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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I love how he didn't remotely address anything I said..........he tried to talk past it. and like all the other previous times he's attempted it.............it doesn't work. He knows EXACTLY what arguments he had with me back then..........and he knows that I said about why they're buying publishers because its actually a better use of money, since they can SELL THEM when they leave the gaming business. He knows I said all of that back around 2020............he's just pretending to play stupid.
  2. yeah, i might lose beta access soon. while you are now rushing to sign back up for gamepass since you just heard the news that they are getting ready to exit the gaming market in under 4 years
  3. you specifically argued with me against that very point back during 2020. I love it when I'm 100% right, and you're 100% wrong.............and you switch to the "WELL DUH NO SHIT they were gonna do that!" routine. Right on time.
  4. https://wccftech.com/microsoft-may-exit-gaming-business-if-game-pass-subscribers-off-console-dont-increase-enough-by-2027/ Absolutely called this years ago when they introduced GamePass. I specifically mentioned it was their "push their chips in" last ditch effort. This is also the reason why they bought publishers, because as I've said before, if they exit, they can at least try and get their money back by selling IPs and studios on their way out. This company has NO ACTUAL INTEREST in making video games. If they can't zerg rush to
  5. They're like the corporate embodiment of Todd Margaret. They just bullshit and bullshit and bullshit until they eventually have to meet reality, and it all collapses on them.
  6. Yes it did. And now you are back to playing stupid and having amnesia again. Thank goodness I never accommodated a known liar The Switch Which is why you had to convert your PC into one Apparently this one also converted their hardware into a Switch. No surprise there...........y'know.......since he's a fakeboy.
  7. Thanks for admitting that you are exactly as butthurt and a lemming fanboy....as I always knew you were. This is where he's at, send its only to get more desperate.
  8. Back to posting press releases for Microsoft Oh......once again Microsoft is using the "THOSE WERE OLD EMAILS, WE DONT BELIEVE IN THAT ANYMORE" excuse for them getting caught talking about buying out and forcing out other companies a SECOND time.
  9. No it's you. Since......y'know You're this forum's resident Fakeboy
  10. Of course you would. Because you are so butthurt about me making fun of you over Xbox, and Xbox being a constant failure, that you have become THAT DESPERATE to the point in which you would allow something that hurts all gamers......for a victory. You just admitted to that, you know that right? You just said the equivalent of the American right winger's "I'll vote for fascism to own da libs" slogan. Thanks for admitting what I already knew about you
  11. Thanks for admitting they're exclusives, and you have to convert your hardware to a Switch.
  12. In which case, you lost that argument to gouko a long time ago.
  13. They're trying to buy out part of the market. Collapse the value of retail games The remaining third parties will accept lower gamepass pay rates. Once 51% of all publishers are putting their games out day 1 on gamepassx the other holdouts will succumb End up having Sony and Nintendo unable to generate enough money with their own games to sustain their own platform. They're trying to corner the market, through predatory market manipulation.
  14. They want to drive out or force companies to get on their gamepass, so that they can capture it like cable TV companies do. At which point they would start raising prices like cable TV companies did. Thats why they're eating costs right now. And with this leak, we know they're losing money.
  15. Did you see the email where Phil said he watched Mark Cerny's presentation and he started gloating that their hardware was going to be 30% more powerful than what's in the PS5? Phil Spencer is literally as stupid as his own fanboys on this forum. They've been completely outplayed by Sony, yet again, a second time around. While some dumbasses are still "waitin' on da toolz!!!!"
  16. Yes, we have known this entire time that their plan was predatory market capture. This is time clearly admitting it. Them trying to acquire Steam should be the biggest red flag to pc lovers losers, because it clearly implies that they want to get into position to lock down the pc and have valve sell to them or risk getting pushed out They literally talk about living side by side with competitors in public, and they are scheming to take them over through non-competitive means by throwing their weight around.
  17. Say one thing in front of everybody, and then privately admit the opposite. Gee, that reminds me of a fake boy on this forum.
  18. Nope, that's completely irrelevant, especially considering in your next sentence that TOTK is the best game of the year. A switch exclusive. No wonder you're a known liar, your trying to include stolen games from other platforms in your fake count. How pathetic.
  19. That's why he's throwing so many conditional adjectives, so that he can slowly remove them and think he can still pretend to be right. This is proof, right here, that GamePass doesn't make money. They've been LOSING MONEY, and they've just been hiding the accounting from being seen publicly and by stockholders. Remember. The whole WGA strike is due to the fact that one of the negotiating points is that they want the studios to disclose the streaming revenues. And they don't want to do that. Because many people believe that Warner Bros, Disney, an
  20. Thanks for the admission. And yes, the Switch platform does rape the PC, mostly during to its amazing exclusives
  21. your converted switch that cost you $3000? that you still can't get a solid 60fps on?
  22. ...............and he just lost the argument. And he just straight up lied, since my post made no mention of anything he's claiming. I love how you tried to be serious............but it was all an ACT Y'know................since you're a fakeboy, and I just proved it again.
  23. No, I say that PlayStation has better scoring games, run by better management, that releases in a more timely manner, that has better graphics and production values............that makes Xbox look like a complete joke of a company from top to bottom. GEE.....................pray tell, where in any of those basic observations, that I've said over, and over, and over, and over, and over, many times within these past 5 years...............is that reliant on anything other than observing the game companies, themselves? If you don't answer that question, you've lost the argu
  24. No, you didn't explain. You tried to shift over to some other metric that has nothing to do with fakeboying. A fakeboy is something who ACTS a certain way in front of others.........and is lying. That's what you do. No amount of game time represents how you ACT on this forum. You got caught lying. And you know you did. You're a fakeboy, plain and simple.
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