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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No they have. by a 2 to 1 margin. Yeah, people are into the Switch more. And its games. Because if nobody found any value in the Switch and its exclusives.........then all of the PS4 owners on THIS FORUM would have never bought a Switch. But they did. The Switch is selling hotter and its expected to continue to sell hotter at a faster pace than Sony has ever achieved. There's nothing you can say that is going to debunk that.Switch achieved more is less time. If the PS5 achieves more than the Switch in less time,
  2. He just RAN TO ANOTHER ARUGMENT Busted again. No..........Dynocrap is known as the guy on the forum who gets things wrong. And you're now know as the guy who is so BITCH-ASSED BUTTHURT about me that its spilling into other threads.
  3. Yes. And you do it all the time. You've been caught..............BUSTED.............trying to change the context of arguments, or trying to shift onto tangential arguments. I bust you all the time. Sorry, sweetie..............little too late to project something you do, onto others.
  4. Yeah it does........you answered it yourself. Saturated. People already had enough of the PS4. The Switch is clearly the hotter item. It really is amazing how you have no idea how weak your argument is. Lets say Avengers Infinity War comes out, earns $200 million dollars opening weekend...........and you say "people like Avengers more than Justice League" And then I say "well, technically Justice League has earned 657 million worldwide as of right now........so clearly by that logic people like Justice League more" That wo
  5. in 2019, they clearly did. .......on the switch............consumers clearly did care about one over the other. you can't even win that argument.
  6. he's been doing that alot, lately it what he does when he knows he's on a losing argument, so he wants to move onto an argument he thinks he can win.
  7. Didn't that dumbass say people would "turn against the Switch"...............like back in 2018?????????????? And now............he thinks we won't notice that he hasn't admitted to plainly being wrong, he is trying to pretend he was arguing something else. He's more wrong than any of us, even sheep, would've imagined. And he's still trying to feign confidence, even though everybody on this forum knows him as the guy who is always wrong.
  8. due they attribute where the micro transactions came from? Because I would guess that it mostly came from Apex, which would be fine.
  9. Lemmings are rushing in here with pathetic, movie-villain-hanging-off-a-ledge "final words and threats" that they say before falling to their pathetic deaths. Cows are just sitting there in stunned silence. Just a couple of days ago, I said that the Switch was over 45 million, and probably over 50 million and close to 55 million. God Dayuayuayuayuayuayum, I was right. I will repeat it, once again. Cows are LUCKY..............they're LUCKY boiyaaa!!...........that the Switch wasn't brought to market earlier in Fall 2015, or it'd be straight up whooping the PS
  10. And growth of people they've lost and will not want to come back to the service at full price. That's like you boasting about going out on 2x the amounts of first dates.......and you didn't get them to commit to a relationship with you. That means the pool of getting pussy is NOT GROWING......its shrinking because you're running out of new people to convince on a first date. Phil Spencer is asking 2x the amount of people to commit to his service. And if they're saying no in a large majority......his pool of REMAINING would-be consumers has shrinked.
  11. .....and then giving up on it after decided that it isn't worth more than a dollar. Yes. I love that I've beaten you down to this point, and you don't have much fight left in you. What if I paid you a dollar?
  12. ,......of people decided to not stick with GamePass. Yes indeed. Good to see that you're out of juice. This is the way its going to be, and there's nothing you can do about it.
  13. No. Not running. Me still continuing to talk about the Switch selling hotter than PS4, and the PS4 can't match it. Been doing that since the beginning. Sorry, projecting what you are doing onto me isn't going to work. No, more people cared over Switch.......and that is proven with both Hardware AND Top Software sales. You just tried to avoid that fact about Top 20 NPD software that I've been making over and over several times now. But you're not going to escape it.
  14. Of course I know what will happen when the promotions stop. Because its happening so much.......that Microsoft has to resort to KEEP ON extending the promotion. Growth.......of people who tried the service and decided "nah" Get used to me finishing your unfinished stories.......every.......single...........time.
  15. .........chyeah. Do you know how many PC nerds have been talking about a Fallout-type game being developed by the makers of New Vegas? Enough to fucking double GamePass previous subscription numbers.......which, if we remember correctly, Phil Spencer said around X018 GamePass was in the "multiple millions". So, not even 10 million (if you remember, I made fun of that quite a bit), and probably not even in the upper single-digit millions. I reckoned around 5-7 million. Yeah, GamePass on PC bringing in about 4-5 million would be possible.
  16. Which is hilarious.......because they're telling you what they think of GamePass and how much they think its worth. Holy shit, did you just type that OUT LOUD......on your own accord????? LOLOLOLOL
  17. Its literally selling faster than the PS4.......that's why I am saying that its hotter than PS4. And here's what makes it more amazing. PS4 didn't have to compete against the Switch during its first 2.5 years But the Switch did have to compete against the PS4 during its first 2.5 years.......and its selling even HOTTER. You can't escape the obvious facts.
  18. And then they said "No" Sweetie.......you can try telling HALF THE STORY all your want. I'll complete the story every single time. Revenue did not grow. They lost money. Which means they are not converting into full-priced subscriptions. Which means........they're saying "No"
  19. Yeah it would make sense. DO you have any evidence of Gears being popular on PC? Gears 1 Remastered came out.Gears 4 came out for PC. Don't remember those games making much of a splash in the PC space. I was expecting the same of Gears 5 on PC.
  20. Yeah it does. And especially if the PS4 has NEVER reached this amount of sales in any of their years. Switch is currently hotter than the PS4 has EVER been at anytime during its existence. There's nothing you can do about that. It has already happened.
  21. And then saying "No" Sorry......if they're not using the service.......they've said no. You let me know once they START PAYING FOR IT. And hopefully, they pay more than ONE DOLLAH!!!
  22. You did, you just said that Switch sold better. People care more about Switch in 2019 than Sony. Both hardware and NPD software, since one publisher has more than a third of all top selling games in the NPD Top 20. And that publisher is Nintendo. People care more about Nintendo in 2019.......and you know it. Its awesome how you are giving yourself away with self-projection at the end. Its not remotely working, but its fun seeing you try.
  23. You can keep on telling me HALF of the story. ......and I'll be here to FINISH telling the WHOLE story Counting cancelled subscriptions...........so, uh.....that's what Phil has resorted to doing, eh? A GROWTH......of people saying "No" to him. Impressive.
  24. Thanks for admitting you just lost the argument again. And your attempts to change the argument simply aren't going to work. Switch is selling more, so much that Sony has never achieved that much sales in one year. And there is no signs of that stopping.
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