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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I dunno, something about that guy with the weird hair and wearing super creepy clothing, its not something that clicks with me when I'm in the middle of channel-surfing. Sometimes those shows with subversive comedy, if I don't find the proper wavelength that the show is running on, I am immediately repulsed by it.
  2. ..............can I rope in a second wild horse???????? LOL he ran out of ideas.
  3. He's still not able to stop it. I love that his butthurt is derailing this thread, and nobody baited him into it. Big giveaway, right there. LOL
  4. Holy shit, he actually derailed the thread with his butthurt. The more I get to post about it, the funnier its going to get.
  5. No, in fact it didn't look like that, since you guys easily paid the first $50k within minutes, and sheep didn't do anything. Nice try, tho............didn't work the last 20 times you attempted it, Spud boy!
  6. LOL, looks like the butthurt is even deeper that originally thought. Another swing and a miss. Hey maybe you paid to have this Metro port for the Switch, as well, just like you did for W101. Thanks again!
  7. holy shit, are people still getting butthurt. its just a port of a game, fellas, they barely announced this a month ago.
  8. Nice Digital Foundry passes over the underwhelming XBO version and does a comparison versus the PS4 version. And they just released a trailer like a month ago, that didn't show any of the game, so this is a bit of a surprise. Good job on the developer.
  9. I really hope they've created something combining an "open world" but not like a shallow open world, but rather something like a real town, in which you can go through the town, but you have to fight your way through it, and whatever path you choose feels like a well-designed linear level. After all, the first time they demo'd the first game, they wanted to emphasize that the levels were more open than an Uncharted game, and it had dynamic elements to how you approach enemy situations. Its supposed to be a hallmark of TLOU. That would be the natural progression. Like a
  10. The ticket buying webpage only says RATM, but I presumed the entire concert tour is meant to be with Run The Jewels. When it comes to standing in line, the arena personell will probably start allowing people inside by 5:30-6:00pm. I bet Run The Jewels does not take the stage until 7:30-8pm, and they'll be over by 9pm, and then there's at least another 30-45 minutes. And then RATM will take the stage. by around 9:45-10pm. Concert ends past 11pm. So, for standing room, that's probably 5-6 straight hours of standing. I will get whatever spot on the floor I can get, and the
  11. Same here. The closest I could get to was Kansas City, Missouri. But once I saw that the tickets were being sold through somebody other than Ticketmaster, I got excited that I might have a decent chance at General Admission floor tickets. Ticketmaster's website is just bullllllllllllshit, through and through. I didn't even know tickets were going on sale this morning until late last night. KC tickets were going on sale at 11am, and found two GA tickets right away. And then my friend asked me if I could find a third. I told him it was unlikely, 1
  12. Speaking of 90's bliss. I just nabbed floor tickets to see RATM, the real Rage, this May.
  13. That means we should have a convention called 3rdParty-3 and it will pretty much show every game except Sony and Nintendo exclusives.
  14. People didn't like the "bean" buttons back then, but it really was quite comfortable in the sense that your thumb always rests on the big green mound, the A button, and it just moves off the side to hit the other face buttons. Nintendo was correct that the majority of games use one face button alot (A), a second button is used quite a bit (B), and the third and fourth face buttons are not used as much (bean buttons X and Y). I do understand the complaint about not having two Z buttons, they should've put one on the left side.
  15. jehurey

    Galaxy s20

    I have. I have a nicer phone and don't want any scuffs, and has absorbed several drops already. And, the vast majority of people already use cases, so it sits flush. The additional 1mm of space along the sides and the back isn't going to be the reason why it doesn't fit in a person's pocket, if it doesn't fit with a case, it probably doesn't fit without a case.
  16. jehurey

    Galaxy s20

    Pretty nice phones. They have some start that over 70% of all Galaxy phone owners have a case on it, that's why the camera bulge is getting bigger. It will sit flush with a phone case on the phone. Those phones are tempting. But I still want to see what they have in store with the Note 20.
  17. I bought the "HAL Labs" Gamecube Controller at the time because I figured it would be a wanted item, and sell out. It was. https://www.amazon.com/Super-Smash-Bros-Ultimate-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DJX3Y47/ Shit is reselling for $100 now. The official Nintendo gamecube 4-port adapter is selling for $85.
  18. Good decision, but they should have made it about 1-2 years ago so that they could have a game ready for next-gen consoles.
  19. Even though I'm not big on Smash Bros, just in case I wanted to make a real 4-way Smash Bros match on GC controllers, I ended up buying the re-release of the Gamecube controller that Nintendo made with Smash Ultimate, and I bought the 4-port accessory. My friend, who had my Gamecube for years, finally gave it back to me, and I had two wired controllers and one Wavebird. So I can do a "traditional" 4-way match in Smash. I think the Metroid Prime games, and Mario Sunshine used the analog trigger. I think that is how you controlled how powerful your water cannon was in Mar
  20. Damn, so I'm already rocking the next-gen Microsoft console on my Samsung Note.
  21. Damon Lindelof seems to be making a pattern, because in the Watchmen podcast, what he did was create a theoretical scenario in which what would happen in this world if Liberals turned authoritarian, and they forced laws through like the Redfordations (Reparations) for black people. So, what many people weren't understanding was that Lindelof wasn't making a story depicting "white people bad". What he was saying was that if we ever enacted Reparations, society would get hyper-divisive to the point of Civil War. And what Adrian Veidt did was authoritarian and he established an author
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