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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. ....and just like I said, he couldn't direct-quote. He thinks that's a loophole around his "always responding" accusation.........if he was too scared to direct-quote, in his mind he doesn't count it as a response. He's just crying in the wind.
  2. Remind you of all 3 of your games on Xbox? You must cherish us, then.
  3. LOL he literally tried to repeat something I already said about him. However he technically DOES have a point. I actually direct-quote him............................he doesn't.
  4. LOL they're going to attempt to re-type the same post about 50 times. Sorta reminds me of what Microsoft does with Forza games.
  5. Poor guy has been waiting 3 years to play a 2D platformer. Damn, the thirst is real. You can literally see it in every post he makes:
  6. Can any post exist without you running in to pretend you're not crying over it. Doubtful Guess that's what happens when you aren't playing any games and hiding behind Sony corporate news. LOL
  7. LOL the lemmings are literally begging people to stop making fun of them. this has got to be a new lowpoint.
  8. LOL he's now backtracking to call it a troll post. You know that he's regretting it.
  9. I did, in fact, watch that a few years ago. That has more sci-fi fantasy elements, taking place in some far-flung future, in a rather unique setting, more gritty. I think characters like Tilda Swinton's characters are too cartoonish and detract from what would've been a more grittier and bleak movie. But i definitely think its a solid movie.
  10. After the boxing match, I watched Parasite. Good movie. Considering that my experience with Korean films is very limited, its basically OldBoy and then seeing this about 15 years later, I see alot of similarities occuring in these Korean movies. Rich people, non-rich people, people being trapped against their will, revenge. I would've like more suspenseful scenes, I don't think they did enough of those. But still a very good movie.
  11. If world war 3 started on December 1, 2020, and the entire world blew itself up and jonb managed to survive........the first thing he'd do is run to a dilapidated Walmart with $500 in his hand to see if can buy an Xbox off the shelf and declare that Microsoft won the next console war. Not search for water or other signs of life.
  12. Never saw it because you were hiding behind sheep when trying to avoid your failure as a lemming. Don't worry...........you got L'd by both Sony and Nintendo. LOL
  13. Since I'm getting into watching Desus & Mero on Showtime, I was going back to research their previous work, and specifically their show on Viceland. And I came across this Florida clip because its part of the "Michael Anthony saga" which is a character that they do of a 20-something frat boy white guy from Long Island who shoots up heroin and lives in his mom's basement, and wants his mom to buy some more heroin for him from a guy named Julio. Its ridiculous, but they only portray this character for like 10 seconds at a time. Go on youtube and search for "Michael Anthony saga
  14. What's the matter, don't like being reminded that your side lost?
  15. ....and, if you think about it.......they're racist.
  16. Is this thread serious. jonb tried to call Sony racist.............all because he's losing his shit that Sony doesn't unviel anything about their upcoming console. Am I imagining this? He honestly created this thread to accuse them of that..........his fanboy hate has gotten to this point?
  17. He literally got "offended" because there was a voiceover that he heard during an interactive cutscene in Gears 5 of a kid saying "die, fascist, die." Fucking loser was actually recording himself getting upset upon hearing that and acting like Microsoft betrayed him. Apparently...................he's sympathetic to actual fascists??????????????? For some reason?????
  18. Probably because Sony hasn't formally shown the PS5 in any real capacity. Is this really the best you guys can "analyze"? Theories based on TEMPORARY information that you know will not last in the near-future.?
  19. OMG, poor jonb just got ANALLY FILLET'D
  20. Y'know, he may actually be telling the truth. Poor guy can't reflect on himself in real life........maybe he can't see ray-traced reflections, either.
  21. Gawww-dayum. jonb just got BUTT-SRIRACHA'D
  22. He must've suffered nerve damage and cannot click on the "quote" button because he's not-direct quoting anymore. Boy, is he livid mad. And he's practically crying to have people leave him alone. Like a complete wussy kid. Its times like these in which he would run to the local Diocese and be 'comforted" by Father Patrick.
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