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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No.........that guy only confirmed actions that Microsoft was taking. PG must have not taken it seriously if nothing gets done over the course of an entire year. Only ONE SIDE has the power to drag out that deal. I love your lowered bar of victory here..........let's see if I can get it lowered even more.
  2. You're port begging, SPECIFICALLY, for Bayo 2. You don't actually want W101, on PC, on other consoles, on anywhere. Nobody has been asking for W101. This news is only valuable to you if...........wait for it............if it means other Platinum Games could be ported. The real title of this thread should read "Platinum Games might be porting W101, HOPE THIS MEANS WE FINALLY GET BAYO 2!!!!"
  3. LOL retroactively trying to find new material to back up a failed rumor. Man, Platinum Games must've really not wanted them to reject them for that long.
  4. I love it when the real motivations finally creep up in these threads. They always do. Bayonetta is not fully owned by Platinum, Sega will always have their hand on that IP. W101 wouldn't have had another company to deal with. They would be dealing with Nintendo, if they wanted to purchase the IP back, which even then sounds like an unlikely scenario since there is no other instance of a second-party ever retaining ownership of an IP they developed with Nintendo. Eternal Darkness comes to mind. The developer even tried creating a Kickstarter unofficial seque
  5. I don't give a shit if EA milks FIFA fans......EA is actually less scummier than FIFA, itself. Those soccer fans know what they are getting themselves into. EA needs to take that money and invest itself in re-building their portfolio again, with variety. If all they see is "we can milk people with FIFA, and milk people with Apex, so lets just more of those" then they're not going to very helpful during this next gen.
  6. See.........he wants off on a tangent.........with you. With me.........he knows he'll get slapped forever.
  7. Awww, I thought they were going to announce themselves being bought by Microsoft.
  8. Dang...................which one is the companion system again?
  9. Pretty sure its Sony's obligation to sell a console to people who have had handheld video games. I guess what you are saying is............Sony is failing to appeal in that area. I love it..........you are guys are basically ADMITTING that the PS4 is limited in this appeal. This is what you are using to save face.
  10. They should've made it a Switch Lite, because the Animal Crossing fans are going to want to play this heavily on mobile.
  11. I saw the Italian movie trailer like 3-4 months ago. And its just some road trip about them "having adventures" and trying to meet woman. It doesn't have the style or feel of a Coen brothers movie, its just some mid-life guys trying to find themselves type of movie. Which just doesn't work if the guy actually is a child molester. lol
  12. He brought up a .......wait for it............ web forum poll. And he said it was a better source than NPD saying 6 million people paid for a Switch in 2019. I then proceeded to ask him how big his.................web forum poll..........was. He ran away and refused to answer. Because his ............[chuckle]..........uh...web forum poll.....was smaller than the amount of people who buy a new Nintendo Switch every week in North America.
  13. Gouko's logic is sound. Sony...............RETREATED..........from a video game platform in order to put all their resources on just one platform. How is that statement not 100% accurate. That's exactly what Nintendo did. The rest that is being argued is just semantics. "But its a console"........it doesn't matter. Sony was trying to support TWO platforms. Nintendo was trying to support TWO platforms. Sony retreated and concentrated on ONE platform. Nintendo retreated and concentrated on ONE platform.
  14. Weren't there like 14 million people living within Wuhan at the time the virus started? 8,000 is probably expected and not that bad for a virus that can transmit via contact. If they get those people into quarantine fast enough to let the virus take its course for however long its incubation period is, then they can probably contain it and ride it out.
  15. That's what I thought........what I love is that you're more concerned with looking like you won something, than actually having won something. Which is why you always end on FUTURE threats. ooooooooooooooh, FUTURE threats!!!!
  16. No........maybe you need to read the post again. You're going realize how its going to backfire on you I think you know, you're just trying to talk as if you're going to say anything to me, but you're not really going to.
  17. he doesn't know what to do........he's trying to laugh it off with one too many smileys. LOL
  18. aaaaand he just ran away again. he doesn't know (or maybe he does, and he's trying to pretend that it doesn exist) that there is a post that I already made from December which already floats the idea of PS4 games being released on PC and he thinks he's going to be able to nail me on it................when I already have the rug to pull from underneath him. It is going to fun when you try it, because the backfire is going to have you go into meltdown.
  19. He's still butthurt about it. And he's still doing the Vini "you'll see!!!!!!!!!!" Your original argument that I was arguing against ended when the PSnow announcement was made. You tried to transfer that over the new rumor that occurred after that. Which doesn't really fly, because I had already floated the possibility of Sony saying "okay, we've now ended PS4, we will make PC ports of those games as soon as the PS5 gen begins." Which is different than what you were trying to do, because you were trying to call Jim Ryan the next Phil Spencer. And that got sl
  20. ...........and he's ran away. I forgot to tell Gouko the other thing he's been doing. THe moment he knows he can't responds, he just tries to cut and run. Thanks for playing
  21. I gotta give brownie points, I pointed out how the butthurt was looking very obvious, and he made last-minute adjustments.
  22. No one is moving goalposts............you're not responding back to what I've said. PS4 is saturated...........people who own PS4 are simply not finding as much to like the system in 2019 as in previous years. And those same people bought Switches, and they found more games for Switch in 2019, to make them care more about it. The proof is in the sales of the hardware AND the Top 20 NPD software. Switch exclusives make up a third......absolutely blowing away any other platform exclusives and any other publisher. You pathetically tried to argue th
  23. Yup and he is. You were wrong because your original evidence was debunked by the PS now announcement. And you...............are indeed known as the BUTTHURT guy I love how you don't understand how you are proving me correct with each post you're making. We're literally seeing you come in and DERAIL THIS THREAD specifically because of that.
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