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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Whoo boy, bhyte should've waited until there were other lemmings here.
  2. oh man bhyte is melting down, and no one really baited him into it, he just sorta of did it himself.
  3. The demo has no reflections on windows............which is exactly what you are showing us in that screengrab of the final game. LOL thanks for completely blowing up your own argument
  4. Did the lemmings honestly expect this to not blow up in their faces? So, I guess Sunset Overdrive was built on an, obviously, unfinished game engine. And then it looks like a whole bunch of wack-ass textures and colors that look like placeholders, and they just splashed the entire game with that and called it a day. Sunset Overdrive literally looks like a gaming development where Microsoft stopped paying them after a certain point. LOL Sony took care of the developer here to ensure that the Spiderman game looks like a finished product.
  5. Its called dying your hair white and putting makeup to make you look vampirish. It shouldn't be hard to make him look like Geralt. This is awesome news. I'm really happy that the IP has grown to become a real success.
  6. Henry Cavill was going around saying that he wants to play Geralt in The Witcher. And many people thought it was just playful nerdy talk. Now he has been cast as Geralt in The Witcher series on Netflix. Holy shit, that project just got real serious. I'm really happy that the IP has succeeded as much as it has.
  7. Its getting to the point where I don't have many missions left in the mainland of Witcher 3. Thankfully, back in 2015, I played the Gwent tournament and had lost, and I finished that mission. But after seeing it through, I decided to roll back to an earlier save and just not finish that quest until I had a better Gwent deck. So the last 2-3 hours last night, I was getting heavy into some mad Gwent, because I was gonna win that tournament. The first guy actually ended up being the hardest to beat, I had to get enough good cards to start the game, and I had to play as perfect as pos
  8. Sure there are.................racists like you. And you WILL remain here, because of how much you hate hispanics. LOL
  9. LOL, I love how he doesn't know what to do, and it pisses you off. Who'd of thought that racists are generally bitter throughout the day?? Not me. lol
  10. Good to see that you just continue to out yourself as a racist. I love how you got nothing else to cling on. And I love how it still doesn't work. LOL
  11. I can't wait when this board will come alive again.................when the Xbox gets an exclusive game.
  12. Believe me, one of us is correct in what we claimed. And its not you. Its funny because you have been told in plenty of ways about my status...............and you still want to call me an illegal. Which also proves my point, that you are WANTING TO USE that phrase as a derogatory term. A racist derogatory term. Thanks for helping on that, as well.
  13. You don't care, because those Americans are of Hispanic background. Yes.................that means you are racist. Thank you for clearly admitting that. It also means that you aren't a real American who actually believes in Amereican values. Good to know.
  14. No.......................No....................NO You are absolutely wrong with what MC typed at the beginning of this thread. Let dumb it down for you. -There were people born in south Texas -They were born via mid-wife birth. Not at a hospital -This has been going on for MANY decades -Trump's White House is "reviewing" these births because some mid-wives have said that they've given birth in Mexico and then said it occurred in the US -American citizens, who have lived here all this time, and some who have been in the military, have been
  15. Except there IS NO CRIME. This is more like you are accused of tax fraud, but you can't be arrested unless law enforcement ALREADY HAS PROOF that you have committed. Your analogy doesn't work. These simply aren't prosecutable, because there's no evidence. Which means somebody within the Trump Administration is directing ICE to come after these people. Its clearly racially motivated. You are not a real American is you make excuses for other American-born citizens to have their rights revoked. There is absolutely no excuse when it come
  16. No. They ARE valid.............they can't prove that its invalid. They really can't because they're not going to find a witness or a document from 30 years ago. Birth certificates that show a birth through a mid-wife is 100% LEGAL in the United States. They are within the law to investigate.................but they are not within the law to detain US citizens in immigration courts unless they prove they are not valid documents FIRST. They are VALID Americans unless proven otherwise. Not the other way around. If you don't agree with that, you are
  17. No you're wrong. They are now saying that the legal documentation is in question, and therefore they are automatically considered invalid unless proven otherwise. If you were a real american, you would be insulted that your government is doing that to any American. ....IF you were a real american.
  18. Once I saw them bringing out more DLC expansions at a quicker pace, I got the feeling that they "fixed" whatever lackluster start that they had when they first launched the game. I see DLC expansions of Morrowind, and I'm thinking "oh yeah, lemme just buy that and try it out". But I'm holding back for now.
  19. I figure that Elder Scrolls Online is probably every bit as good as Oblivion/Skyrim. And that's why I don't want to touch it. I don't want to get stuck into another 70 hour rabbit hole, and then run away from the game with 60 side quests unfinished.
  20. I was going to play a little Witcher 3 last night because I was about to finish up a quest to free his friend, Dandelion. Once I completed that, I was told to go meet him and they could talk. I thought it would just be a nice little cutscene or some small mission, instead it started his main story arc that occurs through the game. It felt like small things, helping him prepare for redesigning his cabaret, and then something happened to the girl that he likes, and it turned into a pretty cool Batman investigative mission, it even had a sense of urgency, chasing after somebody who is going aft
  21. I just caught The Terminal on HBO, I had never seen it. Its premise sounded ridiculous. What a rather funny and pleasant movie. It almost seemed believable that Tom Hanks was some generic Eastern European. Almost. Its got some funny scenes.
  22. I think I had played halfway through the game. And yeah, I was doing a complete silent kill playthough, and I mean I would spend alot of time just staring and getting their patterns down, and slowly picking them off, and entering into every area. I might try to finish the stealth playthrough and then do a killing playthrough. And then I think I have the Duchess of Dunwall DLC, and supposedly that's better than the main game.
  23. Jeezus christ. I finally got my gaming PC back to normal, and have moved around my game files to reinstall (some of) them. So I tested it with Witcher 3 and I ended up playing for like 5 hours late last night. I genuinely thought that I couldn't get back into the game, because I had lost track of all the characters, how the inventory system works, how I need to upgrade my armor and weapons and craft whatever shit I need to craft. Was still able to knock one main quest and a couple of side quests. The animation feels archaic, especially after seeing the Uncharted PS4 gam
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