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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. and he's the one that got the whole "burn-in" claim wrong. and when it was accurately pointed out, he tried to change his story. Oh you should see his sales predictions posts..................and you should see him completely disappear in NPD sales threads when people bring up his predictions.
  2. I like how he's trying to make fun of me because I combined Incel with Lemmings to make Lemcels. ...............and then proceed to do that very thing. LOL So now he's at the phase where he's copying me. ALso, I just inadvertently posted a gif that shows the review scores for the average Xbox game. LOL
  3. Sorry, it was already confirmed by Remij in the original thread. You already lost back then. If you have a problem, take it up with him.
  4. I thought Lemcels said that Microsoft was ADDING more studios to make more exclusive games? You know that if you gain new studios..........but then lose other studios, then nothing was added, right? Did they look at Sate of Dookay's 5.0 score and said "wow, that's an upgrade over Dead Rising, guess we don't them anymore!"
  5. Lemcels who spent $500, twice, during this console gen are trying to make fun of other people for spending $100 on something after they've spent $1000 and the games they look forward to are OG Xbox backwards compatible games from 2003.
  6. Actually, I made a mistake with my thread title. Xbox will drop down to #6 in the monthly NPD sales, because I forgot that Nintendo is selling both the NES and SNES classic at the same time.
  7. don't you love how the Lemcels are getting butt-BLASTED. all because they thought they had something to make fun of the Switch, and it completely backfired on them. LOL
  8. yeah, its not like Sony isn't offering PSone on two other systems that are readily available. Hell, three other systems. PS3, PSP, Vita and you can buy cheap PSone games from the PSN store right now for those systems. Lemcels pretending that Sony is ripping people off. While microsoft continues selling them a $500 console, the THIRD console during this gen............and their main exclusive just got a graphics downgrade 10 months after launch. LOL
  9. I love how you are too scared to respond directly to me now. LOL remij already confirmed it in that previous thread. Go argue with him, if you think he's wrong.
  10. Wait a minute, Ridge Racer 4 was only made for the original PS1, and therefore it still remains a PS1 console exclusive. So was Jumping Flash. Therefore PS1 classic now has more exclusives, already, than Xbox One.
  11. don't need to wait. my computer already delivers XBX quality performance. Go back and read remij's confirmation
  12. the entire thread just backfired this is perfect
  13. No its not. Because if it was, you could disconnect the Switch from that monitor and have it display something else, and the external monitor would still have that burnt-in image. .........which it doesn't, because burn-in does occur immediately. LOL I love how you genuinely don't know what you are talking about.
  14. Near the end, they're in the woods and Sterling K Brown has that Predator laser guided thing on the shoulder. And I see some people flying around, and some explosions, and then I see the good guys work together to take down the Predator's ship. I have NO IDEA what happened to Sterling K Brown's character. Like after they moved out of the forest area, I didn't see him again.
  15. Not having the analogs sucks. That's a real mistake on their part. I have no earthly clue why they didn't go the extra mile and just make it a little bit bigger, and throw in a cheap CD disc reading drive and laser so that they could say "if you have original PS games, you can play them on the system" The thing would breath new life into long-time Playstation owners who have these games. If not, at least make the thing connect online to a simplified version of PSN that has PSone classics, and give the thing a microSD slot to download games.
  16. LOL do what right now? laugh at you? Ok LOL Love how Remij confirmed that my $700 pc that was build over 3 years ago is practically Xbox One X power. You can imagine how much better I could do with building a very efficient $700 build with components from 2018. LOL
  17. Goddamn...............when I'm right, I'm right. Sony saw some of that money Nintendo was making, and decided they wanted some of it.
  18. That is funny. Especially considering that you could easily build a computer that beats X for about $700-$800.
  19. And what topic would that be? You still haven't answered it. Really where did I admit that I don't play the switch? No.........I said that the burn in is NOT happening................because if you notice the game icons don't have any messed up pixels. If it was burn in, you would see discolored pixels on those areas as well. And his other photo of the screen being displayed on a second monitor also has discolored pixels....................but how could the second monitor have IMMEDIATE burn-in? That completely undermines the claim that
  20. LOL what is the "different topic" you scared me into? Tell me. I'll wait.
  21. and i explained how the pixels do not bleed in over the icons in two different shots. which means that it isn't burn-in. also dynocrap showed a screenshot of a switch screen being displayed on a second screen, which SHOULDN'T have any burnt pixels. The fact that its displaying pixels means that its a screen overlay problem, because how can the second screen also be burned in? seems like you are ignoring that proof. LOL
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