very simple..........there should be a judge that shouldn't have ANY allegations, whatsoever. And those who do make the allegations should trigger an FBI investigation so that they can interview all people, and they need to have their background checked to see if their witness testimony can be corroborated. That way, if people ARE lying, then they just committed perjury by lying in an FBI interview. A crime. If they are lying, lets see if they are willing to commit to that lie under penalty of perjury. In this case, we see the Republicans doing everythi
  10. Are there actually lemcels trying to say that 30fps is acceptable, in the face of having 60fps options? You know that the Digital Foundry people are going to make estimates about what graphics settings the XBO version will have, and compare it to PC settings. And if history is any indication, Forza games run at partially high settings for SOME graphical effects, and medium settings for all other graphical effects. So, we don't even need to boast about higher than 60fps, PC gamers will get 60fps with better overall graphical settings.
  11. The more I read about the details of this game, the more I'm thinking that this game had been completed a while ago. And I think GTA6 is going to hit PS4 and XBO either late 2019, or early in 2020 because they are not going to release a new GTA game on consoles that have small userbases. They want it to sell huge, and they are going to turn around and sell a next-gen version of it.
  12. Got back into Witcher 3, because I spent the past week and half spending my evenings reading. Anyways, by going to those bulletin boards, a shitload of undiscovered locations pop up on the map, and its just ridiculous in Skellige. And its compounded by the fact that sailing is just not a fun mechanic, at all, and most of these locations are in the water surrounded by enemies. So now I got this map that has like 50 question marks all over it as I'm trying to knock out the side quests and visit all the islands on the map. And the other problem is that I discover all of these swords a
  13. The boss fight was excellent. The clothing always constantly moving. They are starting to get quite cinematic.
  14. Jesus, what are guys using in Russiakraine? Motorola phones from 2005?
  15. I like how he even abandoned his attempt to "turn the tables" on me. Oh............I used quotation marks for that phrase...........that must mean that I am automatically implying that I was quoting him. LOL (decided to destroy that argument of his, in passing LOL).
  16. I like how he just pretended that he didn't read that. LOL I also love how he's trying to mimick me.
  17. You're not changing the subject. Answer my question. Is shaking the hand of a parent of a high profile mass shooting really that hard? Is that really a "vicious trap"? If you can't do it, then you can't. That's all there is to it.
  18. He's now trying to find an exit strategy. This is the best part.................watch what happens. He will try to alternate between LIVID pissed, and then try to act super cool. On and off.
  19. You're not changing the subject. Answer the question. If you can't..............then I guess you can't.
  20. I have got him absolutely livid. Talk about getting "GOT TO". lol
  21. You're not changing the topic. You have now avoided my question 3 times. I love that you are trying so hard to cling onto something that even you know doesn't work. It only demonstrates how you got nothing.
  22. He's getting really pissed. Of course, that was obvious the moment he started attacking me based on race out of nowhere.
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