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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Fuuuuuuuuutuuuuure threats. Basically means you got nothing. Congrats................on not being able to explain the SEGA part of that fictional business transaction you just tried to peddle. I love it, your theory are TWO SEPARATE TRANSACTIONS.........and neither one makes any lick of logical sense: Transaction #1, Platinum made another exclusive IP for Nintendo to get ahold of Bayo........oh, and btw you can't explain the SEGA ownership aspect, and just hope we forget about that part. Transaction #2, Right around the same time, Nintendo just de
  2. LOL poor guy has got nothing. Thanks for finding a better hoe for me.........now take your 7 whose 7 years older. Almost sounds like a biblical tale.
  3. LOL he ran away. Actually you should thank Platinum Games..........because they had to give Nintendo ANOTHER exclusive to free W101. And by all accounts..............an upgrade exclusive IP: It'd be like as if I took your hoe..........who was a 7. And you whine about it and wanted her back, and then I made you go find another hoe who's an 8. Once you found it, I told you "here you go, little buddy.......here's your 7, be sure to wipe before use"
  4. Yes it is. LOL now he's misspelling, because he's tripping over himself to try and save Remij from drowning. Astral Chain in exchange for W101 now suddenly makes more logical sense, and you guys can't make a better theory.
  5. Your theory is just getting more ridiculous by the minute. Except the possibility isn't there because they SAID they don't have have any control over the Bayo IP. Why would they say that if Astral Chain has SUPPOSEDLY already allowed them to get access to Bayo's IP through SEGA? You're telling me they handled the Nintendo part, but not figured out the Sega part? Counting chickens before they hatch? Platinum Games is still not big enough to go into self-publishing for a title on the level of Bayonetta. And secondarily.........Platinum Games wou
  6. No...........you're just wrong, or purposely being obtuse. They offered an investment..........which is meant to be paid back. Like a venture capitalist firm buying non-controllable shares of a company. Its right here: Platinum Games can "buy back" the non-controllable shares that Tencent would've received when they placed their investment into the company. Platinum Games would WANT to buy those back. You now CONTRADICTING yourself with explaining your shitty ass Astral Chain-Bayo theory. Now you're saying that SEGA con
  7. No. Tencent offered a business loan. They have to pay it back. Nintendo pays them for development, and they can make a profit because Nintendo pays them well. I love your theory doesn't address absolutely anything regarding SEGA's aspect in their ownership, and you just basically expect us to NOT THINK ABOUT THAT part. LOL Yup............it was Astral Chain in exchange for letting go of the W101 IP. More specifically, it was Astral Chain being made and fairing BETTER than W101, Nintendo was okay with giving Platinum back W101. I just beat you in
  8. Now you're trying to slink out of this, since I made fun of your absolute child-like argument. Too late for that. Keep saying Astral Chain for Bayo, 1 for 1 trade. People will keep laughing. Platinum Games will keep on making Astral Chain and Bayo for Nintendo, because Nintendo pays well for development. For all you know..........Astral Chain was the business negotiation tot GETTING W101!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT. And the best part is...........after your idiotic theory, you're going to try so hard to pretend Astral Chain for
  9. Again..........unless Nintendo has a first right of refusal clause, and they can keep on funding more Bayo sequels. SEGA, doesn't appear willing to pay for real AAA quality action games. You just insinuated that Astral Chain is an equal replacement for the Bayo franchise. You have no right to laugh at anybody. Nobody would trade Astral Chain for Bayo, 1 to 1. Nobody. You tried to dress up your fanboy dream as something that sounds mature and logical.............it fell apart the moment you TRIED to explain the "sequence" of events. As
  10. Except Platinum Games is known for Bayonetta. Its a prestige title. It bring Platinum Games fame and attention. No..............they're not leaving. And Nintendo is probably paying them well, so PG ends up having profit to pay back their business loan. LOL, your theory regarding Astral Chain is just absolutely laughable. "Trade you Astral Chain for Bayo, straight-up" Platinum Games would probably have to give Nintendo 3 unique IPs, personally approved by Nintendo, and lifetime exclusivity to develop sequels to those IPs, in order to have Nin
  11. No. Nintendo would have an agreement in which they can have first right of refusal for sequels. Why are you implying that Platinum Games has ANY LEVERAGE in this situation. PG cannot stop or block either Nintendo or SEGA. The only thing Platinum Games could do is simply not accept the contract to develop the game. And they're not going to do that, because Nintendo pays their sub-contractors well. They've never had any falling out with a second-party subcontractor because of the way Nintendo treated them. Now compare that to the how Scalebound wen
  12. No, they would release it. There have been multiple re-releases of the MGS collection on PS2 and PS3, and they would've definitely included Twin Snakes in that. or as a separate add-on. Its very similar to Bayo. Konami and Nintendo make an agreement, but the developer is a separate entity that Nintendo pays them to develop it (Silicon Knights). Konami would have to go through alot of hoops to get full ownership back. Same thing with the Rogue Squadron Games. LucasArts deals with Nintendo, but Nintendo chose to go with developer Factor 5. Once aga
  13. No, I meant the two Gamecube Star Wars games. Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader and Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike. Absolutely locked down on the Gamecube. And sorry, Konami would release Twin Snakes multiple times on any platform they could, if given the chance. Has nothing to do with the game quality. Konami doesn't, because they can't. You can try making the exception LOOK LIKE the rule............it simply isn't.
  14. Think of it this way: You ever see MGS Twin Snakes show up anywhere? That's a Konami franchise. You ever see Rogue Squadron and Rogue Leader show up anywhere? Those are two games that are partially controlled by LucasArts. Notice how neither of them have ever been able to do anything with those games outside of Nintendo's systems? You guys forget, that since the NES and SNES era, Nintendo has a history of locking shit down.
  15. Well, they probably can. There's probably always been a provision that if Sega wants to pay 100% of development of a next Bayo sequel, they can initiate that and it probably serves as a end to the agreement (although Nintendo will always hold the titles that they paid for). Nintendo probably has a "first right of refusal" clause in that they MUST create a Bayo sequel, typically within X amount of years of the previous Bayo sequel, and if they do pay 100% of development (and marketing), they have a clause in which to keep a hold of future Bayo sequels. This i
  16. well there's a reason why bugs bunny always said it.
  17. Nah, that's a hilarious stretch, because Sega pre-existing agreement with Bayo 1 supersedes any agreement they would've made with Bayo 2. And would only apply to Bayo 1. Keep hoping, tho. I'm not gonna stop the source of laughter.
  18. Nice, Oh, and btw, that sex hamburger story is from Albuquerque, NM.
  19. It probably sold the majority of its two million on PS4. This was also being reported from the Publisher. This guy sounds like he thinks they should've sold more $60 copies of the game because the demand would've been there, but it got deflated because it was on GamePass. It wouldn't matter if the game remained popular and hyped for a long period of time. But alot of people discovered about 20-30 hours into the game that its simply not that great of a game, and in fact a little underwhelming.
  20. So that is interesting. Nintendo officially owns half of the Bayo IP? I thought Sega still had total ownership and Nintendo merely had an exclusive licensing agreement for Bayo 2 and Bayo 3 since they paid for the development of the game. But this means that Nintendo is firmly entrenched even more than I thought. That's great.
  21. Many people have enjoyed Knives Out, and chances are alot of people have watched it already. I noticed that the story included some elements that could be seen as political, but since you could omit that stuff entirely and just appreciate the cleverness of the movie because of its who-done-it mystery and so many twists and turns, I figured that the political commentary was just some additional flourish to give character to the main people in the movie. Intentionally made to make the protagonist more likable. But this video really ties it together that the director/write
  22. And he describes where he got the inspiration for the show, and what type of person he played because he met somebody at Ubisoft while doing research for the show. Once you hear his story, anybody who has ever seen Ubisoft developer videos will know exactly who he is talking about.
  23. I can see how CoD Mobile can make some serious money. Its a shockingly decent experience that seems to work well online. Some people probably don't want to buy the $60 version, and they just want to play a few online matches a few times a week. And they may spend $10 every couple of months.
  24. Ah, so you're saying that a dollar is almost worth nothing to Microsoft? I think alot of people would agree with that basic fact.
  25. I don't mind giving Microsoft another DOLLAH. Its just a matter of how desperate does Phil Spencer need it.
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