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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. 13.3 TFLOPS RDNA2, 565GB Bandwidth, 16GB GDDR6 + 4GB DDR4, dedicated RT and 3D Audio cores, 1TB SSD, AMD Zen2 @ 3.2GHz (3.7GHz boost). $499.
  2. Yeah..........these poor lems are trying to force their laughter and pretend this is the same as Microsoft going third-party on PC. You can literally sense them wanting to let out all of their pent-up butthurt in these posts. Observe the forced laughter that is fixing to come next.
  3. Seriously though, like if you did some really hard work outside, like helped a friend move all day long, something like that.....drinking an ice cold, ICE COLD Sprite is seriously one of the greatest things ever. Its like the commercials.
  4. Lemmings rushing in here, not just to damage control Ori 2, but also Ori 1. Gawwwddayum.
  5. I'm starting to really have trouble with the carbonation and aftertaste of beers, I'm not really enjoying them anymore. I've been buying large bottles of Sangria. It gets me where I wanna go, alot smoother. And tastier.
  6. So, a first-party developer, that usually has the luxury of spending their time and effort on just one particular sku, or maybe at the most, is literally on twitter saying "well, we had prioritized which versions of the game we had to get performing well" and they're currently lagging behind the Xbox One S version. What is going to happen when its time for Halo Infinite to roll out, and because of the promises that Microsoft has made, there's going to be an Xbox One version, an Xbox One S version, and Xbox One X version, a PC version, and then there are the Xbox Series X version, a
  7. It really does. He created this entire thread.............and he ended up BOTCHING IT and POPPIN' his own asshole in the process Do you want to see someone who got self-owned in his own thread, and doesn't know what else to do but is DESPERATE to try and make himself feel better? Here, I'll show you one:
  8. Poor guy literally has nothing. He's even taking luyms post and attempting to re-post.........and he's botched it. Its like forum dumpster-diving. I love how the more this goes on.........the more Remij botches things, and he knows it and keep on getting more pissed. Which is hilarious, and something I would love to keep continuing.
  9. He just lost and couldn't respond to my post Oh my god............he has utterly lost like 5 straight arguments that he's stopped, and restarted, and re-stopped multiple times over. Its hilarious how he's literally botched everything.........even lynmus ran away pissed because he know that Remij completely botched it. ANd the great part is how this is a DEAD GIVEAWAY that me making fun of MS absolutely work. Kamiya literally STOLE MONEY............he literally COMMITTED A CRIME........and we're laughing our asses off that he did it.
  10. No..........I wasn't responding to that..........I was saying that Kamiya was playing MS for fools. Notice how that was 90% of my entire point. Don'tcha think...............that.............sorta..............maybe...............kinda..................is the point I was making, and I wasn't responding to your assertion of "idiots" Yup............you do know. But you THAT desperate that you are taking a passing remark and trying to make it the whole threa.d ...........because of me laughing at the fact that Kamiya played MS for a strai
  11. he doesn't even know how to use my words against me correctly. wow, he's been botching everything in this thread......lynuns entire setup to the joke, any comebacks, and even attempting to repeats my jokes. about the only thing he can do correctly is finger-POP lynuns asshole.
  12. I love how they attempted this type of joke: except they completely botched it because the first guy has to say that they DID do such a thing in order to make fun of it. these guys know they botched it, and so now they're finger-POPPIN' each others' assholes to try and recover.
  13. another person join in on them finger-POPPIN' each others' assholes reduced to nothing especially during these times............use hand-sanitizer before AND after, guys.
  14. he doesn't have a response, he just confirmed what I said. its the best HE can do..............and he just admitted to it because he just re-posted it. he's relying on gifs now.
  15. Remij: the people who said it was Microsoft fault = idiots me: I've never said it was Microsoft's fault. I love how this is the best you can do. and now you've come back to the thread because you know that remij just ruined your entire setup you can both go back to finger-POPPIN' each others' assholes.
  16. he's scrambling to try and recover the setup, which he just completely ruined for lynuns. Now, he's trying to find NEW bait,. "Uh.........uh.........let's see what we can use here.......ummm, you came in here DEFENSIVELY!! uhhh, yeah, yeah, that'll work!" You just finger-POPPED your own asshole. Lol
  17. Oh............now its been reduced down to "indirectly" you just ruined lynens entire setup Looks like you just finger-POPPED his asshole, right now.
  18. Nope.............it literally rose above it. Kinda like your efforts at trying to respond to you........because you're obviously trying to salvage a lame attempt at trying to own me. "it soundz lik u sed u were da idiot" man, that's some good shit, right there. while you and lynens were finger-POPPIN' each others assholes, and desperate for a break.
  19. I like how he couldn't strike through the best word in my quote: He's mad because I accurately described him and lnuys POPPIN' each others' assholes.
  20. You seem to think I wouldn't address you if I wanted to. I love how this is the best you and lyuns can do.....................I typed something that you took as a direct response to you calling certain people idiotis. Even though you are saying that the ones who are idiots are the ones who are saying its Microsoft's fault, and I'm specifically saying that I never said that. I understand................both of you are in desperate need for a win. After both of you were POPPIN' each others assholes in that
  21. sorry, too late for that. ..................but I see what you were going for.
  22. No, the statement is meant to be taken in general, and not a direct response to yours. Or else I would've quoted you. But,...............since both you and lyus have been butthurt over Platinum Games not releasing what you were hoping, and this entire "announcement" thing basically being nothing.............I under what you are CLINGING onto Here comes the butthurt.
  23. Actually Remij typed idiots, and my statement is typed in general, and separate to what Remij type. But I understand what you were going for.
  24. I never said it was Microsoft's fault. I said that Kamiya literally played Microsoft for absolute dumb motherfuckers because he, straight-up, EMBEZZLED money from them, took a shit in a game box, gave it to them, until they finally realized what was happening and stopped issuing payments. Kamiya literally committed a crime and MS was the victim, and we're laughing openly about it.
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