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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No it isn't At the end of the day, they're getting good games that review well. Dude..........nobody would've told you that Luigi's Mansion would sell 6.33 million and counting, at over $50 no less. Real gamers are finding the value in these well-made games. Luigi's Mansion is NOT a "hot" Nintendo IP........it absolutely is not. Nintendo simply delivered an absolutely high-quality product that was evident from the reviews and from word of mouth. It created its own momentum. I already gave a clear line of logic. Well Reviewed = W
  2. No, those four people did. Show me more than four people having played Doom Eternal or Half Life Alex? Are you telling that Half Life Alex is such a game that.................people here aren't compelled to talk about this supposedly amazing benchmark VR experience??????????? Okay..........looks like you've now reverted to a circular argument again about "merging their markets" I'm going to repeat the SAME THINGS that debunked that already: -Animal Crossing has underwhelmed on BOTH Wii and 3DS platforms, especiall
  3. Except we have a friend code thread, and we had plenty of people admit to playing to this game in the Quarantine activity thread. Alphonse, Casual, Cooke, and Saucer I know off the top of my head. Four people who played the game, and rather extensively. So you should be able to name me ALOT MORE PEOPLE on this forum who have played Doom Eternal, right? or how about finding alot more people on this forum who have played Half Life Alex?????????
  4. You're changing your argument depending on the points that you can't seem to win. Animal Crossing, for starters, DIDN'T ORIGINATE as a handheld game. It started on the N64/Gamecube. On the 3DS, it only sold 1.3 million in the US for the first year, it was predominantly a Japanese success. And in this case, it has completely blown by that within weeks. Sorry man, the facts simply don't fit your narrative. THis forum has been talking about Animal Crossing games for a while: March 2007 2008: 2012:
  5. No, there are more Wii's sold, and Animal Crossing did not sell as well as this 50-55 million selling Switch. Resorting to Wii Kiddie game arguments simply doesn't work anymore in 2020. There are plenty of hardcore gamers who are long-time Animal Crossing fans. The Giantbomb crew, for example. Plenty of people on this forum played Animal Crossing and discussed the game at further length than................. Doom Eternal Half Life Alex. Those came and went, dude.
  6. Nah.......that logic doesn't hold up because Animal Crossing on the 3DS didn't sell very much in the United States, it sold like 1.3 million in its first year. Same thing for the Wii version of Animal Crossing which many found disappointing. This version is smoking everything in its path. Two months ago, you were hyping a barrage of UPCOMING GAMES. ..........and what happened? Doom Eternal came and went with a whiff. Half Life Alyx had like a whole week and half of discussion. What else was there? It clearly came and
  7. We'll see if the nostalgia for Tony Hawk actually holds up or not. Because we'll notice if the people hyping on here end up laying a big fat meh response when they actually get their hands on the game.
  8. If you are a fan of Matt Berry, and can watch IFC shows video on demand, he had a 6-episode short series called The Year of the Rabbit. Funny as shit. Turn on the closed caption, though. Also, Toast of London on Netflix is the quintessential Matt Berry show.
  9. LOL does you phone have enough pixels for actual 1080p? I watched the actual footage of the game being played by Tony Hawk and Jack Black and the jablinski youtube channel.
  10. Did you see the footage, it was already running choppy and the game is coming out in September. I bet they haven't even begun porting it to the consoles yet.
  11. That Xbox logo video is embarassing. Just like Marvel, the Playstation video shows a different character in each "panel" and each one representing a different IP, Ratchet and Clank appear in two panels side by side. Short and sweet. The Xbox one is laughable. They have multiple pieces of footage for Forza on multiple sides of a letter. Multiple pieces of footage of Halo and Halo-related shit. And then they show these embarassing Xbox Live Arcade games, some cartoon animated Mario Kart type of game, and then show Gears footage across TWO letters, and then th
  12. If the rumors about the original 2K Czech developer having to cut alot, alot of stuff of Mafia 2 is true, who knows if this remaster may put that stuff back into the game. Because I must say, Mafia 2 really is a fairly barren open world, a remaster for that game doesn't make much sense unless they are doing something else to it. If its part of a 3-game package for $40-$50, then I can see them being simple remasters (Mafia 1 would need to be remade on a new game engine).
  13. But I did explain what is driving those numbers, from the very beginning AND I repeated it again. The games that have online elements that people end up needing to buy a Nintendo Online sub.........Smash Bros and now Animal Crossing. Its clearly that there are so many people who have bought those games, that there's a segment of them that are willing to pay for the online. The thing is Nintendo Online is trying to be anything more than what it is. GamePass +XBL Gold IS the center of the Xbox Experience. There is no point in being part
  14. LOL, I know you're trying to find things to make yourself feel better, but Nintendo is pricing their online service accordingly. Its MS services who are having to change in services AND price because people view its value differently than 10 years ago. Microsoft may have trouble getting people to commit to $10 a month for 100 games and all of their first/second party games. Microsoft doesn't even tell us people who are paying for XBL Gold anymore, for a few years now. They are consolidating to try and keep their paying subscribers to keep on thinking that th
  15. Just saw Episode 7. The last few minutes of that hour were absolutely thrilling. They get to the core question about Jordan and the way he played the game. Where he has to explain why he was such an asshole and why he doesn't regret being such an asshole. Terrific stuff.
  16. But GamePass probably doesn't even get to 10 million subs without them promoting the fact that they can convert their live subscriptions to add GamePass for $1. So.............you are trying to provide this narrative that people are paying a monthly or annual XBL Gold subscription and then laying down full price for GamePass. Microsoft is slowly merging them together, and not at their original full MSRP. And then, that's even more impressive when considering Nintendo doesn't really have a true game that pushes online all that much. Unless there is a surge in online subs
  17. LOL that's one way to not be taken seriously. I having drinks with my friend today, and brought up a good point. There's a reason in Dungeons & Dragons why they have separate attributes for Intelligence and Wisdom. That is exactly Elon Musk's problem. He may have intelligence (but honestly, Tesla and SpaceX are the accomplishments of his lead engineers)..........but he doesn't have Wisdom. He really does have idiotic positions, and he can't defend them, and his impetuous responses when he's being challenged. He is most definitely the type of person who
  18. An easy way to spot an incel/cuck is that they'd sound bitter and would get into a groups of other incels to talk about other guys.
  19. Donating nothing. Which is less than you.............because I can only imagine how much of your time and brainpower you've spent on her. I've probably typed her name more in this single thread than I have ever typed in the previous 7-8 years you cucks have been squawking about that gamergate loser bullshit. LOL Thanks for running away..................again. I definitely don't notice.
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