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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Yeah...............you tried to defend someone who made a bigoted statement. You DEFINITELY tried making that case. Now whether you did it because of WHATEVER UNDERLYING MOTIVATION.............well, who knows there's several theories. None of them of which anybody on this forum really cares about............because those are YOUR PROBLEMS. Not the forum's And definitely not mines. Phew, good thing we cleared that up.
  2. I already did that near the very beginning: Done. Now go find a second person to verify your claim of "antagonizing".
  3. In other words........you can't defend yourself and are now running out of this thread just repeating the tunnel-vision narrative that you created yourself. I'm literally throwing your own words that you typed, and backing up what I said by posting my own words. Thanks for at least taking my advice on going to cry somewhere else.
  4. Okay...............go find somebody who agrees that me typing "(fully)" in my post is totally straight up antagonizing. Somebody with actual credibility. I'll wait.
  5. Dude..........look at his post: His ENTIRE SENTIMENTS that he's trying to say: You think that "the same"?????????????????????????? First of all..........what the topic again?????? Monitors and 2D display versus 3D depth perception. And he ends up taking his sentiments to THAT place?????????? His entire remark is purely meant are PURE BIGOTRY. Its hate speech, basically. Yeah...........that's you CLEARLY pushing for him to not be banned. And you solidify that by saying "well..........he would've never done that h
  6. Sorry.........little too late for you to project your meltdown onto me. It really is sad that you know you've lost this argument (that YOU started entirely on your own), and you're trying to find anything to try and "hit" me with. You're the one melting down. I already said you're the one who is butthurt (and its obvious). I even made fun of the fact of my typing "(full)" is ...........in your view.................antagonizing. Dude, nobody is going to relate to your feelings of "antagonize-ment" (if that's even a word). OOPS....
  7. Yes you did. You are literally trying to say that his anti-homosexual remark is ALLOWABLE because of a TECHNICALITY. In other words...........you already know its morally wrong, but you are trying to get him off on a technicality. I explained to you WHY he got banned. Post where I called for his ban? Because I said he should have his account IP banned for the SPOILER. Did I call for his ban for his bigoted remark? Nope...........I merely explain what had happened. Dude........you really
  8. No............I've argued with Hot Sauce on other things before. And quite frankly other things that are not about me at all. Long extended back and forth discussions. This being your thread is irrelevant, if I want to discuss something Hot Sauce posted, I'll do it anywhere he posted it. I probably have, and I probably go in and clarify things, or add other similar deals or similar topics. For example, Dynocrap's PC parts thread, I actually started using that as a thread to talk about other PC parts. Sweetie...........if you saying that the ME
  9. Take it up with jon. Let me know if you put any near the amount of judgement and effort over his post, as you are over mine. If you don't do that with jon.........................you've officially outed yourself as a hypocrite. How did I get "mad"?????????? SHow my first post, and highlight the words where you can derive that I am "mad" on some level. I'll wait.
  10. Which ..............means...............that................you..............just.........proved............my.............claim.............that you really are doing all of this because you are massively butthurt about me, and that's it. Hot Sauce's post is clearly referencing me.............so why didn't I melt down? My post here was already DONE..........I wasn't on doing anything else. So. in this thread and YESTERDAY'S thread............I was finished with my posting. GEE...........I wonder who started the bitch-fest out of nowhere in BOTH o
  11. you're right. jonb did derail this thread into talking about racists when he posted. this guy got mad at me for posting ABOUT the deal. He got mad because he disagreed on whether I was posting as much or MORE information as he was. I can't make this stuff up. LOL
  12. Little too late to project it on me, bud. I just gave you an example using Hot Sauce post. Look at how I reacted to that (no reaction).............compared to me posting my post which had WAY WAY MINIMAL amounts of snark and attitude compared to Hot Sauce's. You know you just lost the argument right now. Go cry somewhere else. I'm not responsible for CONTAINING your bitchiness. That's your responsibility.
  13. Was there an actual NEED for that gif to be posted? Let's ask Remij for his ruling on the matter:
  14. No, you've gotten banned before. And now I just busted you defending something who was defending Dynocrap's anti-homosexual remarks just yesterday. Still defending racists and SUPPORTERS of all-around bigots. Am I defending a racist, currently............like you are? The guy who defending a bigot JUST YESTERDAY. Boy..................uh..............you guys really do rally around each other. "you are the company you keep."
  15. this poor guy is actually now defending a guy................who defended Dynocrap for making anti-homosexual remarks yesterday. HOLY SHIT..............jonb is still CURRENTLY doing what I described he was doing.
  16. No, read it again. I said it didn't require. That's an observation that is meant to support my point..........take a look there at the end "it stood on its own" I'm not REQUESTING that you stop, am I? I'm not saying "and you are starting something (that I want you to stop)." I tell you to stop whining because you will achieve nothing by doing it here. You can keep on whining, and I can keep on point that out. And yes you did start this up again. Notice how Hot Sauce made a snarky comment that COULD'VE involved me?
  17. You're the one that tried to distract by bring up pedophilia (???) No..........you are CURRENTLY racist. And you're getting mad and trying to distract by that simple fact. You can try bringing up something from years ago. That's not changing me bringing up something that you CURRENTLY ARE, today.
  18. What am I telling you that you "can't do"???????? I said you don't get to STOP ME from posting. And then I said that you are clearly just butthurt about me..........because you're telling me that my posts don't need to be made, and so I'm asking if you're going around making that judgement on all of these posts. Because if you aren't, then that proves that this is just a simple case of butthurt. Now explain to me what I am STOPPING you from doing? I am telling you that you will not be STOPPING anybody on this forum. Zero chance of tha
  19. WHich is why i posted his tweet where he explains ownership in the most direct way by using the most efficient word in clarifying it. Sorry, you don't get to tell others what they need or don't need to comment in the first place. Let me know if you analyze every other post in this thread to determine whether or not it was necessary for them to post it. If you aren't...........then its a clear sign that you're just being a bitter bitch towards me. That's a personal problem. That's nobody elses problem on this forum. Just yours. If all
  20. Except that isn't very relevant if you follow his link when he's posting it. Right? I mean no one is going to be digging into Wario64 tweets from several days ago, right? Just like nobody would be digging into threads that have fallen off the front page here. His post is meant to be followed immediately, and chances are he'll do an update tweet on when it the last day of the promotioin (he does that for all Humble Bundle specials and PSN sales ending, as well). Yes you are starting something............my comment doesn't require your reactiom (or
  21. No, he fully explained it. And you're now taking something that is already settled, and starting something out of nothing. Yet again.
  22. And you are racist and currently defend racist. You can't bring anything up that isn't years old. Whereas you are CURRENTLY racist, and you didn't deny it when I described what you were doing. Calm down, dude. lol Oh my god, he's now talking about pedophilia?????
  23. No, I just admitted that there was a ban for me over two years ago. You just admitted that you are racist and CURRENTLY defend racists. You talked about a ban I was describing you. And you didn't deny it. Oh man, you're trying so hard to project right now (your racism, that is).
  24. Which you proved, because the only thing you brought up was something that was over two years ago. You are currently being racist and DEFENDING racists. I said that about 10 times........and you didn't deny it, once. LOL
  25. Got (fully) notified from Wario64 about this earlier.
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