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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. He melting down, and throwing everything he can. And its still not selling.I'm going to put the over/under at 3 different narratives he'll attempt within the next hour.........because they keep on failing, so he has to move onto the next one. We're at two.
  2. LOL, what do mean "goal"? That happened 7 years ago. You just admitted to having YOUR FEELINGS hurt..............oh my god
  3. He doesn't know what to do, so he brought up Animal Crossing. He simply can't sell it. I guess I now know why he sympathizes with Phil Spencer.........he can't sell it, either.
  4. His projection is spilling from other threads.........he simply can't sell it. Watch him type more (now watch him type less, lol).
  5. Poor guy is literally trying to save Phil Spencer from looking like an abject loser.
  6. Oh my god...........a game you've waited 3 years for......followed by a game you've waited 12 years for...........followed by two games you've waited 20 years for..........followed by a game you've waited 3 years for. ...........and the best game announcement this week was a 3 year old PS4 port. You couldn't have set that up better for me if you tried.
  7. Take a good look at what Remij is having to argue at this point. Oh my god.
  8. They're literally port-begging and celebrating port-begging.................while pretending that they're going to succeed at calling other people "desperate" Remij is literally doing this:
  9. Nah, looks like you're just trying to pace yourself because you're trying to make a 2D downloadable XBox Livew arcade platformer last as long as possible.................because you waited 3 years for it. Which will be ironic when it gets ported to Switch, and probably will run better like the first Ori.
  10. They waited three years for their supposed best game............and they're spending it celebrating a port of a better game.
  11. Its hilarious. They've come to the conclusion that the BEST THEY CAN HOPE FOR..........is that Sony and Nintendo fail as bad as Microsoft. They're like druggie gay men in the 80's trying to give other people AIDS.
  12. LOL, even he's running to Remij's CEMU talking point. They must be sharing a flowchart on how to damage control.
  13. Oh man, you can tell that the lemmings are doing this right now, badly: They're actively port-begging for PS4 games out in the open. That's where they're at. Wow.
  14. Sooooooooooo let me get this straight. The lemmings waiting for 3, almost 4 years for the day in which......... ...............they can celebrate Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC. That's just beautiful.
  15. He's trying so hard to pretend that I'm getting as angry as they got when microsoft lost all of their exclusives and became a multiplat publisher entirely. And its not even remotely working.
  16. It really is funny that he's trying so...........so...................so very hard to portray this as Sony becoming a failure like Microsoft and Phil Spencer. Seeing them run into each others arms in the first page of this thread. LOL
  17. Even GD is coming in here to bitchslap Remij..............in REMIJ'S own thread. Uh oh, he's losing control of this one quick.................I'm sure that Remij isn't the type of person to stupidly escalate arguments that he clearly knows he has no clear path to actually winning.
  18. No they haven't And congratulations, you just admitted to what I claimed you were ATTEMPTING to do. 2-for-2 now. Actually I had already predicted that HZN could be ported to PC because of the engine being ported for the Kojima game, predicted that before you begun your attempt to equivocate Jim Ryan with that loser, Phil Spencer. Looks like you're late for just about everything. Thanks for confirming that Sony isn't a day-one multiplat, ALL-multiplat publisher that Microsoft is. Use your fingers and pull on both sides of your mouth,
  19. Sony, for some reason, really allow their first-party exclusive games to get CHEEEAP. Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition is $10 bucks.........for a retail disc copy, still brand new wrapped. Spiderman + the DLC was selling for like $15, retail disc. Or, they end up being free PS+ games 18 months after they launch (Detroit Become Human). Bloodborne, $10 retail disc. The feeling I get is that they did that so that they can get PS4 buyers during the final years of the console gen. Y'know somebody could just buy a PS4 on black friday 2019, and then
  20. They should've signed the deal with a developer that actually makes fun games. Would've loved to have seen the return of Tecmo Bowl. Hell Nintendo should do a deal with baseball to make an arcadey game with MLB teams. Mike Trout Baseball!!!
  21. The only intentionally-designed to be multiplat game that Sony truly has is MLB The Show. And it wouldn't surprise me if the quality of that series starts flatlining like Madden games. Unless there's a case in which they have a second-party exclusive last-gen game, and the developer wants to have the PC rights so that they can port the game themselves, it would have to be a case of Sony choosing to spend money to port over the game. The only studio I could maybe see there being a chance of the developer actually WANTING to make a PC port of their Sony exclusive is Yamau
  22. Thanks for just admitting that they haven't gone 3rd party like Microsoft did. This pent-up butthurt, all of this, is because you want to portray Sony as doing just that. I remember the previous threads, buddy. You're wishing that Jim Ryan to become the loser that Phil Spencer is when I made fun of him. You just posted a press release saying Sony isn't going to do that. And we also have logical reason for HZN for coming to PC, they had to port the engine for Kojima's game. Do the Joaquin Phoenix forced Joker smile, baby.
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