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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. no..........its not my hypocrisy, i even explained what i was doing with my post. You are supporting him........and therefore condoning HOW he is speaking. He's going around with making racist remarks, and you are helping him.
  2. No............money is redistributed to you from other people. That is literally SOCIALISM, and you are perfectly happy to take it. I'm paying in.........and you're taking out. ANd you are a racist, and have proven it again from the very beginning. By "we"............the only real answer is ALL people in America. But that's not what you mean, you have different answers depending on which people they are.
  3. Except they do contribute. If they worked, then they paid unemployment insurance. You call them moochers probably because they may have darker skin than yours. We know what exactly you are insinuating when you use phrasing as "those who are deserving" You are a moocher now...............and a hypocrite. You EASILY ran to SOCIALISM. Congratulations of being a moocher and a hypocrite.
  4. i never watched much of Penny Dreadful, but they are bringing back the series (sort of) by moving the story to 1938 Los Angeles, and it looks VERY good. Like very authentic. And I love these tv series that are set in that time period. For some reason, Boardwalk Empire never grabbed me. But I like old timey Los Angeles. Reminds me of LA Confidential.
  5. Yup. you're a hypocrite. Very much so. Other people work and they get unemployment benefits.........and you guys call them "moochers" But when its you.....................you "deserve it" Thats exactly what right-wingers do............when they are struggling, they have no problem running toward socialism.
  6. considering that you don't know anything about me.............and proceeded to say I'm an illegal. yeah, you are racist.
  7. I'm just using his right-wing logic. A true right-winger who gets laid off would "pull themselves by their bootstraps" and get a job thats considered essential if they still want money. I'm just highlighting his hypocrisy. The interesting part is how he made a completely racist statement...........and you then proceeded to actually help support him.
  8. Somebody who I labelled a racist, proceeds to say something racist. Fancy that. Guess you're less essential than even those whom you are racist against I could've told you that........before the virus, as well. lol
  9. LOL this bitch got mad for bait that he started in the first place. He's over 30 and mooching off the government. Hell, that's not even the most embarrassing part. He's over 30 and he was collecting shitty laserdiscs as of a few months ago. LOL
  10. Sorry, one of us is A.) Non-essential and B.) Mooching off the government. Except I could've told you that you were non-essential before the virus. lol
  11. If I have to stand 3-4 ft away from a Desktop PC..............to emphasize.........a desktop PC, then its just not practical. Dude, you're basically admitting that you're still butthurt about all the emulation arguments you lost months ago. Mind you that I CONSIDERED emulation of the Wii.........because there is no issues with the software emulation that I am aware of.............the issues I found were ones outside of the computer and practical issues like me buying devices that have no other thing except one-tine uses, and playing in an area that doesn't make sense.
  12. No, you didn't shut it down......you tried to classify it as cheapness. When everything I am bringing up has to do with plain common sense. This is the best you can do............all you're doing is trying to put me down as childishly like jonb, except with more typing. LOL Its literally the best you can do.
  13. No, I brought up space because it fits with everything that I've been talking about, logistics.' It fits with why I wouldn't want a sensor bar in a desktop PC setting, because I'd have to create space. I would've considered emulating games on the PC if the games use a simple controller. Which is why I considered it, but came to the conclusions that enough of the games I need to catch up on require a decent amount of Wiimote use. Yeah..........here we are...............you pretending that you've found some massive contradiction because I considered it.What an
  14. No........sufficient space is one of the most common things one would think of when setting up a Wii. If you have any experience playing Wii games, that is. Yeah, you are trying hard........look at your posts. That's how butthurt you are. You lost your shit the moment I brought up space, because you knew you have no answer for it.......you're trying really hard to avoid it, as we speak.
  15. and you're cowardly to direct respond. and only one of us has proof of what they're claiming.
  16. too bad I am not as consistent as you are between threads. you're butthurt in the other one, and you're butthurt in this one, too.
  17. Guess you're asking for yourself, since you're now unemployed. And I'm an employee still working at an essential business.
  18. Except its common sense that you have to be at a sufficient space when using a wiimote with a sensor bar. Everything I said was about logistics.........including the first thing I said, in which I have no use for bluetooh on a Desktop PC. I love that you're trying this hard, because you're that butthurt.
  19. The projecting. I already explained the logistics............and you avoided it entirely and tried to keep it on "cheapness". The Wiimote does need space, more space than a person who would be sitting in front of a Desktop PC........3-4 feet from the sensor bar. I considered it..........and determined that I wouldn't want to be that far from a Desktop PC............I love how you think there's a contradiction there, when its rather linear logic. ......and now you're getting angrier (incoming post where you try and play it cool).
  20. No, you're argument simply isn't sticking. I actually shut you down on the simple issue of logistics.......and you know it, which is why you're still trying to make it an argument about "cheapness" Other than that..........you're just crying from pre-existing butthurt. And that's not my problem. ......and, everybody on this forum knows you've never actually played an emulated Nintendo game in any meaningful manner. You already lost that argument.
  21. I try to buy at Microcenter, because I can use my work account and get it tax exempt.
  22. I think its quite cool. It takes place in like rural New Mexico, and I think Billy Bob and Dennis Hopper voice two hicks that are pulling some sort of crime together, and may double-cross each other. You're literally overhearing what the humans are doing as you crawl through a level.
  23. No, its not an issue of cheapness............I have no use for a bluetooh adapter on a desktop PC, almost nothing else I use or would ever get would ever use bluetooth. A sensor bar requires space between you standing with the wiimote and the sensor bar.............why would I ever stand several feet away from my desktop PC? Its not my fault............you are too stupid to understand common sense logistics. Its made for a living room setting. Don't get mad because I contextualize your whining to highlight how little common sense you are applying to your res
  24. Looks like you failed to read the first sentence of my post.
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