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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. He finally admits it. I can only imagine the high stress he must feel at his cubicle job getting slapped around by Shaneika LOL, don't get yourself tangled up with your headset
  2. LOL he's changing his story after he just confirmed that he was hourly. OMG his entire story has fallen apart. He's pissed because I accurately guessed that he's Jared from State Farm who gets bullied by his co-workers. Double-posting. He's melting down.
  3. LOL............this is going to be like Xbox One X against the playstation. Thanks for bringing it up that specific hardware. We just saw, first hand............how the "slightly higher" console specs, in fact, did not matter......and lost the console war badl
  4. LOL, and their making 8K games as well. Sure. Sorry, the PS5 has a feature that will catch people's attention. Microsoft allowed themselves to get BLOWN OUT in one area of design. Sony didn't.
  5. You just spent all of these posts talking about working from home. And how if you leave home........then you're owned. And now you've just owned yourself. Now I know why you don't want to work at the office.........you might get bitchslapped by Shaneika
  6. Hmm.. Well, I'm gonna have to make a gametime decision as to whether I want to trade-in my PS4pro for a PS5. Might decide that over the summer.
  7. You just SUPPORTED my viewpoint that I actually want to get out of the house and not be a hermit stuck inside my house all the time. Thanks for that. You just gloated about doing a job thats meant for SINGLE MOTHERS.
  8. But the consoles won't try to play at more than 60fps. PC games do have more NPCs, and probably more moving foilage, etc. But I bet they're still not maxing out CPUs from 2014-2015. because multiplats were designing it on the lowest common denominator. I expect that to be the same for this next gen. And, alot of physics is being moved over to the GPU as of recent.
  9. No, not really. Seems like you couldn't list any actual ones in which they need cuting edge CPUs. Hell, I have a CPU from around 2016, and games aren't being restricted from that. And there's no point in pretending that you want to play RTS games with 30,000 characters on screen running a battle simulation on your Xbox.
  10. Do you even know of a multiplat game on PC that is currently taking advantage in the CPU area? It'd have to be something like Rome Total War, those type of mass battle RTS games. Don't get mad because I put your shoddy list into context. The thing is that Sony's console has a feature that is going to allow the EXCLUSIVE games to catch alot of people's attention. That is the type of stuff that wins a console war. So, even if multiplats don't fully utilize that SSD feature, the PS5 will still impress people and they will buy that console because th
  11. Little too late for you to project. He's wearing a headset and sells paper. (which is what insurance is, he doesn't actually sell a tangible thing). LOL
  12. CPU advantage? That's even more irrelevant. Nobody will be developing a game in which running the game on a 3.5 GHz Zen 2 versus a 3.8GHz Zen 2 is going to make or break the game. Ray tracing might be the only thing I'd see as a real advantage, but they had yet to show it off, and multiplat developers are still going to be developing it for the most common platform, which will be the Playstation. Or, if Microsoft does come out with a lower-cost version, Lockhart, that will be even more limited in the ray tracing, so multiplat developers will cut down on thei
  13. "you'll seeeeeeeee...............you'll seeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" He's getting madder and madder because he knows he's a cubicle paper pusher. Don't get your headset cord in a twist, sweetie. I busted him lying........he just sells insurance like Jared from State Farm. He sells paper. LOL
  14. Last night I decided that I needed to buy myself a thermometer just to continually check my temperature. Those had just about completely sold out, and I couldn't find the electronic thermometer that I wanted. So I ended up getting a classic thermometer. And then I bought a store sandwich, and I found some hoagie bread, and then I bought some Chester Cheetos Fries (like Hot Fries, but Cheetos), and then I wanted a pecan pie. I think alot of stores will be restocked soon. My temperature was 98.2, which apparently is the common body temperature and not 98.6F. B
  15. No.......it allows for your work to enter your private area. I don't allow my job to encroach in my personal space at all, in any way. You're a cubicle paper pusher, who works in a call center. Your just MUST SUCK so bad...........that you consider doing it from home to be the BEST PART about it. LOL its obvious that you're pissed that I caught you lying..........you just sell insurance like Jake from State Farm. LOL you're required to go to work.............for a whole 8 hours, you have to report to your boss from your home. How emba
  16. LOL he's allowed his bedroom to be his work cubicle for years now. He reports to his boss...........FROM his home. Now that's a sucker of a job. And completely expendable.
  17. LOL he's now talking like Vini. "you'll seeeeeeeeeeeee..........you'll seeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I love how he's changing his jerry fanfic with every post, a clear sign that he';s desperate for ANYTHING. LOL this guy has to report to his boss from his bedroom.......how embarrassing. And he's got a dead-end cubicle job and has to wear a headset during the day. The only thing more embarrassing is when he has to wear beige pants and a company logo shirt. But you don't have to worry about that anymore, since you're losing your job. You
  18. No. Texas hasn't announced a full lockdown. That's california. I love how you're desperate to get me to work at home. Also in Texas, there will never be any actual enforcement. you said it yourself "he recommended" LOL, he's mad because he's about to lose his job. Don't worry........there's plenty of other cubicle call center jobs in the future.
  19. Except I just told you that the things I had to do weren't all available to do at 1pm. Do you have trouble reading or something? Where did I say that I didn't want to do them all at once???????????? Where did I type that? Post it. I'll wait.
  20. So wait a minute. That Nets-Lakers game was played on Tuesday March 10th. Those Lakers didn't test positive until 8 or 9 days later? Damn. That incubation period is fucking long.
  21. Except I do. Sweetie.............you're not convince anybody that working 3.5 hours is worse than you being forced to work a full 8 hours. I had a few things to do, they weren't all available to do at 1pm. That means I have downtime.............and I spend that browsing the web on my computer. You're not going to convince anybody that its worse than your cubicle call center job.
  22. I dunno............you're the one buying a third $500 console while Microsoft is going to continue to develop games based on the Xbox One S limitations. I doubt I'm that dumb.
  23. LOL he just ran away from when I told him to come into work whenever he wants. He's just a cubicle call center worker who got TOLD that he must answer calls from home. Now he's resorting to outright lying. He seems to think that having a job in which you work very little...........is a negative????????? Guess he loves getting all those phone calls coming in, and meeting that QUOTA
  24. They already did with the Switch. Its absolutely embarrassing for Microsoft that the Switch can achieve that Xbox One level graphics with 1/24th the size of the hardware.
  25. And it must suck so bad that the best thing you can do to improve your job is eliminate the commute. LOL, scraping by? You understand that working from home is the LAST THING you can do for your job before they eventually lay you off. Cubicle call center employees like you are easily expendable. LOL I like how you are having to pretend to not read what I already typed. I make over 50K. Hey............lets do this...............you don't clock into work until 1pm, and see whether or not your boss is going to accept that from you? An
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