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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Wait a minute. Its gotten to the point where they are hoping that their ONLY game this year is able to defeat like Sony's 5th most hyped exclusive? Talk about getting butt-WHITTLED.
  2. Lemcels gotta stick together! Usually not by choice.
  3. OMG, these lemcels are literally CRASHING AND BURNING with their damage control. They have to create damage control for their damage control. You know, they ARE EXPERTS at water puddles, because they all currently have real-life puddles of tears around them, right now.
  4. Lemcels are only talking with each other, now. I guess they want to have a ..............."safe space."
  5. Lemcels trying to hold on until Forza arrives:
  6. There have been more exclusives for PSVR than there has for XBONE.
  7. Wait a minute, an Incel is somebody who can't get women. So, lemmings are people who can't get woman AND can't get games. What would call that? Lemcels?
  8. Did you just seriously paraphrase dialogue from Showgirls? And Showgirls was made by Paul Verhoeven. who............... is not Polish, he's Dutch, but that's PRACTICALLY THE SAME as being Polish. And the Witcher franchise COMES FROM POLAND!!! Yes, it all makes sense now.
  9. Look at what they're babbling at this point. They're trying to find ANY TYPE OF VICTORY they can get, at this point. That's how bad its gotten.
  10. Perfect time to make yourself feel good by posting 20 year old pictures of wrestlers to signify that your best days have long past.
  11. This is what bhyte is doing right now.
  12. Whoo boy, bhyte should've waited until there were other lemmings here.
  13. oh man bhyte is melting down, and no one really baited him into it, he just sorta of did it himself.
  14. The demo has no reflections on windows............which is exactly what you are showing us in that screengrab of the final game. LOL thanks for completely blowing up your own argument
  15. Did the lemmings honestly expect this to not blow up in their faces? So, I guess Sunset Overdrive was built on an, obviously, unfinished game engine. And then it looks like a whole bunch of wack-ass textures and colors that look like placeholders, and they just splashed the entire game with that and called it a day. Sunset Overdrive literally looks like a gaming development where Microsoft stopped paying them after a certain point. LOL Sony took care of the developer here to ensure that the Spiderman game looks like a finished product.
  16. Its called dying your hair white and putting makeup to make you look vampirish. It shouldn't be hard to make him look like Geralt. This is awesome news. I'm really happy that the IP has grown to become a real success.
  17. Henry Cavill was going around saying that he wants to play Geralt in The Witcher. And many people thought it was just playful nerdy talk. Now he has been cast as Geralt in The Witcher series on Netflix. Holy shit, that project just got real serious. I'm really happy that the IP has succeeded as much as it has.
  18. Its getting to the point where I don't have many missions left in the mainland of Witcher 3. Thankfully, back in 2015, I played the Gwent tournament and had lost, and I finished that mission. But after seeing it through, I decided to roll back to an earlier save and just not finish that quest until I had a better Gwent deck. So the last 2-3 hours last night, I was getting heavy into some mad Gwent, because I was gonna win that tournament. The first guy actually ended up being the hardest to beat, I had to get enough good cards to start the game, and I had to play as perfect as pos
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