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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. jonb's boast about Sunset Overdrive is that its the "most unique new IP of this console gen" Come to realize that he was completely unaware of how much gameplay it borrows from other games. Unique IP
  2. LOL jonb actually thought that riding electrical wires was a UNIQUE GAMEPLAY TRAVERSAL mechanic that was only in Sunset Overdrive? I was doing that with Infamous in 2009.In fact there had been 3 Infamous games released by the time Sunset Overdrive came out.
  3. lemcels What more proof do you need?
  4. Damn, they must have mishandled one of their megatons.
  5. Now he's asking the very mods that he's melted down against to "clean up" his thread. LOL Not exactly a long-term thinker.
  6. He's trying to make a bet he thinks he can win. He's actually trying to talk about FH4 in multiple ways to MAKE IT SEEM like as if he's talking about multiple games.........even though they only have one game for the year.
  7. DAYUM, looks like I'm going to be playing this on the platform that gamers have chosen, the Switch.
  8. Notice how lemmings don't remotely talk about Sunset Overdrive like 3 months after the Xbox's launch? That game was like the Knack of the XBO
  9. I think that the lemmings have already had TWO separate period sof time in which they went without a single well-scoring exclusive.......that exceeded the 2004-2005 drought that the Gamecube had. I need to go back and see how long that original drought was, just to be sure. But I think XBONE has already had TWO separate droughts have already exceeded the Gamecube's worst drought. I mean, that should be more than enough evidence, at that point.
  10. After all these years, pricewatch.com has always been the best no-BS computer parts website for checking on the best prices of PC parts.
  11. Spiderman is the "most waited game" of this year? Why do lemmings come up with ridiculous terminology? The most WAITED game? LOL
  12. Wait a minute, lemcels intentionally created a thread in which they PUBLICLY show off their butthurt? That's odd
  13. Activision had the Spiderman video game license, but I imagine that once that expired, Sony wanted to buy the video game license in order to pair it up with its movie license.
  14. That digital foundry video really emphasizes how impressive it is for an open world game. Its the fastest moving open world game, it probably has the most amount of vehicle traffic and pedestrian traffic for an open-world game, and the graphics for those NPCs look really good. It has the best effects for city buildings, window reflections, and showing the insides of buildings. I'm really impressed how Spiderman's size is not exaggerated when he walks at the street level, and also him moving around at street-level doesn't look out of wack. Its obvious that Insomniac has to make a
  15. They kinda have to start talking about their online service in more detail, right?
  16. I googled "lemcel" in image search, and I swear to God, this was the first result. They VERY first result to come up.
  17. Its funny, because on the other forum he was declaring that he wasn't going to come on this forum, and was going to stop posting altogether. I laughed and said that he was definitely going to come to this forum the entire time. And, sure enough.....
  18. You could probably play the original Fallout games, since its a top-down perspective, it holds up. Probably FO2 moreso than FO1. Playing a game like Diabo on PC with mouse/KB would probably be better. Actually, if you like Witcher now, then maybe it's worth going back to play Witcher 2 EE on easy mode, just to go through the missions and see the story. There was some very nice short PC games like Her Story and Contradiction that are nice change of pace, and they make for a good 1-2 session playthrough over a weekend. Typing of the Dead Overkill i
  19. lol jonb got so mad he thinks he can try and puff himself up. calling it cuckoman, and calling people pussies. its so obvious.
  20. Wait a minute. Its gotten to the point where they are hoping that their ONLY game this year is able to defeat like Sony's 5th most hyped exclusive? Talk about getting butt-WHITTLED.
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