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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I'm going to miss baseball. Even though they probably could bring it back, however.......watching baseball is already so much of a grind, that this bastardized no-crowd empty stadium baseball would be even more of a grind. I really am curious as to whether they can bring back basketball........there's too much sweat involved. But maybe they can negotiate the 16 teams that can make the playoffs and then all you would need to do is put those teams in a two week quarantine, along with coaches/refs/personell and then have them commit to having a playoff at one location for
  2. Sorry...............you're not going to avoid Apple turning into a CHEAPO hardware outlet. They're in competition with Frys Electronics, at this point.
  3. So...........he is just admitting that he's SO DESPERATE to try and find something, anything to try and get to me...........that he's resorted to thinking that bashing PSVR might be able to accomplish that. In other words..........he's just admitted to be THAT desperate, since he's THAT butthurt. I don't care if you bash PSVR, go right ahead. You clearly don't understand why I am bumping this thread. LOL
  4. It's what I discussed from the very beginning. Samsung making the best phones and GROWING their UPPER END line. And Apple becoming a CHEAPO hardware outlet: ..........whoop, there it is
  5. I like how he's still butthurtin'............for my pleasure. Don't stop dancing, sweetheart......keep it going.
  6. No, the subject I was talking about was................Apple admitting their failures. Holy shit, this dude's pissed because I'm staying ON TOPIC (Apple's failures) and he's trying to avoid it any way he can.
  7. this dude's butthurt has just now spilled into a second thread. I love it when that happens
  8. Poor guy is getting angrier.............and its noticeable. He's actively celebrating Apple's official position to move over to the iCheapo. LOL Apple has been ADMITTING alot of failure, lately:
  9. Of course they can't. Its basically double the size of the userbase for PC.
  10. Two and a half months later: Seems to be doin' just fine.
  11. Hey, I just read yesterday that PSVR is stealing a former Oculus exclusive. Vader Immortal. Wasn't there a thread earlier this year supposedly saying that PSVR had no more games coming out? Who was the dumbass who made that thread?
  12. LOL he's now boasting about the iCheapo XR. His admission is now complete
  13. LOL the Karl Rove strategy. Yeah, there isn't a sliver of a chance that you're commandeering that talking point from the otherside. The actual sociopathic ones are the people who do not respect the virus and the biology and do not care about spreading the virus and increase the deaths. Economic arguments are completely weak............we will not have a thriving economy while thousands of people are dying everyday. There is no such thing as "HALF of the economy is up and running" if all the industries that involve people being in close proximity
  14. Yikes...........he's now trying to play off his failed attempt at social commentary as if its so cutting that people are too afraid of it. That's going to go be two failed attempts, right there.
  15. Its no surprise surprise, alright. ............ghost has entered full butthurt LOL the previous highest selling phone was the iCheapo XR, no wonder Apple realized that the only way to sell more phones we to be MORE CHEAPO. Re-purposed iPhone 8 cases. LOLOLOLOLOL
  16. I wonder if they've been able to smooth out the performance glitches. I've been waiting for this game to drop below $30.
  17. projection isn't going to help you, champ. its sad that you are basically admitting that you are that easily manipulated.
  18. what about it? what about it offsets the fundamental policy differences in which left-leaning policies benefit more than 90% of the middle and lower class? That like you choosing to not go to a restaurant that has better menu of food that you like more, because you don't like they pander to people in marketing? Let me give you some advice............if your guiding principles seem to be based on what you HATE more than what APPEALS to you more........you're doing it wrong. Somebody has successfully played you.
  19. Looks like Tom Cruise is going to space, with some help from Elon Musk. Elon Musk and Tom Cruise just keep on pushing the bar for impressive achievements by 5ft 6inch guys with obvious chips on their shoulders.
  20. So he just admitted why Apple is now relying on the iCheapo. .........now that's a fact
  21. ..........thanks for admitting that I was right about the iCheapo, you avoiding that means that you don't dispute it one bit. Now that's an admission....of the desperation.
  22. Sure...........people who want the best. Apple has settled on CHEAPO PHONES to make money. Just like I told you was going to happen. Hell, Apple was so desperate for the iCheapo SE2 that they forced the release of the product during the coronavirus pandemic. Now THATS desperation.
  23. May 4, 2020 10:15am PT Haven't seen a single episode of Netflix's docu-series, and now I sorta don't want to watch it at all and just wait for this. I had no idea that the story of the Tiger King first originated from a Texas Monthly article, it makes absolute perfect sense. Texas Monthly, legit, has some of the best most in-depth articles about murders and investigations around the South. They are always top notch. They all sound li
  24. Hell, I don't even think I could get past the opening area. I rented the first game, and the opening cinematic creeped me out as that girl had her throat slowly cut. Wasn't the game like 3 discs long?
  25. Nope, in fact its growing. Editors' Pick|747,496 views|May 3, 2020,08:27am EDT And, it appears that they've "done it" The TRUE infinity display is finally here. No...........nothing. No hole punch, and absolutely no notch (LOL). A true infinity display in which the camera and sensors are all underneath the screen.They've reached the mountain-top of smartphone design.
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