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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. And you don't see any food on it, do you? Some appear to be holding drinks, or looking at their phone. How much effort does it take a guy behind the counter to say "Folks, we're closing now, we need people to start clearing out" Its not a bar...…….....there's no open tab that they need to close out.
  2. LOL, I love how you want this to be true. Beat me at the argument...……….don't try to make the argument about me. You're experience is irrelevant to me, only what you can argue.
  3. And you, apparently, are NOT drawing a line at those people sitting at the table and eating. I am saying that they SHOULD HAVE tried to make effort to push those people out, so that the black lady sees that they are trying to close up shop. they "might be leaving soon" is simply not good enough compared to this lady's perspective and her 60 seconds of video. In her video, it doesn't look like they are "leaving soon" Does it? We're talking about image here...…...shes records just enough to make the business look bad. There's no way around that.
  4. Look at the people in the restaurant. She didn't have the camera rolling when those two white women came in. How is she supposed to know that? Maybe the business should have had a camera rolling showing them denying the white women. That would definitely help. I'm saying that, with her narrative, the video helps her. I didn't say that the video CONFIRMS her narrative, did I?
  5. If you say to somebody...……"sorry, you can't come in, we're closed" And then you allow FOUR people to remain sitting at a table, just casually chatting and eating...……….you look like you're playing favorite. I shouldn't have to spoonfeed that visual image to you. That's not me playing devil's advocate. That looks bad. If you say you are closing, and proceed to let other people stay there like as if they have all the time in the world, you do not look consistent.
  6. No...…...the people sitting there at the table, just chilling, makes her story believable. They should have start telling people to get up off the tables and leave, and they should've gone and walked them out, while locking the door after each customer is walked out. That is a common thing that all stores do at closing.
  7. they don't seem to be making any effort to "cut off" anybody. And the worst thing is, they have 4 people sitting at a table. They've already purchased their items...……..they need to be told to leave, except they are just sitting there chilling. If she prefaces this with some text about her perspective of things...…...and then you watch this video, her story seems rather believable. Whether she depicts things accurately or not.
  8. Sorry, but that video helps her narrative. It looks pretty full, and there isn't just a line, but rather a full table of people just sitting there and chilling, and all of them looking like white yuppies. And knowing that its a black lady standing outside just continually recording this while all the people inside don't even look rushed to leave. If you had an employee telling those kids to get up off the table and start walking out, then things might look different.
  9. Of course it does. At the end of the day...……….you, the business owner, have more to lose than the customer. Especially if you are a small business owner. If you're working in a corporate chain business, you don't have to worry as much. What if, on ANOTHER night, this customer has seen people walk in x minutes after closing time and still be served? That's probably why a lot of places start locking the door before closing time, to ensure that they don't have a line of people right at the end.
  10. Then it would be the right decision. If it were a mob of right-wing 'Merica! chanting dumbasses here in Texas, we'd be seeing the business doing something to appease the mob in the other direction. Eh...…...seeing people in line, and the doors being open. There's a lot of gray area here where customers could complain.
  11. Actually I said its his right to fire them for whatever reason he wants...………………...because I'm throwing GHOSTS own words back in his face, for a previous statement he made regarding NFL owners forcing players to stand for the flag. And if you read the first few posts of this thread...……….you'd know that I made that obvious. LOL, another one of your narratives completely destroyed with one simple post by me.
  12. No I can't tell. …………...because you aren't. You made that statement to reassure YOURSELF. No point in trying to portray it in any other way. lol
  13. Probably so...……..if I have nothing but Xboxes. But then again, I'd have no customers there to sue me if I had an Xbox gaming café.
  14. Except you only ask these questions...…...not because you're genuinely interesting in finding out, but rather because you use them to only support ONE narrative that you favor over any other possibility. That's why I called it Glenn Beck/Fox News style of question.
  15. I love how you start talking like Glenn Beck or some Fox News pundit with these open-ended questions with obvious insinuations. Right AFTER I accuse you of having certain biases...…..jesus.
  16. No dude...………...you're just butthurt beyond redemption and are looking to try and say that I'm dumb. lol You don't know the interaction with these people, and you are trying really hard to make this an open and shut case. Which exposes your pathetic biases. That's your shortcoming. Not mines.
  17. Well then maybe the boss may have told the employees that they need to mitigate situations in which customers are having a shit fit for ANY reason. Dude...……..my brother runs a major corporate chain restaurant, he tells me stories of people who DO NOT DESERVE good customer service. Let me explicit with that phrase, for any normal person hearing his stories, you would not side with the customer, but you STILL mitigate these people because YOU HAVE MORE TO LOSE as a business owner. This is not a situation of a Regular Person vs Regular Person. You have more to lose as a
  18. Well I don't see where the conflicting story is, unless I'm missing another quote from the owner. But it would be odd that the owner is making things much more complicated for himself than he needs to be in order to fire these employees.
  19. Then that means that SOMETHING ELSE happened in that interaction that they determined it to be negative. And we don't know what it is.
  20. Does their policy teach them to treat a black women differently? I love how you keep on clinging onto the closing time as "Policy" Its like I'm speaking to a child at his first debate. lol
  21. It is interesting because the guy doesn't need any reason to fire the white employees in an "at will" state. Which is what Oregon is. He could walk in on any day, and say "I don't need you" and fire them on the spot, and hire two different people on that same day. Hmmmmmmmmmmm……….seems like you and Ghost constructed a narrative that doesn't hold up to the slightest bit of logical scrutiny.
  22. If you fucked up one day...………….then you fucked up, period. You must not know what work is like. Because that's all it takes. Its a service job....………….you're quite replaceable. Look at how this is making you melt down, I feel like I'm in a 9th grade ethics debate class. LOL
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