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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Didn't Microsoft already say that the first two years of their games are going to be based on Xbox One S hardware? So the answer is........barely behind at all. I'm sure Nintendo will have new hardware out within a couple of years from now.
  2. And you allowed your work to enter your home and take EIGHT hours of your life. And you didn't have a choice.............your work TOLD YOU that you must do answer phone calls from your home. They FORCED YOU. But your job sucks so bad, that you consider that to be a positive. Yeah.........when my job is doing work sporadically, while browsing the internet alot during alot of downtime........going out to eat lunch for about 60 to 90 minutes every day, and nobody says anything about my hours or my pace of work because what I do is vital, and they're
  3. Because I wouldn't allow my bosses to enter my private space and tell me that my home space becomes my work space. Ever. You apparently don't understand......................your job CLEARLY MUST SUCK for you to VIEW the concept of working from home as a "positive." My job clearly doesn't suck as bad as your job.
  4. Except I just told you that I worked 3.5 hours today. Simple question.................do you think you're going to convince me that working 3.5 hours with 30 minutes of commute is more wasteful than being a 8 hour workerbee? 1pm to 4:30pm (actually left at 4:20pm)............."4+ hours" Welp...........looks like you just discredited your claim of being an "analyst"
  5. Nope. That's why I make more than 50K a year. Because I do things that they need me to do. Even if I just do THREE THINGS today, they needed me to do those things, or else the company cannot continue to function. LOL you're a failed business owner. You know its bad when you left your own business...................to be a CUBICLE WORKER wearing a HEADSET and mandatory 3/4 of the month answering phone calls. Uh huh............why would want to bring home my work with me? Notice how you don't to seem to unders
  6. I love how he's asking questions that were already answered. He's stalling for time, because he knows he's already lost this entire argument, and thread. I go to work because I don't have almost any risk. I live in the suburbs, I drive in my own car, I park right in front of my own side-door, and then I walk a whole 20 feet to my office, and nobody else touches anything inside my office, and nobody gets past my doorway in my 12ft x 12ft office. I actually like leaving the house, and I also need to leave the house to go pick up lunch and go to the store af
  7. .................except you just read, multiple times..........in which I said I don't almost ever reach 40 hours a week. So..........you clearly must not know, and are lying, because you would know that a person making salary, and almost never reaching 40 hours a week, the worker is getting the better end of the deal. And now you just admitted that you're a failed business owner..........and now dress up like Jake from State Farm and work in a cubicle with a headseat.
  8. wow. you really don't know what being salaried is. Guess you've never had job with it. Work for that overtime, boyyeeeee. Looks like you need it.
  9. Yes I can. I didn't work at all last Thursday while I went shopping for supplies. Still got my full paycheck............because I work salary. Your bosses TOLD YOU that you are transitioning to working from home. That was your only option. Nope, you aren't getting any correct. I love how you're desperately trying to change the fact that you're a cubicle worker wearing a headset. You just admitted that your jobs FORCES you to be on the headset for 3/4's of the month...............HOW SPECIFIC
  10. why did you allow your job to enter your home for 8 hours a day? sorry...........you're not getting out of that. One of us worked less than 3.5 hours a day today..........with no sacrifice to my pay. You can't tell your boss that you won't work from home...............because you'd be fired. Because you work a paper-pushing cubicle job.
  11. And I saved 4.5 hours of not working.............because I'm not a pathetic hourly worker-bee. Do you honestly think you would make me forget that simple fact? Yes you are answering calls, you're wearing a headset right now. You're job must SUCK SO MUCH...............that you consider your company ALLOWING YOU to work from home to be considered a "perk" That is like the perfect example of the millennial getting fucked over, and not even realizing it. Allowing your job into your private space.
  12. Why would I allow them to bring my work home? I don't you understand...............my commute isn't some shitty trudge in a shithole city. I drive pleasantly down suburban streets in a Northeast Dallas surburb for 15 minutes each way. Commute (pleasantly) to work for less than 3.5 hours. Or be forced to sit in front of a computer answering phone calls at my apartment for EIGHT HOURS. And you're asking me which one I would prefer? I prefer to keep my work at work............and not turn my house into a place of work. Easily.
  13. I've never said that I am at work at 11pm at night. Ever. Go find proof where I say that. I'll wait. Why would I left my bosses start assigning me work.........................at home? You really don't understand do you? I guess when your job sucks so bad, that you consider working at home to be a treat, then you don't understand.
  14. No I don't. I walk in here around 10:20 to 11am. I even said that you can tell that I don't even come into this forum until around 11am Central Time. Oh by the way........I lied to you. I'm not leaving at 4:30, I'm leaving now at 4:20. Its not like I have to clock out, or scan some ID card or enter a log out at some terminal. LOL That shit is for pathetic worker-bees. LOL
  15. because there's actually some work to do. And I didn't take a lunch break..........I walked into work WITH LUNCH. I'm eating it at work, because in case you haven't noticed, local cities have shut down restaurants and bars and can only order takeout, or else I simply would've gone eating first, and then waltzed into work after 2:30. I love how you're trying to find a smoking gun................but at the end of the day............YOU'RE FORCED to sit in front of a computer to fulfill your 8 hours. You're not gonna make me forget about that simple
  16. LOL, I don't you read correctly. I don't work OT. LOL you are a simple worker-bee. You are forced to work from home.............FORCED. Every day. I have to leave the house to pick up food. Dude, you're not going to succeed in telling me that my 4 hour work day, in which I controlled my own hours is worse than you being MANDATED to sit in front of a computer in your own apartment to answer phone calls. You already gave away the fact that you lied about your job and worked in a cubicle, that's why you consider what you are doing now to be "awesome
  17. I don't have a designated 1pm to 4:30pm shift. LOL technically, I'm supposed to work 40 hours a week, and I've never come in earlier than 10:20pm Notice that I usually don't even come into this forum until around 11am Central Time. I guess you don't understand what "salary" means. I get paid my full paycheck. Thanks for admitting that you need to put in the full 8 hours. I love how he's trying to turn this around me............but he's the one that's let his work get into his own home. Dude's wearing a headset right now. LOL
  18. Why didn't they ever do anything in the eSports business? Like hold eSports tournaments within their own stores, and their own tournament altogether.
  19. Because I had to make at least one appearance to answer whatever emails remained or schedule incoming orders. I did like 3 things today. Probably 10 minutes of actual work. I'm on salary. LOL The great part is I could easily answer emails at home, or from my phone.............but nuh uh, never allow your bosses to infiltrate your personal live and personal space outside of work. I don't fucking lift a finger to do anything once I walk out the door. I love keeping it old school that way.
  20. Oh man, he completely ran away. What do you mean next 8 hours...........I'm leaving around 4:30 dude.
  21. Oh yeah, I'm not surprised by that. Its a common part of semiconductor manufacturing. I mean, i can only imagine that the yields are already not very good because we're just not getting into 7nm, but to then find the most stable silicon at such high frequencies. Not only that, AMD processors were never kind to overclocking.
  22. Notice how he's no denying any of this. Notice how he's now sorta talking about being a customer service rep now.
  23. No wonder ghost is happy to be at home. This is what he looks like when walking out in public going to work. They MAKE HIM wear that.
  24. Nope. "I" sell insurance. No analyst would ever describe themselves that way. Not only that, alot of your posts from back then made it sound like you were used to explaining group plans to businesses. You have to wear a company branded t-shirt or button up shirt to work and when doing sales visits or renewals on-site. Yuck. They make you wear beige pants, don't they?
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