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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Posted your own words. Not my fault if you don't want to see them. "made up concern"...........he is now saying he didn't type that. Wow.
  2. You ended up doing it TWICE. My goodness.
  3. Yup you did. Projecting isn't going to help. Not only that...........but you just repeated it in another thread. Busted twice.
  4. Yes that is what you said. That's all you said "a made up concern" Go cry somewhere else. You got busted, bigtime.
  5. "a made up concern" is you saying its a hoax. Calm down. I'm not arguing anything, because I've already explained it.
  6. Yup, that's what you said. Like I said, don't get mad at me for throwing your words in your face. Deal with it.
  7. When you said "made up concern" You called it all a hoax. You're welcomed.
  8. Is this your ninetieth? LOL "a made up concern" Right there. Don't get mad because I'm posting your words.
  9. Now how could they run this test with silicon that does not have all Cuda cores? Are they simply not activating all the Cuda cores in these tests? They wouldn't create a custom GPU die that has less Cuda cores than the final product, that'd be pretty pointless.
  10. You can't defend the fact that your called the virus a hoax, as well. The only medical condition that we know isn't a hoax is his butthurt going on right now. LOL
  11. The only people downplaying coronovirus, or even going so far as to outright DENY it as a "hoax" are lemmings, and Donald Trump: Go figure.
  12. I got a hold of my friends PS3, he basically gave it to me, and its able to be hacked and have custom firmware on it while still be able to sign-in and run the Playstation Store and download my digital games on there. So I could theoretically have it play hacked games, but it won't lock me out from the online functions or connecting to anything. I'm trying to catch up on a backlog of last-gen (so to be last-last-gen) games that I might've missed or were unique enough for me to play them. I had forgotten that Ubisoft had released a Prince of Persia game to coincide with
  13. I don't understand why this wouldn't be a completely baked-in feature for Windows 10.
  14. LOL he doesn't know how else to defend himself, at this point. Watch him go make another Sony thread..........while calling us obsessed.
  15. More like >10 tflops. Its your logic after all. Don't get mad at us because of your God-given stupidity.
  16. A movie has multiple revenue streams. It releases in theaters and makes money. It then releases to VOD for a short period of time at a high price, and they make money from those willing to pay for it. Then it transitions to rental via Redbox (or even through Netflix's old mail service) and streaming rental. At the same time it goes on sale if you want to buy the physical disc. And lastly, it makes a bit more money after all of this if Netflix or HBO decides to have the movie on their service. I count at least 4 different revenue streams, and they
  17. But it would appear to be risky that the "quality" will have to be adjusted to the upfront payout that MS is giving people. And if sales of $60 games become less and less and less............Microsoft will say "well, we'll pay you one lump sum of what your estimated sales would be, but based on current trends, your game at $60 probably wouldn't sell more than 500K-800K copies, so we'll just pay you that much." The subscription model could create a race to the bottom. Also, with these new consoles and console graphics, I think outdated animation is going to s
  18. Perfect. I knew to lay off from buying the game, even if it was on sale for like $10-$15 back at christmas.
  19. He literally can't help himselfHe just proved it by not talking about Ori, but about other posters.
  20. That's why it was always funny how certain posters were trying to boast about graphics.......but at the same time try to disqualify the PC from graphics debates. Absolute hypocrites. They wanted to use the topic of graphics to boast about their console.......BUT not compare it to PC. How sad do you have to be to do that?
  21. I think it occurs in Episode 4. You're gonna see what I mean when I say its "Paul Thomas Anderson-level". Its much different than almost every other episode in season 1.
  22. Euphoria was at its best during the middle of the season, that is when everything came together and clicked. The ending to the season, eh its an ending to wrap up a season. But you can tell which episode is where the show is hitting its absolute peak, its borderline masterful. Its Paul Thomas Anderson-levels of masterful.
  23. He's going to be even more livid when it is. Cooke already asked him, and he blacked it out.
  24. Did this guy just call Ori a third party game already?
  25. Little too late to try your (failed) shtick Not only did I FORCE him into not direct-quoting me, sorta like this picture: But I also shamed him so bad on his new thread attempt..........that he DELETED it. Now that's power
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