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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Perfect game to go into quarantine, I guess. That's a bit of a shocker. Animal Crossing has its hardcore fans, I doubt it'll sell as wildly over the long run as Mario Odyssey or Zelda.
  2. So i just spent the last few hours playing through one mini-game mode in the first Watch Dogs. I don't know if this came with the game at launch, or if they slowly added all of this through DLC updates, but there's a shitload of things to do in this game. This mini-game was called "Alone" and it was a pretty cool change of pace. On one island, its shrouded in blackness and there are creepy robot NPCs that have lights coming out of their head, and its very much like a old school Metal Gear Solid vision cone. And they illuminate an area in front of them. You must avoid th
  3. LOL, there's fecal matter on your toothbrush right now, that's not an opinion, that's a common fact for the average western household. looks like you can't control your petty prejudices
  4. Holy shit.......give these people a couple of more days, and they'll be talking about Chinese like they talk about Jews. They can't help themselves.
  5. Yes I did, from the very beginning, especially when I made fun of how can a janitor be on a desktop computer all day long. You still haven't denied being a cubicle worker. Because I already have proof that you just sell insurance, like Jared from State Farm. You're not very good at this, are you? LOL
  6. Nah, little too late for you start lying. LOL, after getting embarrassed for hours, and not denying that you sell insurance, that you answer the phones, and work in a cubicle............you think anyone is going to believe you attempting to claim that you make a big salary? Nah. forget little too late.........waaaaaaaayy too late.
  7. Nope. I love how you're trrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying to change the subject so hard. You're a cubicle entry level call center worker who sells insurance. Boy did you get mad when I nailed it on the head.
  8. So, since Epic Games Store just gave away Watch Dogs for free, I downloaded that game. And then I went researching on the well-known mod to restore those lost E3 graphics, but came across an improved version of that mod. And then I came across a "Living City" mod in which they open up enclosed interior areas that were only used for certain missions, they add more people and traffic. AND they restore certain types of missions that were cut from the game, and they scripted new types of dynamic missions that can pop up anywhere. So one is a graphics mod, and th
  9. Nah..........as long as I'm living in a Republican controlled state............you're quite wrong about that.
  10. He just ran away from HIS OWN comments, and latched onto jonb's argument. You can tell that he's literally trying to escape
  11. Nah........or else I'd sound bitter like you. That's a clear sign that the person is internally bitter.
  12. LOL little too late for you to start lying. Earlier he said he "fought hard" to get overtime............and now he's saying he earns so much money. I can easily tell that I'm right on the money, because the more it hurts him........the more exaggerated his response get. Business failure....................cubicle worker..................Beige pants wearing loser who gets bullied at work by single black mothers. He doesn't even have desktop web browsing privileges at work, he has to post from his sub-HD resolution phone.
  13. He didn't deny it He just got busted working an entry-level job. I don't even know what 7am looks like.............they're making this guy wake up and get screamed at by his boss. LOL
  14. Nope. a 7am start time is the FIRST SHIFT of a call-center worker. And that's what you are. LOL you just gave yourself away. Hey at least you work the FIRST SHIFT...............fancy!!!
  15. They made you wake up at 7:00 am this morning??????????? Nope..............you've been working all day. Like you said..............MANDATORY 3/4's of the month on the phone. Gotta meet your QUOTA
  16. Except I left earlier than yesterday. And you have to work 8 hours a day. LOL cubicle worker
  17. Anyways, I'm now leaving at 4:06pm. Dang, I was hoping to leave by 3:30pm. Ah well. I think I'll pick up some Olive garden togo on my way home.
  18. .....and he's gone. I bitchslapped him..............out of HIS OWN THREAD.
  19. HE RAN WAY. C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E Holy shit did I manhandle him.............from beginning to end. Dude ran away...........from HIS OWN thread.
  20. Or you can ask any of the moderators about my IP address right now during the afternoon, and then check the IP address after 6pm. One is from Richardson, TX, the other is from Garland, TX. He's losing his shit, bad.
  21. Yeah.........and what I said was that Microsoft allowed themselves to get BLOWN OUT in one design area. And Sony didn't. Because one design area being 16% better than you isn't getting blown out. But having one design area where your competitor outdid you by 100% is going to be noticeable. The "jack-of-all-trades" strategy might end up blowing up in MS's face.
  22. No, i've even talked about Semiconductor production before on this forum. In fact, just yesterday, i was in the Sony SSD thead talking about PS5's GPU having low yields with Remij, and how 7nm fab processing, in general. He's..............gettin'................madder
  23. From your article: I work at a manufacturing company that makes wafer handling equipment for Semiconductor fab plants. It is not a: 1. Bar 2. Gym 3. Health club 4. Restaurant 5. Theater 6. Commercial amusement business. Although I must say............I am currently being amused by you He's getting madder:
  24. The Xbox One X didn't even end getting developer support for the additional power at the end. They gave up on it. Who "wins" affects that VERY thing. Believe me........if you didn't care about the "winning" part, you wouldn't be declaring me having "lost" You just contradicted yourself.
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