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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. ...........he's typing that in his own thread. And I got him doing that. Think about that.
  2. I made a simple observation that Nintendo clearly allowed a delay, and that a new engine HELPS EXPLAIN this significant delay. Sorry, I don't need to prove anything that you haven't proven with your claims. Not to mention that you EVEN AGREED that the speculation that Bayo 3 could be using this engine. Sorry.............but you're doing all of this because you're pissy that my post ended with me talking about PG's and Nintendo's positive relationship and making games together, and comparing it to Microsoft and Phil Spencer's failure. You're just
  3. He already ditched the jonb tactic. Yup, that was incoming. He's abandoned HIS OWN thread.............and after claiming that he posted this because he wanted to talk about the subject, he's not exclusively melting down over me. Probably like how Phil Spencer spends his nights getting mad at what Kamiya did to him. Years later.
  4. Sorry, no one demanded for hard evidence of what you were saying. If you want to set that standard................then show proof that Bayo 3 is not on the new engine. I'll wait. You're not getting out of this...........my logic is simple. Same standards..........or else you're a hypocrite. And that isn't going to work with me. Never has.
  5. Yikes, he's now doing the jonb "just pretend the opposite is true" tactic. This is great. It'll be even better when he gives up on it and tries something else, and I will obviously notice. LOL
  6. Sorry, little too late for you to attempt projection. Oh man.......he knows he struck out ever since I was laughing at him at the beginning. Sorta like Kamiya probably spends his time chuckling for playing Phil Spencer. LOL
  7. he keeps on changing the subject the whole intention behind creating this thread was about me. and I guess it correctly: apparently.
  8. why are you asking me for more things that nobody is asking of you? congrats on highlighting the absurdity of your argument..............but you did it because you wanted to get back at me for talking about Kamiya playing Phil Spencer like a New York tourist playing a card game. (lol) I said that Nintendo allowed a delay.............which they did. The proof is on your clock and calendar, sweetheart Nope..........you're running because I listed all the things you said were wrong, specifically the Forza 7 stuff. And you're running away
  9. LOL now you're trying to change the story again. You just admitted this thread was about me. this is too goddamned easy
  10. No its not............its you trying to gloat towards my direction that Platinum Games was rejected in some way. I just busted you lying about your intentions in creating this thread. I'm not defensive about it............if you notice.........I've been laughing about this thread being created because it shows that you're butthurt. Man.........you're not doing a good job peddling your narrative here. LOL its not holding up very well at all.
  11. where is the proof that they didn't you're not getting out of that. you want to hold me to a standard.............you have to meet that standard as well. BUT..................since I labelled your post "speculation" from almost the very beginning, you are trying to hold me to a different standard. Nintendo DID ALLOW game delay.........this simply isn't debatable. Sorry, you lost this one. Like all the other ones I posted..............and you ran away from. Like Forza 7 graphics not being PC-level on XBX.......
  12. Yup.................that's you naming me. And it shows that you posted this with an inherent motivation. And it shows that you posted this because you actually hate PG because of what they did to loser-boy Phil Spencer............so much so that you actively celebrate Capcom for killing a video game project. Congrats on just proving the three main points I made in my first post in this thread. I commenting on your bitchiness and motivations regarding this piece of news............because that seems to be the reason why you posted this in the first
  13. can you prove that they can't? in fact, could you explain why would Platinum Games need 3 years to develop a game on THEIR OLD ENGINE????? You're running away from the Forza pics. I bitchslap you with those pics in September 2017. And they're still bitchslapping you in March 2020. Gaw-aw-aww-dayum is my ownage evergreen.
  14. You NAMED ME in your OP. You lost this thread already, by admitting your butthurt to me.
  15. They did..............they allowed the game to be delayed. The proof is the passage of time that clearly shows its 2019. It was a 2019 game (actually maybe it was promised for 2018 because it debuted at the Game Awards in December 2017). We're now in 2020..............there was a delay.................can Platinum Games initiate a delay for Bayo 3 without Nintendo's permission? No, you already know that. So Nintendo approved the delay. Sorry..............you lost this one. Checkmate. I also love how you are now
  16. Did this guy create this entire thread out of pure butthurt over me? LOL apparently he did. Look at him............he actually is talking as if he has hate for Platinum Games. He really is pissed that Kamiya played Phil Spencer like a dollar-store ho.
  17. Nintendo would to have done something because Platinum Games originally promised a 2019 date, and they can't delay it without Nintendo's permission. Where is your proof that they are not using the game engine. If you can't do that............you lost. Boy........are you melting down now.........I didn't run and talked about MS. Its mentioned in my very first post. You know that.............because its the reason you're melting down right now. WHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO boy look at the meltdown. I love how you tried to damage
  18. Halo Infinite is going to be an absolute mess on the older consoles. Or, we're talking memory limitations, the "Infinite" won't very "infinite" in level design because it was originally made for Xbox One/Xbox One S and probably the XBX XsX and XsS will just have nicer polish and performance and maybe they'll just up the foilage and lighting/shadowing effects and draw distance.
  19. Nope, the moment I held you to the same standard.........you start backing off. Checkmate'd, rather easily I must say Its not the same if they implement an AA solution that just flat out makes the picture worse. "they look the same" -Remij He lost that one badly. Sorry............I'll post my proof when you post yours. Don't get mad that I'm holding you to the same standard. You agreed with the speculation from the very beginning.............don't get bitchy bec
  20. LOL now you're doing the "you'lllll seee!!!" "oh you'll see!!!!!!!!!" Screen are not the same, congrats on completely lowering your credibility. Digital Foundry clearly says its "not as good". Its not Ultra, they literally had to use a cheap AA solution. YOU LOST that one...........and pretty badly back then in September 2017 You do see a theme....... 1.) You can't prove that Bayo 3 isn't using the engine 2.) You're relieved that the other website no longer exists, like as if you know that you were talking about 16-bit FLOPS
  21. Nope it isn't. Same standard...............prove to me that they aren't using the game engine............if you can't, then you can't ask the same of me. Checkmate'd. Nope, they're not the same quality. Check the screens...........DF specifically says its just not as good "given the limitations of the hardware" they had to use a cheaper, AMD-specific solution. LOL................."Extra" settings. No, they can't handle the game performance if they implemented the same AA as the PC version. You lost that one 2.5 years ago. You did,
  22. Then its not on me to do the opposite, either. I already I'm not being held to any standard that you're not. Congrats, you just got checkmate'd on that one. Nope, you're already backtracked and admitted they are not the same. You're owned, either way now that you're talking out of both ends of your mouth on this one. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope Already had those ready. You'll run away from this one. And to quote Digital Foundry: the XBX version uses AMD AA solution, EQAA "which does not look as good" as
  23. Post evidence that they're not. You said that Sony was "the same" as Microsoft. Yes you did. Now you're officially back tracked off of that, thank you, I'm going to use that quote in the future!!! Nope, you were wrong about Forza. I even showed you the Digital Foundry 800% zoom photos of the PC and XBX version in comparison, and you got pissed and ran off. Its not the same settings as the high PC settings. LOL you are wrong about the 16-bit flops...............they "utilizing it" LOL Ooooh boy, I got this boyeeeeeeeee REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  24. I'm not being held to any standard that you aren't, bud. When I say your batting average, I mean you being c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y wrong about MS "acquiring" Platinum Games. You being wrong that Sony was going to become a day-one multiplat developer "the same" as Microsoft. You being wrong that the XBX version of Forza in 2017 was exactly the same high settings as the PC versions of the game. You being wrong about 16-bit FLOPS bullshit you were spewing before the XBX came out' Yup...............you're beneath the Mendoza line.
  25. Sorry dude..........you even agreed that it was possible. Don't get mad. Don't worry, I won't count it against your existing batting average, its not like it can lower it much. LOL
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