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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Nope..........you just got busted RETCONNING. My very first post in that thread: You just tried to say that I SHIFTED my claim to talking about the 10 year contract and future products. Nope..............that's the very first thing I brought up, was how this was going to be good for Nintendo in the future. You lost. Your argument was simple: "10 year contract is for Tegras. That's it" You know you got busted on this one.
  2. They're phasing out Tegras if they are having to move over to a Volta this quickly, especially considering Tegras X1+ just came out this past year. Yes you DID say that the 10 year contract was just for Tegras Right there.............you were specifically putting the parameters right there. Tegra-only, that 10 year contract existed for Tegra-only. I said............the ten year contract will mean that the cutting edge hardware that nVIdia is making today will eventually find itself into future Nintendo products within these 10 years.
  3. Nope. I got it right: I mean you're wrong............because they're now going to be putting Volta-based GPUs in this upcoming Switch. Which means that the phase out of Tegra X1s/X1+ Is already beginning in Year 3 of the 10 year contract. Dude.............you know exactly what I was saying. Nintendo is with nVIdia for 10 years, at least. They will be using FUTURE nVIdia GPUs. You said "Nope...........its just Tegras" This already proves you wrong.
  4. Like, everybody here knows that the PS4 version of Cyberpunk2077 is going to outsell the Xbox One version, by a MINIMUM of 2:1. That's just a given. But............nobody here expects CDPR to fuck over Xbox consumers by just delaying their version of the game. Its not so much that they would hurt their relationship with Microsoft, but CDPR is hurting their relationship with consumers, which will bite them down the line. You just don't do that.
  5. Actually, thats awesome info, because that implies they are trying to fit in Volta into the mobile unit. Remij argued with me saying that Nintendo's 10 year contract with nVidia was to simply supply the SAME line of hardware throughout all ten years. Meaning, nVidia would make nothing but Tegras based ont he existing architecture (which is Maxwell/Pascal). I said that Nintendo will eventually move onto new nVIdia architectures, and I said Ampere for future hardware (like 2021 or later). So, the fact that they are working on a Volta-based piece of hardware...
  6. It makes sense that it had to be the last-gen versions. The rumor said that they had to make this decision by January 2020. January 2020 is 90 days before release, and that is when they would've had to submit the final builds of the game to Microsoft and Sony for testing and approval. BOTH final builds. If one of them is just not working........you can't have the PS4 version release in April, and then have the Xbox version release afterwards. It screws up the marketing, and creates a PR disaster. They could've released them to testing
  7. It became obvious when the poor bastard forced himself to play a 5.0 rated game. State of Decay 2. And he kept on repeating.................like a guy in the closet during the Reagan era............that "he love the State of Decay gameplay no matter what". Guy would repeat it at every turn.
  8. That's a TKO, right there. he knows to not touch the Xbox version, he just won't admit to it. Except indirectly. Just a couple of days ago, he was trying to boast about Witcher 3 being better on XBX.......what a turn around.
  9. This guy is now trying to boast about how he FORCED HIMSELF to play a streaming 720p version of God of War. Can you imagine seeing somebody being that pathetic of a fanboy that they FORCED themselves to do that for an action game? Poor guy is such a fanboy and hate the PS4 so much, but he knows its got better games that he would've forced himself to play the Commodore64 version of God of War out of pure spite.
  10. He tried to change the subject and failed. Anyways..........lets get back to how the Xbox One has gimped Cyberpunk 2077 for the consoles.
  11. you do know that all the game's showed so far are 3rd person games...........that don't appear to have action, right? You're the one who created the complaint of "movie games" years ago...........and you're telling us that you love them because they are "Unique" Games ™ This is how bad its gotten for you.
  12. Nope, because they could say it has a "next-gen" lighting effect........and you would use semantics. Like I said..........you're not a reliable narrator.
  13. you mean large, comprehensive meaty single-player games? Yeah.............that gets boring. Instead, lets play 3 "unique" games ™ that don't achieve that.
  14. that you'll call any MS game a next-gen looking game? Sorry, you're not a reliable narrator.
  15. "Unique" Games ™ I've seen somebody try that before:
  16. But that makes them "unique" games ™
  17. No one is going to be calling the Scarlett versions of Microsoft first-party games that also run on XBox One "next gen" either. lol
  18. I call them liars because there is no reason for them to delay this game, unless they were planning to put MORE work into optimization. Optimization for the PS4/XBO versions already started in 2019, it should have. This big giveaway was that somebody asked the CDPR boss a question about whether this new delay will mean that there will be "no crunch". And the CDPR boss said that Crunch time is already underway, and they won't be able to avoid it. (this statement is relevent because CDPR has said before that they were going to try and do everything they could to avoid put
  19. They're lying. Nobody believes them. Developers are not going to get financially rewarded for gimped games. The only exceptions would be highly anticipated games that can survive through that period and still be popular. Halo Infinite was designed for Xbox One, and then up-ported to Scarlet. They are dealing with this. One way to deal with it will be to say that its a game that runs on the next-gen system, but it doesn't really look like its pushing the type of next-gen graphics or design that is expected. If there is a Killzone game coming out f
  20. What are you talking about???????? Are you just flat-out not reading entire parts? More and more people on this forum are now (correctly) assuming that the last-gen versions of these games are going to get gimped. Probably because of the base Xbox One version. The people who were always planning to play this game on PC already knew since 2018 that the console versions were going to be significantly gimped. What people are also making a point is that this is a preview of what Xbox first-party is going to have to deal with with their cross-gen g
  21. Which means that bandwidth issues would be more pronounced in this game, than even Red Dead or Witcher 3. The only way to fix that is to optimize bigtime, or design the game world in such a way that it hides the environment in a clever way so that it streams in. In fact there was a Digital Foundry video for Wolfenstein 2 for the Switch in which there's an outside area and the Switch version has a wall placed so that it doesn't have to render alot of the far-away background area. Found the part where they showed the example:
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