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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Its your speculation. I guess we shouldn't rely on that? For once, I agree.
  2. Good decision on Nintendo allowing Platinum Games to delay the game for the new engine. PG must have disclosed this to Nintendo first back in 2019, basically they would need their permission because if Nintendo held them to their promised 2019 date (or was it 2018?) then it would've essentially forced PG into still using their older engine. Nintendo, unlike Microsoft, put their trust in Platinum Games to do the right thing, and go the extra mile.
  3. No, I brought up what you were doing in this thread..........which was you bringing up other threads. Got you running from your own post. Backwards LOL
  4. LOL he's getting mad that he brought in his butthurt from another thread as backup.
  5. the lamest part of his thread wasn't the obvious self-projection......its that he went out of his way to type that last word backwards, you know he had to use backspace to get that correct. LOLOLOL Oh wait, lemme type if backwards. LOLOLOL
  6. LOL he didn't know how to respond, so he immediately tried to repeat what I said. "no, u is da corona!!" Damn, I didn't know one of the symptoms was immediate retardation.
  7. I got enough sangria to last me through today and tomorrow. And I got about 1.25 bottles of tequila left. I'm going to need to buy some more vodka, and I got like half a bottle of triple sec left, but it sucks, i want a real Orange Liquer, so I gotta buy that. And then its just a matter of buying sufficient Limeade frozen concentrate, and I should be able to have enough to make sufficient Margs for the next few weekends. I gotta do something for St. Pattys Day, obvs.
  8. Clearly not as much as you. Make sure you don't get coronavirus from Remij's cock.
  9. They're both damage controlling the bullshit that I caught them doing in January. Trying to sweep it under the rug.
  10. No I was right about what the Platinum Games person was saying about "big announcements" coming soon. It was an announcement that they were becoming a bigger, truly independent studio. Not only did I describe that situation accordingly, but I even speculated they were doing things like making their own game engine as a sign that they were going to be doing everything in-house. We are talking your stupid thread from January in which you took PG CEO's comments and Phil Spencer comments and thought "MS is going to buy PG" And I said you were making
  11. Nope..........I specifically mentioned them putting their efforts into a new game engine so that they could create their own IPs that they can sell directly as a self-publisher. There's no point in you trying to downplay this. I called it, and I hit the nail on the head, almost perfectly.
  12. So, for posterity's sake...........................I was practically 100% on the bullseye correct in my prediction. Which predictions, you ask? More like the very center of the bulls-eye.
  13. Just get enough for about 1.5-2 weeks. They'll re-supply with that stuff.
  14. Damn, Microsoft knew that the virus was coming way back in 2016. Good guy Phil Spencer.......he sent all the developers home.
  15. you have to cut that in half, because 15 teams are playing against the other 15 teams at any given time. I was trying to type the question in google, and it couldn't understand my search. I'm blown away that its that much, I would've figured like somewhere around 1,000, April May June july August September. Six months, roughly 180 days, about 8-12 games per day,
  16. Its going to be an absolute mess for MLB to reschedule I think its around 2400 games that are played during the regular season.
  17. One of the things keeping cable tv companies from losing more customers are the fact that they are the only place would you are gauranteed to get access to live sports games. and now.... maybe I should look into youtube tv.
  18. They should seriously think about doing video on demand. But I think the movie theaters will hate that because they really need people to come to the theaters and buy snacks. Damn, I'd love to go to $5 tuesdays, its not like the theater is crowded, but from this point forward, I don't think I should buy any snacks. Because if there's anybody that's going to be sneezing and running a fever while handling good, its going to be those high school students behind the concessions counter at the movie theater. I don't trust buying popcorn from them. I a
  19. It was going to happen anyways. NBA players have the most skin-on-skin contact of any sport. And they're always sweating.
  20. Apparently the NHL is going to make an announcement tomorrow. But nobody knows for what.
  21. Apparently, just minutes before the game was going to begin.......the team or arena doctor rushed to the court and spoke with officials and said that they couldn't start the game. I believe Gobert was already en route to the hospital, or at the hospital. And the doctor said that they were awaiting the results. So that led to a postponement of the game start time. And once they found out that he did, indeed, have the virus, they cancelled the game. And then 10 minutes later, the NBA issued a press release saying that the season is cancelled. I bet the
  22. They suspended the rest of the season.
  23. lol he's now damage controlling Xbox going entirely into the cloud.
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