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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. What is this I'm reading that Ampere is actually being manufactured on 10nm, and not TSMC's original 7nm rumor from a few weeks ago? And maybe it may not release until Q4 2020? I want to low, low wattage RTX 3070 so that it can allow some overclocking headroom.
  2. If Phil Spencer cannot confirm GamePass subscriptions, ACTIVE, PAYING GAMEPASS SUBSCRIPTIONS in excess of 10 million individual accounts by June 2020.................gamepass is a failure.
  3. Damn, even Xbox front-office executives and marketing are being ported to the cloud.
  4. He's so butthurt about Phil Spencer being an ABSOLUTE FAILURE and Microsoft becoming a full-blown third party. And they're even developing games better on the Switch, for godssakes.
  5. Nah, not really. Its you being butthurt..........that's a noticeable pattern. And you are usually butthurt when you start trying to peddle the theory that Sony is going to turn into Microsoft. You just admitted it again with your last sentence. LOLOLOL Thank you for proving me correct, yet again. We're currently alot of "YOU"LL SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" from you right now in the present.
  6. What's hilarious is that you're so butthurt that you're trying to push this on the day Ori 2 has come out. That's how butthurt you are............and now you're butthurt about me personally. Yikes......it looks bad. Thankfully not as bad as Phil Spencer turning Microsoft into a full blown third party with day one multiplats. Jim Ryan isn't following that playbook..............because Phil made that decision swiftly and across all of the studios. You just effectively proved yourself wrong. Thank you, yet again.
  7. No..........MS is a day-one multiplat publisher. And you are WISHING that Sony be seen at the same level of failure as Microsoft and that loser, Phil Spencer. And you just got told by a Sony exec that it clearly isn't the case. no amount of semantics in the world is going to help you on this one. You're just going to have to accept that simple fact.
  8. They're not Microsoft, and they didn't become a true 3rd party day-one multiplat publisher..........like that loser Phil Spencer did. And you're butthurt because of it. Deal with it.
  9. Sorry..............their not Microsoft, with is what you are WISHING what they would be. You're already admitted to it..........little too late to try and separate yourself from that simple fact. This narrative isn't going to work, either.
  10. They're not Microsoft........which is what you were WISHING they'd be. You're gonna have to come to terms with that. Its your butthurt.......you're going to have to deal with it, because your butthurt is not anybody's responsibility........but yours.
  11. Sorry...........you got busted ret-conning..........and now you're pretending you didn't read that. Thanks for running away, again.
  12. I love how you just omitted the fact that there's a quote from a Sony exec saying that they do not intend to become a 3rd party publisher. ANd you clearly know we are talking about them becoming like Microsoft. Why are you pretending to play stupid? Its not going to work. Sony is not Microsoft. Phil Spencer failed, and Microsoft is a full-blown third party that releases games multiplat day-one. You're gonna have to come to terms with that.
  13. Nope, you were wishing that I would GLOAT in the hopes of you attempting to catch me in some sort of hypocrisy. (because you just got caught in that same hypocrisy). I love it when I catch you ret-conning...............you're now trying to ret-con the previous post you made.
  14. No, because they haven't.........because we literally have a quote from one their execs saying that such a thing isn't happening. This entire thread is you WISHING they would..............which means you just proved my claims about your butthurt to be correct. Thank you for losing. Another thing you have in common with Phil. lol
  15. He's now openly WISHING for things to happen to others. How is that not the very definition of butthurt? LOLOLOLOL This is too good.
  16. Yeah, that's you projecting. Pretty easy to see, as you proceed to type a rant in which you can easily see your butthurt. No wonder you only highlight the first sentence, and not the rest. LOL Thanks for admitting to it again.
  17. He's still running away, and its not remotely working. I love that even he knows he lost this argument.........but he's trying to cling onto something, anything, to feel good about.
  18. Yup, here's you melting down and being butthurt: You've been blocking things out lately..................and now it seems you've even blacking out on your own posts. lol
  19. He just ran away from the argument again. And look at all of those smileys. WOW. He basically acknowledged that he lost this one.
  20. Nope...........you're the one who ran away. Sorry............forgetting stuff doesn't help, I'll be here to point that out everytime.
  21. Guess you lost a long time ago. And.........you also lost when you've completely ran away.
  22. He's still melting down, and trying to find anything to try and get at me. And its not working............especially now since he just effectively DEMONSTRATED that he is butthurt, he literally typed it out. I already got what I claimed.
  23. Yes it does because we were talking about an Ori 2...........................P-O-R-T to switch, sweetheart. The topic was......................PORT. And you tried to make fun of me for saying that sheep will wait for the ....................PO............O...........OR..........RT. Port. And I just busted you trying to ret-con. Again.
  24. And another meltdown. Thanks for jumping when I told you to do so. I like how you already know you got discovered, so you're not hiding it anymore, and desperately trying to re-litigate it. LOL
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