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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. lol, i've scared jonb onto another topic. ...........because he doesn't know how to defend the topic of this thread. LOL
  2. i love it how they can't back up their claims, and are now just trying to laugh it off. LOL here comes more of the fake confidence.
  3. jesus, he put on the cpu last. I would go fucking crazy because I hate doing delicate things in cramped spaces, so there's no reason to have the GPU, RAM, or other cables in your way as you are placing the CPU in there and applying the cooler's heatsink as perfect as possible. And even though they did make a point of saying that the pre-placed thermal tape sucks, they forget to say that you need to clean off that thermal tape before applying your own thermal paste, and that paste on the CPU's heatsink looks like he just jizzed on it.
  4. Notice how there are none of those bled pixels on the left side where there is a different overlay. hmmmmm.
  5. aaaaaaaaaand he ran away that quickly. But he is right about one thing. That's some powerful burn-in, its so powerful that somebody connected their switch to a second display and it burn-in the pixels on that display, apparently instantaneously. LOL
  6. so you can't prove it. and now you're going to spend more time typing without proving it..........than if you had simply proved it. yeah, that's what I figured.
  7. funny you don't show those screenshots. I love how you guys are now not backing up what you are claiming............and getting mad. LOL
  8. lol no. you are still showing a picture of the OS overlay if at any point, when navigating the OS, if those pixels go away, like when moving icons around..........then its not burn in. show me a photo of the switch as its being turned on and the start up screen hasn't shown yet, but the backlight is turned on. wait a minute.........is your screenshot somebody displaying the Switch screen to ANOTHER display, like a computer monitor? You do know that would completely defeat your argument, right?
  9. Doubt it, or else it would've caused much more noise within the past week. Like I said............if it was burn in..........then why isn't the burnt pixels visible over the game icons on the main screen? It seems like the Switch OS overlays with the retro game, and some pixels from the retro game show. How can you have screen burn in when the firmware went up just a few hours ago. LOL
  10. lol, lemmings are melting down. i like how that screen burn in doesn't occur over the actual icons.
  11. hmmm, i think i'll test that out when I get the family online plan for me and my nephew's switch.
  12. Honest to God, Shane Black basically did the same exact thing he did 20 years ago and made Long Kiss Goodnight. Like, its a movie that has things in it that will get you to laugh, but its just a real fucking mess. When you watch it, tell me what exactly happened to Sterling K Brown's character. Because I genuinely don't know.
  13. This is a good idea. It consolidates all the whining that these men who want to be victims have been doing this past year.
  14. Very smart of Nintendo to keep fortnite online free. Though, all credit should probably go to Epic for hosting all of that on their end. But its also in their best interest to provide as little obstacles as possible to keep those kids playing fortnite. My nephew is absolutely crazy into it, He's got a phone watching youtube videos about some fucking Fortnite mysteries that he's trying to figure out while playing the game. He's all amp'd up about it.
  15. Guess somebody hasn't played BoTW. LOL And apparently Mario games don't exists. LOLOLOL
  16. Microsoft apparently thinks lemmings are too stupid to operate the "jump" button in 3rd person games. In the world of Xbox, you are just a Car or a Gun.
  17. Very smart of them to give PC users an open beta, and basically try the game for free. My understanding is that Call of Duty has never really blown up on PC, but if this starts getting a big PC crowd, they will buy the game at full price.
  18. That's no surprise, Thousand Year Door was absolutely terrific with its dialogue. They shit that they said about Luigi in that game is fucking amazing. I was reading that stuff, just laughing continuously. You can tell from that point forward, Nintendo assigned Luigi a specific personality. They made him petty, jealous, and incompetent.
  19. I found the college course registration number. 8814 INTRO TO FAG 1030-1120 MWF
  20. It makes a solid argument. We'll see after RDR2. Its easy to point out the flaws in older games, but some of them are quite amazing experiences.
  21. I like how Putin isn't even that smart, and he is prone to bouts of yelling and getting mad. He hates the former US ambassador to Russia John Tefft, because he's thwarted Putin's previous plans before. He has told stories of Putin absolutely losing his shit in meetings in which Tefft is participating him. There's a good side to the fact that Putin got Trump to be his stooge..........and that's the fact that the BEST Putin could get, the BEST stooge that Putin was able to afford was Donald Trump. lol
  22. Lemmings are trying to laugh at something that is going to become their entire platform in the near future.
  23. LOL, Dynocrap was pre-emptively butthurt before this video even started. The great part is how Nintendo announced more new games within the first 30 seconds than Microsoft did at their 2 hour press conference. I like Katamari Damacy getting a remaster. And it appears that the Yoshi game is being fleshed out so much that they are no longer calling it Yoshi's Flipped to now calling it Yoshi's Crafted World.
  24. lemmings can't even get their delusions on the same page.
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