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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. misleading thread title, eh? can't say I'm surprised.
  2. jehurey


    Yeah, those guys always claimed that they're leaving, but they come back like the good little cucks they are.
  3. LOL no.........in fact the only known crying we've seen is you crying after you got banned and claiming you were going to leave the forum. Which means you're not only a pussy, but not even man enough to go through with your words. lol
  4. Why are you intentionally trying to OBFUSCATE????????????? You said that you were trying to talk to mods. I went and SEARCHED THROUGH YOUR POSTS to see whether you were arguing with ME.........or with mods. You never once even UTTERED the word "mod".........I just searched for it. You just got busted, and now you're trying to MISLEAD even more to try and obfuscate your way out of this. Ain't gonna work. Yes it does..............because you said that I just admitted to something. Except.......y'know..........
  5. Except I said that the "unfairly moderated" was YOUR THEORY. I wasn't agreeing with it. Observe: I love how you just tried to be clever.............and it completely blew up in your face, almost immediately. LOL
  6. You were not arguing with the mods in those posts from yesterday. You were arguing with me. Here...........let me do a quick CTRL +F and search for how many times you typed the words "mod" in your posts from yesterday. Results on Page 6: 2 Both of them typed in my posts. You never used the word "mod" once. Results on Page 7: 2 Both of them typed in my posts (moderated, unmoderated). You never used the word "mod" once Looks like your bullshit just fell apart. Not only that.............this happened:
  7. Except your 40 posts were about defending Dynocrap. And then you tried to say "no I wasn't defending him.......I was asking questions" And now I caught you specifically saying "YES.......my intention was to defend him" But you're trying to pretend your didn't get busted lying because your FIRST VERSION of your story applies......NOT TO ME, but to the mods? This is hilarious how shoddy and pretzel'ed up your logic is............I can literally tell that you are making it up as you go along. You were arguing with me yesterday.
  8. Sorry, flaming your way out doesn't work, either. You literally tried to excuse your HIDING of your intentions yesterday by saying "I was not really talking to you.....I was trying to contact the mods" ?????????? Oh my god, that is beyond weak.
  9. Nah, nah, nah, nah.......buddy..........that shit ain't working. You didn't type 40 posts in THIS THREAD yesterday speaking to the mods. You were speaking to me. I was arguing your intentions for defending Dynocrap. Now you're trying to pretend that you DON'T KNOW what I'm talking about? Wow............you lost this argument so bad that you went with "uh............I wasn't speaking to you, I was actually trying to speak to the mods". Everything you are typing is just falling apart as the seams.
  10. oh my god......I need to reiterate that nobody is forcing him to type that. It really is true: "you are the company you keep"
  11. You weren't arguing with the mod team.........you were arguing with me, and I repeatedly said that he's clearly a bigot with bigotry on his mind. So YES it is relevant. Thank you, just admitted to ANOTHER THING. You just admitting to HIDING your actual intentions from yesterday. Lost that argument, as well.
  12. Yes there is. You didn't say the things things you are clearly admitting today. That's means you AVOIDED answering such questions on Dynocrap's hate speech yesterday. But we now know your TRUE intentions today. You were putting on a front. It doesn't really matter because EITHER WAY...........you've already blown up your initial cover story. "i was just asking questions" Now you've literally said: "yeah i was defending him" And you were defending him...........FROM ME. because I alrea
  13. Yes you did. You just revealed YOUR ACTUAL INTENTIONS. Which you just said..........are clearly the same today as they were yesterday. In other words, you just admitted that you were putting on a front yesterday, but you just dropped that and revealed what you were actually trying to do. Oh my god. What did you think, that I can't retroactively applying your REAL intentions from today to what you typed yesterday. LOL
  14. yes you did. You clearly just admitted that you believed the same things yesterday, as today. You avoided answering for his hate speech yesterday. But you JUST ADMITTED to defending it today. You just proved my point and LOST YOUR ARGUMENT. "i was just asking questions" ...............you just lost that argument, wholesale.
  15. So you are saying its the same???????????????/ Yeah..........looks like you are defending him. And you clearly believe those things that you are typing today, yesterday. Thanks for clearly proving my point.
  16. No, I'm not picking or choosing. SHow me the other posts in which they are blatantly making hate speech, to the point where they are questions whether X group of people should even be considered "people" Go make that equivalency. His use of the word, in his post........is just trash all around. And, he was the one that was immediately becoming aggressive...........in a discussion about 2D Monitors and how we judge 3-dimensional depth??????????? You should be ashamed for even ENTERTAINING THE POSSIBILITY.
  17. Yes you did. You just admitted it. You did disregard the morality of what he was doing. I even went back and showed you HIS OWN post in which he wasn't using the word as an "expletive" his entire post was classic hate speech. he doesn't even seen them as PEOPLE?????????????? And then I posed the question to you: You clearly didn't answer that, and thus clear evidence that you are disregarding it. For him posting the TLOU2 spoiler Holy shit...........I just caught you lying, again.
  18. And I'm reiterating that I challenged you to something about 8 posts ago, and you asked me to do something first. .....and I did. And then you ran away from what I challenged you with. And therefore, you've clearly ran away, and lost your argument. Thank you.
  19. You just destroyed YOUR OWN narrative, in which you posed "I was just asking questions"[innocent face] Thanks for admitting that you were clearly trying to defend him. Like I said........you disregarded the morality of what he was doing, and tried to get him freed on a technicality. "you are the company you keep"
  20. And he just ran away. I won it right here: Thank you.
  21. Yes you did. You even said that "it was unjust" And you were arguing that point..........you made the determination that his ban was "unjust" You just contradcited yourself with your "I was JUST ASKING questions" narrative. You already made a determination, and chose to defend a bigot (an obvious bigot, at that). I love how you know you lost..........and are trying to change the argument in different directions. You're now trying to argue "if I care". LOL The reason why I love that is because you ONLY DO THAT..
  22. You're not going off on a tangent. I'm going to ask one more time.........and if you don't answer, you just lost this argument that you were on:
  23. Sorry...........you are not taking this off in a tangent. You clearly saw that remark TWO PAGES ago. Fulfill your part, and find somebody who confirmed that "antoagonizement" If you don't..........you're done. You've lost this argument (as well).
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