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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. jonb is trying to help out his racist friend (again) sad part is........he needs the help.
  2. He's trying to get his name off of the forum rules where they list him as the example for racism But even better.............he's basically admitting total defeat, and he's been "gotten" to. That's hilarious. There's more productive to spend Nana's inheritance.
  3. All of the other versions should be indicative that platinum games half-assed the entire effort. I think they created an emulator, and then they slapped that on all of the versions with little to no optimization.
  4. ..........you're defending two white people who hunted down and shot a black man. They should make a 10-part miniseries on your racism called The Ghost Dance
  5. ..............its not my argument. Its a fact. The highest quality graphical effects and textures are lifted straight out of the Wii U version. If I didn't know better I'd say its just a BETTER EMULATED version than what is found on CEMU...........except yo had to pay money for it. LOL Which reminds me, I had found a youtube comment yesterday from somebody who said that they went digging through the steam files, and they said it appears to have some sort of emulator in there. LOL Don't know if its true or not. Pure PC processing power allows it
  6. So you've been a racist for 10 straight years. That's gotta be a record.
  7. You are the person listed as the example of racism.......for this entire forum. Click on the rules to see your name. Don't whine about it...........I didn't put it there. We all know that you are a racist, so much so that there were rules built around you.
  8. The photo with him and the colonoscopy bag was him celebrating after having just scored.
  9. Apparently you, if they had to list your screenname under the forum rules for racism.
  10. and you are this forum's known racist. You are literally listed in the forum rules for racism, your name is on there. Sorry...........you're not shaking that reputation.
  11. I'm not siding with you. don't get mad because he's embarrassing you.
  12. LOL, companies have been keeping worker's wages down. When something happens, people get a little bit of unemployment benefits (that they paid into). And now people are blaming the government because workers are figuring out that they've been underpaid for a very long time. There's a reason why progressive Democrats are trying to push $15/hour minimum wage, because that forces everybody's wages to go up in a domino-effect. Instead, short-sighted losers get mad at the idea of minimum wage workers possibly getting more money.
  13. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnope, they went on to say all versions end up being cheap lackluster ports. PS4 base dips into the 40's PS4pro is the same resolution as PS4 base, it has no improved resolution, and STILL dips down to 50fps The PC version cannot even have texture quality or graphical effects above that of the Wii U version...........they literally say that the highest graphical setting on the PC is matching the Wii U's texture assets and full shaders and depth of field, if you take the graphics settings any lower than high, they actually have LESS EFFECTS than th
  14. I just made me a glass of The Brown Derby. 1.5 oz Bourbon, 1.0 oz Grapefruit juice, and 0.5 oz of honey "syrup" (honey diluted with water). Over ice and shaken. Its not bad. Somewhat tasty. Liquor hits my tastebuds really hard, so I still taste the bourbon like front and center, but not too overbearing. A regular person, with a higher threshold for liquor than me, might say that they only taste a small hint of bourbon. I need to buy grapefruit so that I can add slices as garnish. This drink will work.
  15. Margaritas on the rocks. But I'm trying to learn to make a couple of drinks, and actually I'm going to do crash last-minute learning test here in a few minutes, because tomorrow after work, a couple of friends invited me over to their place for some social distance drinking on their patio, and I wanted to impress them by making some new drinks. I am trying to learn to make a Gimlet, but I really don't like Gin. So i'm trying to find the proper mixture and the proper ingredients to make the gin taste palatable and refreshing. And then yesterday, I learned abo
  16. The most amazing accomplishment was taking the Tom Clancy IP and being able to churn out games that sell more than 10 million. And not only that, they get the most amount of DLC
  17. Wasn't there a thread about the one millionth post not too long ago?
  18. Apparently, a review had already been posted (by deadline, or some other outlet) and they called it 'goofy". But I don't know...........I mean, I didn't know about Bong Joon-ho when i saw the movie several years ago. My impressions of the movie was that it was kind of a unique premise, it looked gritty.........but they were laying the messaging down REALLY REALLY THICK. Like you couldn't miss what they were trying to say. So, I imagine that would be seen as "goofy" as well if it were being reviewed today.
  19. I dunno if I'm curious. I just got done playing Watch Dogs 1, and I added the reshader mod to make that game look fucking great. Interesting city. Maybe not so interesting for walking around on foot. Part of my doesn't even like GTA5's story until i get to the black guy and missions around his side of town. And its disappointing because there are BARELY any missions in that part of town. God......the main storyline sucks so bad in GTA5. I wish they had DLC expansion to add more single player stories to the three characters in their part of the map. Like comp
  20. This looks excellent. Perfect time for a Paper Mario game, and especially one that appears to be returning back to The Thousand Year Door traditional RPG combat. What is nice is that this appears to have some open-world traversal, but it also has gorgeous town levels. I hope they have that lively diorama feel like TTYD. They make it seem like turning into an Origami version of yourself is like turning into some sort of cult-zombie. Princess Peach was creepy. People never learn. Nintendo has done releases like this before. Astral Chain was announced in Februa
  21. I got sick and tired of the town building, and the quests started becoming too repetitive and grindy. I quit about a couple of months before the online 1v1 matches started up. See the problem is where you stick your neck out and gamble too much on a quest that is way above your level, because you need a breakthrough to try and help collect enough money and materials. And then during that quest, you're trying really hard to do everything right and stay alive, and an enemy fucks you up really bad, and you probably weren't able to get a healing potion in time to keep stayi
  22. No it isn't. Its Glitch and Glitcher. I love that he's trying to say that I've ran away..................when he didn't direct-post me, like jonb. Man, his projection is off da charts. He knows he got SKULLFUCKED hard in this thread. Just like he knows that this entire port thing backfired on them. Oh well, he better keep his mouth closed if he doesn't want to get skullfucked. Its pretty straightforward.
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