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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Nope...........I'm not the one hoping another company fails like another company. Now that's someone with ACTUAL butthurt. Me pointing out what you are doing.................is not me acting butthurt. Look at you melting down, every single time I point that out. Sorry, you can't sell it.
  2. Sorry...........didn't work. Thanks for admitting that you are butthurt over Sony and wanted Jim Ryan to look like Phil Spencer. I already got what I claimed.I'm just easily shooting down your ret-conning at this point.
  3. Oh my god, he's melting down harder. He's even lying..........wait for a game to be "developed"? Nobody said that. I said p-o-r-t-e-d Caught you again. Busted.
  4. He just admitted to his butthurt that I claimed that he had. He just debunked HIMSELF in another thread with this post.
  5. Nope..............I said you tryied to ret-con that I was being butthurt. I CAUGHT YOU trying to equivocate Jim Ryan with Phil Spencer..................and that YOU did it because you were butthurt. Sorry..............that's not working. You're second attempt at a ret-con failed, again.
  6. He's melting down again because I nailed him, absolutely perfectly, on his irony that completely defeats his own narrative. You really couldn't have picked a worse day to try and make fun of others for celebrating waiting for a port. You REALLY couldn't.
  7. I claimed that you ATTEMPTED a false equivalency out of pure butthurt. You just admitted to it. Sorry............you're just not on the ball today.
  8. He just admitted he lost the previous argument about Iro 2 being ported to Switch..............and hoped that I wouldn't notice. Thanks for the W. And now he's abandoning Microsoft because he knows he can't defend Phil Spencer's LOSER ASS.
  9. My claim that YOU were attempting a equivalency out of butthurt?????????? I claimed against you from the very beginning, since last year. He literally doesn't know what he's doing................but he's trying to feign confidence as he's doing it.
  10. The irony of you typing that on the day you're trying to celebrate a 3.5 year port as the biggest ownage ever.
  11. Not really..........I mean you consider a 3.5 year port of a PS4 game to be one of the biggest victories ever. Thanks for setting me up on that easy layup
  12. LOL he just contradicted his entire claims about me...........by admitting that my claim was correct, and he was trying to equivocate Sony with becoming a full-on 3rd party like Microsoft, because he's eminently butthurt. He just lost the entire narrative. Again.
  13. That's now a fifth narrative. let's see if I can get him to make as many narratives as Ori 2 has review points.........its not that far away, already. lol
  14. He's trying to make it sound good..........they waited 3 years for their "best" game..........and it got an 8. Wow. He knows he's working with nothing here.
  15. He's melting down. Poor guy must've finished Ori 2 that quickly. Or he's typing posts in between the game freezes, which would explain the 20 posts in the past few minutes.
  16. The problem with circles is that its what's used to make Ori's score that indicates that it flopped. One circle on top of the other: 8
  17. Wait a minute did he just say that Phil Spencer was trying to sink Sony along with his own company?
  18. He ran away to a previous post...........he literally attempted to use a Rewind button once he saw that wasn't working.
  19. Now he's trying to emulate my shtick................We're at four now.
  20. He still can't sell it. When YOU brought Jim Ryan.................your feelings were hurt, and I pointed that out. Because YOU proceeded to lose your shit afterwards. Sorry............retconning isn't going to work, I've even mentioned in previous threads that you proceeded to lose your shit when I CAUGHT you trying to equivocate Jim Ryan with your resident loser, Phil Spencer. Busted, again.
  21. He's trying to pretend to be happy with an 8, for a game he's been hyping for three years???????? Remij:
  22. We're now at three. Damn, I should've put the over/under at 5. His narratives are as easily consumable as Ori games.
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