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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. That article came out within the PAST TWO DAYS???????????????? Where's the article at..............I want to look at its date.
  2. Nope, that's not what I am claiming. Where do I claim that??????????? Point it out to me. I'll wait.
  3. Oh...............so you are going to tell me that you have a MORE RECENT ARTICLE that is less than two days old that contradicts Samsungs remarks regarding the Note and the Galaxy Fold?????????????????? ALRIGHT..........Ghost just said he has it. Show it to me.
  4. He just ran away from the question Oh my god, he's losing arguments left and right. He's now saying that I quoted Remy. Even though HE QUOTED REMIJ multiple times. I love how I already debunked him.............and he PRETENDED TO NOT SEE IT. He's getting assraped so badly.
  5. Nope, I just said you attempt to RESET the entire thread..................because you lost that badly. I love it when he pretends to read things incorrectly, because he doesn't know a proper response for it. This guy is getting his SHIT PUSHED IN, yet again.
  6. Did I call him, like you called jonb? Yes or No? You easily piggybacked off of Remij.................until he left you because even he knew your Australia homeless argument was falling apart. So...........back to the question again..............did I call for backup like you called jonb? Yes or No?
  7. I've literally bitchslapped him to reset this entire thread. Guess his shit got "pushed in" pretty far back.
  8. What back up? Did I call for them like you did with jonB???????????????? You literally called jonb to come help you. Oh my god..................here comes a NEW assrape heading towards his anus. LOL
  9. Well, it sounded so much better when he read it in Aunt Bettie's facebook update. Except he forgot one very important thing. He need to put those on that two-panel Jim-From-The-Office Writing On a Large Sheet of Paper image in order to make it look more clever.
  10. I must say, that ultimately they probably shouldn't have gone on for much longer than the 3 seasons. Probably 4 max. I think its quite satisfying that there is a "goal" in the shows storyline that you almost know from the first episode where the "ending" should be. I think the writers being told that their episode count was being cut down did hurt it a bit in the third season. But I think they were operating under the 2nd season with uncertainty of whether they were coming back, so they absolutely loaded up that second season with as many jokes as possible and had just
  11. I just raped the shit out of him. ........................in his own thread. So he just closed up shop and said "will open sometime in 2021" LOL
  12. He's literally saying that I won, and he acknowledges that. I love that I got him this pissed. Damn......................I'm raping him.................and he literally typed "get it all out while you can" He just acknowledged that he's getting his SHIT PUSHED IN
  13. Thanks for posting that picture IN YOUR OWN POST Quite apt, considering I was talking about your iPhone. That photo arrived at the PERFECT time. LOL
  14. He's still avoiding it. Which means he is STILL LOSING the argument from this thread. ..........................I'm raping him in HIS OWN thread. he's so butthurt.
  15. He avoided it again. DefiniteLOST He genuiinely is avoiding scrolling down the page from his OWN source that he has loaded up on his iCheapo. OR.............maybe there's a perfectly valid technical reason for why ghost didn't know that. Maybe his shitty iPhone simply didn't have enough memory to load the entire webpage???????????
  16. I love his goal. He MIGHT be able to win an argument. .....................sometime next year. Those are some pretty lofty goals.
  17. Sorry.....................you pretending to NOT READ YOUR OWN ARTICLE is why you have lost this argument. FROM' YOUR OWN ARTICLE United States homeless count does NOT include temporary shelters. They only count people sleeping on the street. That means that the Australia number that directly compares to the US is 8,200 The US has 553,000 Those are the stats. You lost, and you know it.....................you will avoid this at all costs, but it won't matter. You already
  18. He's completely lost, and he's basically ADMITTING that he knows he lost. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. he just RAN AWAY from the homeless argument. I RAPED him with his own website that he was referencing. How did I debunk my own logic? The US homeless rate is officially 553K AND THEY ARE STILL UNDERCOUNTING. Because Australia is 8,200 homeless on the street and 38,000 living in temporary shelter. Compare that to United States 553,000 homeless on the street and 1.5 million living in temporary shelter. US absolutely blows away Australia in either statistic..........and they STILL UNDERCOUNT. Oh my god, he's gett
  20. He's lost, and he just admitted he can't post another article that's more recent than mines. C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E
  21. Nope............seeing as though I won those talking points...........there's no more arguing because you've lost them already. I love that he just admitted that he's ran away from his OWN arguments. So much rape over a 48 hour period.
  22. Sorry ProbabLOST You just lost the argument. THis was your own image: GUess where I got this information from? Yup, from the SAME WEBSITE you started this argument with: https://www.homelessnessaustralia.org.au/about/homelessness-statistics And now you're trying to say that you AGREE with me that they are undercounting. Holy shit.............I wonder what @Remij_ has to say about you becoming ProbabLOST????????? He's probably now becoming RunningAwaymij now.
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