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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. And did they treat her the same as the white women...…...or did they speak to her differently. Same concept applies. I even talked about HOW they tell her that the stores is closed could potentially be grounds to different treatment.
  2. And you don't know if the store has admitted people after closing time before. Therefore...…...you are in no position to determine if the employees were fired unfairly or not. Once again...…………..THIS...………..SIMPLE...……...POINT has been explained to you multiple times.
  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're done. Thank you for admitting that you PURPOSELY want to avoid that point I've made several times.
  4. I have. And I've gone to stores and been allowed in. The question is whether these employees treated this black woman differently. I love how I've explained that SPECIFIC PHRASE about 6 times to you...…………...and you pretend to IGNORE it every...……..single...……..time. You've all but assured that you know you can't win this argument.
  5. He's now completely RUNNING AWAY from his argument. …………...and revealing his true feelings. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Sinkuh! poor guy thinks that making of fun of black people is somehow going to affect me. LOL He doesn't know what to do.
  6. His argument is now relying on the sign. So...…….if they left the sign on, by accident, then they are still open? LOL he's making it so easy for me now.
  7. Do you have proof that the Employer specifically made up new rules out of nowhere to fire these employees? I love how you are absolutely melting down at this point...………….you can't win your argument, so now you're just trying to make fun of me because I talked about a gaming café a couple of weeks ago. LOL I love it when you make it obvious.
  8. No...………...you are conveniently leaving out an important part of the argument that I already told you MULTIPLE times, several posts ago: I love how I just BUS-TED you trying to mis-represent what I said.
  9. Except if they are still in the store...……...they are still being paid by the boss. If they locked up the store and are going home, then you would have a more valid argument. CLOSING TIME may not mean that is when the employee's working hours are over. WHY are you still acting like you don't know what happens at these service jobs?
  10. It does. If the boss has told you to allow customers at or after closing time before...…….and specifically sees you treat somebody else different, then chances are you're gonna get fired. Why are you acting like somebody who has never worked before? Do you think constructing an argument out of NAIVETE is going to help you here??? LOL
  11. No...…….they don't. Especially when its small, independent businesses. Your FLAW...…….....and it is a FLAW...……...is that you think this is a McDonalds or some other corporate chain.
  12. And the business owner can replace them with workers who will go the extra mile. I love how you guys are trying to play so innocent here.
  13. No...……….not for an independent small business. You actually think they TURN AWAY paying customers...……………...at small, independent business...…….like they do at your corporate McDonalds or Starbucks? This is your CONTINUING FLAW in your argument.
  14. You don't know that they were "following policy" because if they have ever ALLOWED anybody into the store at closing time before...……..then that policy is now at the mployee's discretion. You...…………….don't...………...KNOW...…...any of this, or how any of this went down. You know exactly what I have been saying these past few posts...…….you're just trying to play dumb. lol
  15. No...….once again you are assuming things you don't know. I love how you are AWARE that you are purposely making a naïve argument, based on technicalities that may be irrelevant based on what may have happened...……...and you're doing it specifically to fight me about it. I love seeing you jump these hoops. If the Employer has SEEN how these employees have treated OTHER PEOPLE at closing time...……...and know that they treated this black woman differently, that's all there to it, sweetheart. And you know this. But I'm not gonna stop you from your
  16. Except employees still interacted with this customer past 9pm. They still represent the company, in this scenario. I mean...………..why are trying to play naïve, you know exactly how these employees could still fuck up in this scenario. The thing is that the customer would have to successfully demonstrate that you treated them in a way that was out-of-the-ordinary compared to how they treat other people. As we can see, the Employer certainly seems to think that's the case. Dude...……...the mere fact that you are assuming so many things based on a GHO
  17. No, it does matter how you interacted with them. If the Employer KNOWS how the employees have treat OTHER people at closing time, and notices that they treated this black lady differently...……..then they could determine that they did it because they judged her based on her color. I love how you are trying to include me wherever possible...………..the butthurt is so real with you. LOL
  18. that's actually a clever line........................for me to have used for my side of the argument. But its still something. LOL
  19. the parade is just about complete. Depends on how I interacted with the customer when I didn't let them in. I love how people apparently have never heard of "the customer is always right" mentality in the year 2018. People are trying to lay on the naivete really thick here.
  20. Actually he did stay on subject. Its actually rather accurate that you wouldn't be able to notice it. LOLOLOLOL
  21. They treated a customer poorly. The employer came to the conclusion that they treated a customer poorly because of something else besides their closing time. They used the closing time as an EXCUSE to treat a customer poorly. Once again........this is what the EMPLOYER has determined, I don't know how they came to this determination, and you don't either. This boils down to plain and simple bad customer relations. In the views of the Employer.............and if you get caught doing something the employer doesn't like, you can get fired. Especiall
  22. No..........because that would be a change of subject. And a rather pathetic one, at that.LOL
  23. hell of a burden for white people. why, its such an awful burden, they'd probably TRADE THEIR BURDENS with black people's, amirite? Yeah, that's what i thought.
  24. he ran away from his own thread. "you will see soon!" Talkin' like Trump, at this point. lol
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