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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm he tried to change it over and say he's part of the Fortune 500 companies, when in fact he's selling health or car or property insurance to them. He had to take his heads
  2. LOL looks like he's being called back from break. You need to keep that call quota up. Benefit analyst.......................yet he couldn't prove his sub-$100 health insurance that supposedly had zero dollar deductible and zero co-pay.
  3. He just ran away from his own claim guess I'm one of those janitors that has a computer at their work, all day long. A desktop computer, no less, in which I'm allowed to post from freely. All the while you're posting from a cellphone from work...........because you can't get caught using the Hewlett Packards they got you using at Liberty Mutual
  4. LOL you don't even remotely sound like that type of person. Doesn't gouko post even more accurate data reports when you guys argue about phone sales? And you tried to claim you were an analyst??????? Oh, dear child..........no one here would remote believe that for a second.
  5. Notice how he's slowly admitting to it. He has clearly said that he works in insurance. Nobody who is an analyst, would ever describe their job primarily as 'working in insurance" Unless they were a t-shirt wearing completely-replaceable worker-bee sitting in a cubicle. Hey maybe you got a promotion and ended up getting a CORNER cubicle. Nice.
  6. LOL yes you do. And its obvious because he immediately tried to change the subject. dude is a paper pusher who works in cublcles. He's a LITERAL brick in the wall.
  7. That's the thing...........I'm not working right now. You have to pick up the phone when it gets directed to you. You're a paper pusher. You're lucky Bernie didn't get the nomination, or else you'd be out of a job.
  8. I have an actual office.........and I waltzed in at 1pm today with my lunch and ate it before even doing anything. You have to be sent home because you work at an insurance company, which means you work in a cubiles besides other people who have to be picking up the phone all day long. LOL paper pushers. About as expendable as iphones themselves.
  9. poor ghost is trying to help Apple because they're losing tons of sales because they had to close down all of their stores. who knew that making an entire store out of glass would be a huge problem during a germ-infestation. LOL, he's proud that his job sitting at a cubicle sent him home to continue picking up the phone inside his house.
  10. That Digital Foundry video explained that the 10.28 TF is a "constant boost" mode, so its jumping in and out of boost at a constant rate. And I don't if I understood their description of the hardware cooling, but they said that performance will be constant in every environment, like as if the CPU and GPU is operating in an enclosed controlled environment and outside ambient temperature does not affect it. So, like its own mini-environment? If that's the case, its very exotic what they are doing with the cooling solution.
  11. I think a game with fast motion in loading the environment is going to benefit from this feature. I think this will be a perfect opportunity for car driving games to show off what its all about.
  12. Notice how he tried to play stupid and pretend he didn't watch the conference or read all of the threads that dilvulged all of the core information. And then hours later has only get SELECTIVE memory of the specs that allow him wiggle room to downplay them. LOL So, he conveniently forgets that developers asked for it, he conveniently forgets how Mark Cerny gave a visual demonstration of how game levels are designed the way they are and how it relates to data loading. And then proceed to claim that developers don't need that feature.
  13. In other words, I demonstrated to you how stupid you already look now. You see the PS5 will do THIS!!!!! ANd the Xbox already does THIS!! But developers only need THIS MUCH. So THIS isn't necesarry!!
  14. jehurey


    How do you know what its going to cost? Intention of the system????????????????????? The intention is that its supposed to be a video game system that has exclusives. Did anything change? Sorry......................LIST THEM You're babbling because you don't know what to say. List. Them.
  15. yes you did. you literally VISUALIZED it. Imagine if you did it in real life, how stupid you would look when trying to explain it.
  16. jehurey


    what "multiple accounts" list them for me. I'll wait.
  17. Dynocrap's argument is that developers can't imagine of any idea of why they would need to load alot of data very fast. That the very limits of gaming design and developer's imaginations have already been reached. it just sounds so 2005-era pathetically childish
  18. A poll of about 50 votes? oh man, this makes twitch views statistics look more scientific.
  19. jehurey


    You can tell that they are going to cling onto this for the next 8 months, while Playstation shows off actual games, and a lower price that everybody knows are the factors that win a console war. Its like they're running the SAME PLAYBOOK from August 2016 to October 2017 with hyping the Xbox One X. Where'd that get them?
  20. Missing those games, still.
  21. Wha? They literally gave both numbers. 5.5GB/s raw, 8-9GB/s compressed. he even said 2GBs is transferred in 0.27 seconds. Its straight 2x faster data loading than the MS console.
  22. LOL poorjon is going to spend the next few weeks trying to find old threads. Anything to help pass the time between now and thanksgiving.
  23. In order to show people that the instaneous load times can be a game change, they are going to need to make a real tech demo. I wonder if this could potentially change what is possible in a racing game. Or maybe they're going to have to make a game with a character that has Superman-like flying qualities in which they are flying around a city really fast and entering buildings. Or maybe adopt the GTA5 multiple-character switching mechanic for controlling every character in a big heist scene. Or maybe something like Inception in which you are oper
  24. yeah, this makes the decision quite easier. The nVidia new line of video cards is the actual major item to get this year. I can either think about trading in my PS4pro for a PS5, or hold onto my PS4pro, and there will be an inevitable PS5pro and get that. Really depends how compelling Sony's exclusive PS5 games are going to be near launch, if they got 2 or 3 really compelling games within the first 6 months, then I might have to buy it within that period.
  25. As a youtube video presentation, why did they choose to film this like it was a conference presentation? You can tell that this was Mark Cerny's decision rather than the Playstation Blog marketing team, because they would've had Cerny simply doing voiceover or talking like PS direct or Nintendo direct spokesman. Instead, he's behind a podium for no reason, and he's got a small screen to his right, and they put FAKE silhouettes of people that look like they are from Getty Images. What was that all about? Cerny is in a virtual press conference stage. Just make
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