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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. But you just basically proved that neither political ideology has any effect on homeless in Australia. You just rendered your own argument useless by posting that. LOL Did you.............uh................forget what you were trying to accomplish in the first place????
  2. Been winning special elections and the 2019 mid-term elections since Trump took office. In fact, Republicans lost 40 seats in the House, which was a "blue wave" election. So............its been going rather well. Its obvious you didn't know that, or else you wouldn't have asked that particular question LOL
  3. Holy shit, this guy is seriously thinking about gay sex. Its alright.............if anything you need to come out of the closet now because you ain't getting any younger. 40 year olds like you don't have time to lose.
  4. And why is that? Hasn't Australia moved further to the right in terms of their government this past decade?
  5. Sorry, you lost that one, as well. You know you lost that you had to call in for DINGLEBERRY reinforcements And the dingleberry arrives right on time.
  6. We are taking action. Voting republicans out of office who do not want to implement policies that help all Americans. Its a shame that you aren't doing your part. but then again nobody expects much from you.
  7. Poor guy is trying to copy my shtick. And it isn't working. And now he's losing his shtick. He got mad because i pointed out that his new article doesn't say that the phones are going away. OH MAN, he's so pissed.
  8. What? Are you saying I haven't been in this thread before??????????? he doesn't know what to type, I must've staggered him. Like an iPhone Cheapo freezing on a webpage.
  9. Yeah i give money to charity, and I even give money directly to people. Already given money to local Food Banks. Give money to two teachers who needed help for classroom supplies at the beginning of the school year. Given money to friends and family. Given money to several gofundme's. Few times a year for at least the past 10-12 years. Its sad that you though this was going to save you. LOL
  10. Oh my god.............I made him run away from his OWN TWO THREADS...........at the same time. This poor bastard lost bigtime, and he knows it. He runs away while muttering like Vini: "its coming soooooooooooooon. YOU'LL SEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!"
  11. GenX'ers, the majority of them, are on the side of the millenials. The GenX'ers that turned into their parents, and still wear baseball caps (probably backwards) and bought into American jingoism, those people are natural parrots. They just hang on and repeat other people's ideas, those will be parroting boomers.
  12. You just lost your entire thread. Thanks for playing. I just destroyed the most basic core idea of Republican ideology. Of course that was easy, since ghost doesn't really know anything about either ideology.
  13. Holy shit. The Blacklist starring James Spader had to cut down its episodes from 22 to 19 to wrap up the season, but, then can't finish filming the final episodes. So they are converting to an animated comic book format. Now that's cool.
  14. Sorry, you can't avoid the question........or else you just lost this entire thread. Answer the question:
  15. Nope...........you switched out articles because your September article is useless. And your JANUARY article is also useless............it doesn't say anything about Samsung dropping any phones, either. He's getting BUTTFUCKED from every angle
  16. No, if I'm paying taxes like everybody else, then its also my money. Its almost like as if you don't understand how society and taxation works. LOL Let me ask you a simple question: If 99% of the wealth is going to a small group of people. Are those people paying 99% of ALL TAXES collected in the United States??????????????? Yes or No? And if they're not, then why aren't they responsible for paying 99% of all taxes if they are the ones getting 99% of all the wealth?
  17. Why is the question about charity, when it comes to asking "Liberals" Charity and Liberalism/Progressivism are not connected. Progressive politics has to do with efficiency through government to help everybody............not just charity, which is inherently inefficient. @ghostz and @Saucer seem to think this is a clever question to ask, and must've learned it from their Uncle's facebook timeline. Charity is not charity when done through the government, via government redistribution. It becomes investment. Because helping
  18. you just admitted to SWITCH OUT articles to avoid looking stupid. And The Mother Fucker has ABSOLUTELY BEEN BUTTFUCKING YOU with rape, holy shit. You ended up getting raped by TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. .....................in your own thread?
  19. Am I supposed to pretend that you posted that january 30th article yesterday? ............when you didn't? Thanks for admitting that your article was worthless.
  20. I like how these people think they can respond by NOT reading, or NOT listening, or just NOT accepting what doctors, epidemiologists and the RAW statistics are saying, and its not gotten to the point where these guys have mentally prepped themselves to DISREGARD ANY DEATH COUNT that is declared every day. How do you get to that point? Just what ideological concept are you trying to maintain when you've reached that point?
  21. He just ran away. ...................from his own thread .........now that's what I call C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E
  22. So you failed the first two times when that didn't happen??????????? He just admitted defeat
  23. I love that he just admitted.........again......that he's desperate to try and find something to get under my skin, and therefore he's trying to bash PSVR like as if that's going to have an effect on me. LOL He's that butthurt.
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