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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Thanks for agreeing with my last post.......because you just ran away to another subject. Enjoy your GROWTH...... ........of recently cancelled subscriptions. That's like saying you have a growing collection of liquor bottles......that are empty.
  2. I'm hung up on Gamepass PC because I think that's where most of the growth occurred. PC gamers used GamePass during Q4 2019 for Outer Worlds. It would make sense of Gears 5 was played on existing or lapse GamePass subscriptions from EXISTING Xbox One owners. Because, as noted in the OP, Xbox One hardware slowed down. So, I'm making the pieces fit: -Xbox One hardware slowed down -GamePass promo prices have been around forever -Yet something happened to cause a quick rise in GamePass subs during this past quarter. I say outer Worlds
  3. I don't need to because Benji actually used a word that helps prove me correct. Total subscribers. That means that Microsoft is counting ANY type of GamePass account. Active or Cancelled. As long as it was active at ANY POINT......its part of the "Total Subscribers." Thank you for helping me on that one. Microsoft is indeed counting Cancelled subscriptions when it comes to that claim of "doubling GamePass subs."
  4. No......you don't have any proof that people are "sticking with the service" or else they would've showed increased revenue from people who are now paying full price for GamePass. DO you have proof of that? A person who got a $1/month promo, and then cancelled their sub.....do you what that's called? A new GamePass subscription that Microsoft is reporting from this previous quarter.
  5. No, its not SPECIFIC. Its NARROW. My data isn't. Because my data is EVERY CONSUMER PURCHASE that occurred in America regarding video game hardware. Its all-encompassing. You just admitted that you were trying to frame this in an INCOMPLETE and NARROW manner. And it will never work. Not with me.
  6. .....because of a low promotional price that cannot, and will not, last forever. You need to worry about that. Extended promotional pricing is a sign of a service that cannot get off the ground. You already know that you're failing to move the discussion over to your misleading tangent. That was assured the moment you attempted it.
  7. No. my data is objective. yours is subjective. Mines literally carries more weight, every day of the week. I don't need to ask them when I can track the MONEY, and where the consumers used it to buy which product. 2 to 1........its not close.
  8. No, Gamepass was in Beta for the PC since June. Gears 5 is not a franchise that has alot of history or hype from the PC community, which is why I mentioned outer Worlds and the fact that you clearly saw PC outlets and gamers keep a track of that game. The fact that they've had this promos forever kinda indicates that the surge in new subscriptions must've been influenced more by something that specifically happened within that quarter. A particular game.
  9. No......you are still intentionally trying to mislead the discussion. Where did I ever talk about MS revenue? I am saying that the subscriptions increased because of promotional pricing.......for consumers. I am judging this from the consumer side.......not the corporate revenue side. Let me know when you actually respond to what I said regarding with that. If GamePass were a $1 a month service forever......they would keep growing forever.
  10. No they do. I have objective data.......you have a web forum poll that carries no legitimately as a measurement toll, because its fundamentally not a sound survey method. That's not me talking......that's Pew Research, you know......the people who actually invested the business of polling and surveying. Sorry......go pound sand.
  11. I think the gain in subscription is coming mostly from the PC side. Because the hardware is clearly slowing down on the console side.
  12. That's not what I am discussing, am I? Let me know when you can respond to what I actually am talking about. You attempting to make tangential arguments isn't going to work here, either.
  13. Except they do. THere is no greater measurement of product engagement that the actual purchase of said product. 2 to 1 margin......that's more than enough to get a sense of how people feel about the consoles during this year. One third of the Top 20 NPD highest selling games came from ONE PUBLISHER, the same company that had the highest selling video game hardware product of the year, by a large margin. You......have a web forum poll. They aren't People.......because my stats are more encompassing. You they An Anecdote.
  14. LOL, he's thinks we're going to forget that it cost a dollar. Yeah....I am downplaying it. What would you be saying if Nintendo was winning NPD sales charts because they suddenly dropped the price of their games to $1 each. Wonder if you would be downplaying it?
  15. Game Pass subs doubled this past quarter. Easy. 1.) Gamepass on PC is introduced 2.) Outer Worlds released, which was highly anticipated by PC gamers 3.)$1 promo for 1 month, and $3 promo for 3 month offers Wouldn't surprise me if Gamepass subscription go back down when they have to report on this current quarter in April.
  16. Know....its a web poll that is not scientifically sound. Its anecdotal. So I'm not saying that it didn't happen, that web poll did indeed happen.....I'm saying its anecdotal and carries no weight compared to objective data. Which is completely true, and you can't debunk that. You will NEVER be able to make your web poll anything else but anecdotal information. Keep on trying....I'll keep on reminding you of that.
  17. You're contesting it......with irrelevant, anecdotal evidence that doesn't carry any legitimacy. You can talk about your web forum poll all you want.........its literally not considered a valid scientific or mathematically legitimate poll by universal standards of polling. I explained why that is.........and you ran away from responding to it. You've lost............I don't care how many times you attempt to re-package your argument, it still ends up being a losing argument.
  18. No, I'm not. I didn't try to change the discussion over to "satisfaction" did I? Nope, you did. The original discussion is that people care and want the Switch, the most, in 2019. They cared and gave so much of a "fuck" about the Switch, that they spent their finite amount of money to buy alot more of it. Dude, you are trying to change the topic at every turn...........and its its NOT going to work with me. You can try it 1000 different ways, i'll catch it everytime. And then to top it off.......you go and make an admissi
  19. I don't have to insinuate anything. [taps scoreboard] Switch sold more in 2019. That's objective data. You are operating on nothing but speculation and anecdotal information to try and create measurements of things that are intangible in nature. Which is even more ridiculous because hard sales data can also do that. You're gonna have a hard time trying to convince anybody that something that sells alot, at a record-breaking level, is failing to 'satisfy" people. lol
  20. Sorry.......we're not changing the topic to "satisfaction" in the short-term or long-term. It was very simple: Do people "give a fuck about it" The answer is yes, by a near 2:1 margin during the year 2019. I'll call out the tangent, everytime.
  21. They meant enough that people were willing to direct their hard earned cash - a finite resource amongst a finite amount of people - on Switch. So yeah, it does mean something. Every dollar directed towards a Switch, was a dollar that the consumer decided to not use for Playstation or Xbox. I can't really dumb it down anymore for you without resorting to using visuals like they do in elementary school. Let me know when you have a response for the things already explained to you. Because you're just making excuses at this point.
  22. Ah, so they're going beyond their original 2 games a month rule, and its a VR game. Cool.
  23. No, NPD numbers do mean something. And people who actually bought something means that they voted with their wallet.......which is the ULTIMATE sign of it meaning something. And both of those carry more weight than..........you guessed it..........an online web forum poll. You don't have a response. You have an anecdote. And I even explained how your anecdote cannot be considered a true measurement on any scientific and mathematical level because of its nature of being a volunteer selectively narrow context. You don't have a respond f
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