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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Looks like a solid $399 console. They needed to get the main storage speed locked down now, because if they do make a Pro model, its bumping up the GPU purely to achieve higher resolutions and framerate. Couple of years from now, this machine goes down to $300, and a PS5 pro released at $450-$500. Also, if Microsoft does release a lower clocked version, like a 4TG Lockhart, at $299. people will still think that this at $399 is the sweet spot.
  2. Doesn't this ensure that the xCloud platform is going to be based on Xbox One S hardware for the forseeable future?
  3. I think that lady who has Nintendo scoops, I forget her name. She said that there was a rather big game coming before the end of the first half of 2020.
  4. They could've easily delayed any announcement, if they wanted to. Hell, this isn't even an announcement through WIRED, like the previous hardware info they've released. This is an in-house presentation. They wouldn't be doing this so quickly if they didn't feel confident about what they had to show.
  5. LOL, the butthurt is off the charts. Anyways......Superliminal looks really trippy. And Exit the Gungeon is a Switch exclusive. Nice.
  6. Yeah Last Campfire looks pretty sharp, and looks like a game with a specific gameplay mechanic.
  7. LOLOL Swery is making a game, in which he's basically making fun of Animal Crossing. he calls it a "debt repayment RPG"
  8. Alot of these indies are open-world games, either with the Dragon Quest artstyle or a cel-shaded artstyle.
  9. I AM Dead is another timed exclusive for Switch. Its a small island town, and you play a ghost and can go inside anything to solve puzzles throughout town.
  10. Baldo looks really nice for a RPG made in Italy. TImed Nintendo exclusive.
  11. Spectrum internet was having alot of outages in major Texas cities this morning. That's the problem, internet usage is probably to peak right now, but these internet providers are probably going to have the least amount of personnel on-hand to keep everything running.
  12. On the plus side.........they're not really making any actual "next-gen" games for the first two years.
  13. Hell, I dun forgot half of what happened in that movie. lol
  14. Yeah, that's the first thing I thought when I heard about that Silent Hill rumor. Konami wouldn't sell off their IPs piecemeal, because some are in a rather worthless state. They'd want to sell all of them together if you ever want a chance at getting the MGS IP.
  15. Sure. Last thing I'd want to do is look like I'm pathetically defensive. lol
  16. So, just to reiterate. Phil Spencer flat out lied last year when he said "we don't have two consoles" and then said "one of them was the Xbox One SAD"
  17. Needed a quick game that wasn't too demanding. So I just completed AssCreed Liberation on the PC, me doing just about every single little thing, full syncing all the objectives, was about 15 hours. Don't know if this is going to spur me into playing more AssCreed, if it scratched the itch just enough to go and play something else different. Probably going to play something else different.
  18. LOL I liked that quick resume video. Had it been 10 seconds longer, it would've shown the guy bringing up the menu to turn the console off and walk away.
  19. That's because they know they're already dead.
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