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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Ok, where do I begin. -I just rented BFBC2 yesterday, I have to finish it by this Monday -I am trying to finish up NMH2 -Also playing Chronos Twins on the DSiWare -Haven't even played Tats vs Cap since the first couple of days of having it, I haven't learned most of the moves or strategies yet -I just received my cheap copy of HoTD Overkill a couple of days ago, I'll play it during some weekend with my best friend. -I have my copy of Endless Ocean 2, haven't started that yet, except that won't be a game that I'll rush to "complete" -Put about 4 hours into Mass Effect 1....because I want to ha
  2. I'm certain that Futureshop and Best Buy employees would mourn Tupac's death, but probably not anybody else here.
  3. that sucks. people, especially young people, gotta be careful in cars, because that is the most common danger we probably participate in every day. it really sucks.
  4. No.........just, no. Ugh, Lord Almighty.
  5. :happysad: Stupid ass cows spoke too soon. WAY too soon.
  6. Well, because of the strap replacements, they pulled their stock and won't ship them out until they have a new strap on them. I knew something would prevent them from 4 million, and lets say that even if they did, I mean how do you not expect that there isn't going to be some shop in Poland or whereever the hell would wouldn't sell out? Unless Nintendo does the Sony and MS route and says that they count sales as the moment it leaves their distribution centers.
  7. Hey, do you know that Sony has been using the "shipped" moniker for the total amount of PS2 units this whole time? WHat was it? Like 111 million. Well, if thats the case, ABSOLUTELY Nintendo will "SELL" 4 million units just like Sony has "SOLD" 22 million PSPs.
  8. Well, whoever created the bet must be under the assumption that there's going to be 6 million units. Its possible, but the information I have heard is that its 4 million through the end of 2006. So what you're saying is that Nintendo would have to achieve sales in the 100th percentile for the haters to get a one month ban, but 0-99.999% equals a one month ban for the believers. I don't know where you learned to gamble, but thats an incredibly stupid bet to make. Or an incredibly EASY bet for the haters to make. Thats like me making a bet than all 100,000 PS3's have to be sold
  9. There's 4 million units according to Reggie as of last week. But if you don't feel confident enough to make a balanced bet, then thats ok.
  10. Probably so, because they're going to be shipping more than 4 million Wii's, and they're going to be shipping them to the areas where demand is greatest. The total amount should push overall sales over 4 million. But we won't know worldwide numbers until they're calculated from all over.
  11. Doesn't matter. They become a joke when they spend the next six months under different and stupid psuedonyms and pretending trying to make fun of taking the internet too seriously when all it took for a mod was two clicks and 5 seconds of their time.
  12. So, you're saying that the bet is for Nintendo to sell every single one of its units available in all of its territories in the world, and anything less than a complete 100% sellout of all units that they have in supply is a one month ban? Why don't you fit the payoff with the odds. Less than 4 million = 1 month ban Complete 100% Sellout = 6 month ban
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