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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Are you sure about that, I'm actually typing less than you right now. LOL
  2. Guess he's still stuck in a chinese finger trap. Oh well......that's your choice. And it is a choice.
  3. Nope, there's no point in pretending that you are communicating on a higher level. You're not.............you're trying to say something to help yourself feel better about what I'm saying about you. See......the thing is....is that you're not on a "jerrygoround". I'm like a chinese finger trap............if you get stuck on it, its because you're doing something you're not supposed to. And its something stupid and short-sighted. The moment you relinquish yourself of your bullshit.........you can easy get out of a chinese finger trap. Same thing applies here.
  4. I love how you tried to pad your post by just bashing at me personally, while not answering the subject. Developers did give up on it. In mid-2019 we already had Digital Foundry analysis in which the developer clearly didn't even bother to make any optimizations above the PS4pro version Sony made PS4 exclusive games that had PS4pro upgrades. Microsoft couldn't even make exclusives. Hell, I think even Minecraft wasn't even updated for XBX until just recently. Sony had their PS4pro modes ready with their major games. Its not working............Micr
  5. It isn't up for debate, because its failure is universally proven as fact. The PS4pro beat it.........in all the general ways one measures a console's success. But the XBX fails because it achieved almost NONE of what it promised. Developers making NEW, important games, gave up on it by mid-2019. That's how we know its a failure. Hell Microsoft gave up on it and didn't even bother to develop a real game that pushes its limits. Even Nintendo did that with the new 3DS hardware refresh. LOL, the XBX even fails up against a Playstation ac
  6. Why would I need new material? The regular material works just fine. Think about it............you're basically ADMITTING that it was unbelievably embarassing, and you can't even defend it. So what did you do? "Well..........have I SHIT MY PANTS LATELY!!!! I think not!!!" Smooth move, there, chief.
  7. it just isn't. for so many reasons that you ALREADY know. That's the thing, your ideas require you to block out so many things from your mind. And that's why we call it "delusional" because you have to put yourself in a state of delusion in order to make your explanation work.
  8. Not my experience. You got offended over a child saying "die, fascist die" in a video game.......I mean, I have no problem confidently saying that I can exceed that. That's got "i failed..........at e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g" written all over it.
  9. LOL that'd be like me wondering what house pets think of me. The funny part is ya'll guys will think that's a weird remark while missing what I am saying in regards of you.
  10. Some PS3 games were already remastered on the PS4. What major PS3 games are we still waiting for. If they take some PS2 games and completely remake them, then that's nice. But I still don't expect that. The rumor with Mafia 1 being remade is that its because they're taking the game engine that they are going to use for Mafia 4 and using that to recreate Mafia 1's map and missions (those missions aren't very complicated) If they don't flesh out Mafia 1's missions structure.......that game is going to bomb with review websites.
  11. i think the part that is really interesting is that...........i almost never delve into talking about them on a personal level. Look at what I argue over. Xbox X console failure with Dynocrap. Remij and his hopes that Nintendo and Sony become full blown third party developers, like Microsoft (because Remij is a closet lemming). jonb and all of his stupid topics. saucer with his lame attempts to hide his political ideas as he is pretty much just an "anti-liberal" and will hop-scotch across the political spectrum based on which available political
  12. No, developers have not optimized new, major games for the XBX. we saw that during 2019 in Digital Foundry analysis. It all went downhill from the RDR2 analysis where Digital Foundry actually said they preferred a specific PS4pro mode over any other option. No exclusive games. No games that even remotely look like they push graphics. It really is a $500 paperweight, and you already that, to the point where you already consider this gen over while you are waiting 6 months for another Xbox console. PS4pro is simply the much better purchase. Bo
  13. Its pretty sad that he's still trying to gaslight.......and its not even close to working. Whereas, if I just repeat this: It really drives the point home. He's literally behaving like this because I am talking about his failed gaming console that he likes.
  14. Sorry.........pretending that your exasperated at me isn't going to work. I'm pointing out things YOU are saying. Gaslighting isn't going to work on me. Notice that there's only one of us who is losing their shit right now........and that person has lost the right to say other people are crazy. A regular person wouldn't get this mad just because I keep on referencing their shitty $500 failure of a console.
  15. Six months isn't imminent. Unless you literally measure failure by much longer periods of time than the average person. And, apparently, that's exactly what you do. Good lord, the wait until your next console is 1/5 of the amount of time you've HAD your current $500 paperweight. You're standards are out of whack.
  16. You just said a new console gen was starting. Don't get mad because I'm using your words. Look how angry you are...........let me know if I ever butthurt to the point where I'm literally hoping you die of a virus. Can't believe you're losing your shit on a saturday night. Its not my fault that your $500 xbox has nothing to entertain you with.
  17. and you just went full racist. but that's beside the point. The new gen doesn't start for almost six months...............that's simply not up for debate. You basically have written off your slightly over 2-year old $500 console........that's also a fact. Don't get mad because I can count.
  18. Well, I am scheduled to go to a Rage concert in July of next year, in the general put area.
  19. reminds me of that scene in that movie, Dodgeball, where the scrawny guy doesn't realize that Steve is a pirate until way late in the movie.
  20. You literally said that a new gen has started. Its not coming til November for Xbox. I'm not the one getting dumber.
  21. Holy shit, its not for starting for another 6 months, and this guy has publicly declared that his 2 year, 6 month old XBX is dead.
  22. yes i did. you are changing your story. WHat did you think I asked? What is the PSN account that you DON'T PLAY GAMES ON? You're only hurting your already-shot credibility with you making these excuses...........its over for you. You have never played the PS4 console or any Sony first party game. Holy shit...........you have no credibility on this subject. You'll never be able to complain about me again, because your cred is completely gone.
  23. LOL he's already abandoning ship. The NEXT $500 Xbox will definitely do the trick!!!! [Dynocrap opens wallet again]
  24. Nope, your not changing the subject onto me. And you PSN account is Remij... You are now CHANGING YOUR STORY FOR A THIRD TIME. Originally it was after 2014 your switched to a new account with your wife or whatever. YOU ARE NOW CHANGING IT AGAIN............oh, it was after TLOU in 2013 that I changed it. You just got busted...................holy shit. You will never try to argue with me about gaming credibility ever again. You have never played a PS4 game, and especially a major Sony first party game.
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